Raspberry Pi Ports

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User offline. Last seen 10 years 28 weeks ago. Offline
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Im planning on a Raspberry Pi port, With no coding expierence, What i need is a group of people to test the Debian port.

I require some info

- Max FPS you recieved in-game
- Your RAM Amount
- If tested on a pi what model (A or B)
- Your Proccesor

You do not actually need a Raspberry Pi to take part, Just a Debian PC and Hedgewars for Debian

Thank you!

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nemo's picture
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So. Just FYI, The first thing I did when I received my Raspberry Pi last spring was attempt a build.
It built beautifully, using:

No problems at all, apart from being slow to build due to limited memory and an SD card.

The problem was, that even on max reduce quality, with a 640x480 window, fullscreened, I was getting like 4-5fps.

This is because SDL is creating an X11 window, and getting the GL context from X11.

X11 on the RaspberryPi, last I checked, is still using software emulation. The limitations of the GPU are one thing, the other is that the GPU on the RPI is not terribly open. You have to use their closed binary and API.

The main obstacle preventing a functional raspberry pi port has been someone with time and patience to do something like:

That is, add bindings against the C API somewhere in hedgewars code (say, tossed in SDLh.pas).
Then, go to uStore.SetupOpenGL and add an alternate codepath to grab the context from egl.

This probably not terribly complex, has just mostly been a question of desire to spend a decent chunk of time getting it working.

You're welcome to look into it though!

I expect that once it is complete, Hedgewars should run very smoothly.

WRT memory limitations, Hedgewars has been shown to run, w/ max reduce quality, on devices w/ 128 megs of memory, that is being shared as vRAM as well...

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

bananaoomarang's picture
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I would love to help. We could look into just getting it to run under Wayland, the new compositor has hardware acceleration, might be able to get a GL context more easily from that. I got Qt 5 to build for mine for Wayland, and that works great.

Of course most people are still using X11, but in future everybody will be using Wayland.

Pit has finaly returned. FINALY.

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So long as ssh -YC works normally under Wayland (including opengl ops) and as long as a locked up app doesn't completely manage its window such that I can still move around/minimise/close it, I'm fine with it Smile

As for hedgewars on RPI. I suppose... Hooking up egl seems fairly straightforward tho...

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

User offline. Last seen 10 years 28 weeks ago. Offline
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Thanks for the support, As soon as i can ill start learning code

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