Problem starting network game (Ubuntu 12.04)

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User offline. Last seen 11 years 36 weeks ago. Offline
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I installed the version from the GetDeb repositories (v0.9.19), and am having problems playing a network game. I start the server fine, but when I create a room, the following messages appear in the chat box.

[15:29] !!! Empty config entry
[15:29] !!! Incorrect command '' (state: in room)

When I try to add a team, the following messages appear:

[15:31] !!! Incorrect command 'ADD_TEAM' (state: in room)
[15:31] !!! Incorrect command 'hedgewars' (state: in room)
[15:31] !!! Incorrect command 'hedgehog 2' (state: in room)
[15:31] !!! Incorrect command 'hedgehog 3' (state: in room)
[15:31] !!! Incorrect command 'hedgehog 4' (state: in room)
[15:31] !!! Incorrect command 'hedgehog 5' (state: in room)
[15:31] !!! Incorrect command 'hedgehog 6' (state: in room)
[15:31] !!! Incorrect command 'hedgehog 7' (state: in room)
[15:31] !!! Incorrect command 'hedgehog 8' (state: in room)
[15:31] !!! Incorrect command '' (state: in room)

I checked the config files in ~/.hedgewars, and they seem to be alright, so I'm not really sure what could be happening.

Let me know if you need me to run the game in debug or something. (haven't tried compiling the game, not really sure how to do that).



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I use Ubuntu 12.04 as well,and it seems that anything in the data folder is unloaded.This includes:
Maps, Themes, Forts, Voicepacks, Gamemodes, Flags, Hats, and Missions, and Sounds.
So yeah,unplayable

nemo's picture
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Please uninstall the version from getdeb, and disable the getdeb repo.
Then add Locutus PPA (see the download page), and reinstall Hedgewars.

Bug in 32 bit Ubuntu 12.04 - physfs related.

Hopefully we can get the GetDeb build fixed soon, once c_korn reappears.

Other option is to upgrade to 13.04

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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The power of a 12 yr old is high

12yr old oranebeast

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