Continental supplies explained

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bender's picture
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Continental Supplies is a game mode created by Vatten long time ego. It's distributed with the game. It has some new fun scripted weapons and broad spectrum of tactic possibilites but basically noone is playing it because very few people know how to do it (similar situation to mutant some time ego). Here's all i found out about this mode.

First remember - all special weapons and continent selection are activated with "switch hog" key (default: tab), you can also switch backwards using shift + tab. Eg. lets say you're playing North America, you can choose sniper, press tab and fire "Green lipstick". Read the messages at the top to know what mode is activated.

You can check the description of currently active team by pressing esc.
At the begining of first turn you must choose 1 of 9 continents. Choose wisely because you're stuck with those weapons throughout the entire game. Mind that you can check the inventory while you're browsing the continents (just click right mouse button).
I put complete list of weapons below. The numer in brackets is the ammo you have at the begining, none means infinite.

1. North America
Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, Desert Eage, Laser Sight (4), Cake (1), Air Strike (2), Switch hog (6)

Special Weapons:
Sniper: Green lipstick bullet - fire like normal sniper gun, hog becomes poisoned (same effect as cheese)
Sniper: Piñata bullet - fire like normal sniper gun but expodes on impact like cluster
Shotgun: Eagle Eye - your hog will teleport at the point shotgun normally would do the damage

2. South America
Cheese, Bird (5), Hellish (1), Bee, Whip, Flame Thrower, Napalm (1), Extra Damage (2)

Special Weapons:
Cheese: Anno 1032 - the explosion will make a strong push

3. Europe
Bazooka, Granade, Mortar, Cluster (5), Molotov (5), Vampiric (4), Piano (1), Resurector (2), Flying Soucer (2)

Special Weapons:
Molotov: Medicine - heal all hogs affected by the explosion (+25 hp)

4. Africa
Sticky Mine (6), Watermelon (1), Drill Strike (1), Extra Time (2), Drill
Land Gun (3), Seduction

Special Weapons:
Seduction: Dust storm - deals 20 damage to all enemies in the circle
Sticky Mine: Hedgehog projectile - fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb
Sticky Mine: Napalm rocket - Fire a bomb with napalm! (just try it)

5. Asia
Rope, Kamikaze (4), Firepunch, Parachute (1)

Special Weapons:
Parachute: Drop a bomb - you can drop one bomb from parachute, it doesn't end turn. You get +1 parachute each turn.

6. Australia
Baseball Bat, Mine, Low Gravity (6), Blow Torch, RC Plane (2), Tardis

Special Weapons:
Baseballbat: Fire a mine: does what it says, cant be dropped close to an enemy

7. Antarctica
Snowball (4), Teleport (2), Invulnerable (6), Pick Hammer, Sine Gun, Girder (4), Portal Gun (3)

Special Weapons:
Adds 2 portal guns each 2 turns.

8. Kerguelen
Hammer, Mine Strike (2), Ballgun (1), Freezer (2)

Special Weapons:
Hammer: Scream from a Walrus - Deal 20 damage + 10% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get half back
Hammer: Disguise as a Rockhopper Penguin - Swap place with a random enemy hog in the circle, unavaiable in first turn (hint: jump to water and fire)
Hammer: Flare: fire up some bombs depending on hogs depending on hogs in the circle
Hammer: Lonely Cries: Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 10 damage to all hogs
Hammer: Sabatage: All hogs in the circle gets sabotaged. It means that next time this hog is moving it will be controled by the VERY stupid CPU instad of the player.
Also every hog gets 10hp dmg. This is very confusing weapon, be nice to inform opponent why can't he control his hog.

9. Zealandia
Will Get 1-3 random weapons each turn.

mikade's picture
User offline. Last seen 1 year 3 weeks ago. Offline
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Wait, are you trying to suggest that it's possible to play modes other than Highlander? Shocking

At any rate, if you feel strongly about this feel free to add it to the wiki.

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Star and Moon
Star and Moon's picture
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mikade allegedly wrote:

Wait, are you trying to suggest that it's possible to play modes other than Highlander? Shocking

At any rate, if you feel strongly about this feel free to add it to the wiki.

Even when it seems like the war is lost, we have to still keep fighting!

I personally really enjoy this mode, as a lot of strategy and thinking is required to select and ammo set and to use it.

Vatten's picture
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Bender = <3
Oh wait, i also made one, but the page looks crappy and some stuff might be wrong :P. (You can find it if you search continental supplies in the forum).
Also, Antarctica will recieve a portalgun every second turn, so you will start with 2 portalguns at turn 0, and recieve one at turn 2,4,6,8... until all hogs are dead. Also, Asia have a similar thing but on parachute, and will recieve one at each turn.

Vattenania, my beloved motherland, my beloved homeland! You are always with me in my thoughts and in my heart!

bender's picture
User offline. Last seen 28 weeks 2 days ago. Offline
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Wait, are you trying to suggest that it's possible to play modes other than Highlander?

Sure there is - shoppa Smile It's less popular nowadays but it's still easy to find a room with it.

At any rate, if you feel strongly about this feel free to add it to the wiki.

How do i do that?

Also, Antarctica will recieve a portalgun every second turn, so you will start with 2 portalguns at turn 0, and recieve one at turn 2,4,6,8... until all hogs are dead. Also, Asia have a similar thing but on parachute, and will recieve one at each turn.

Oh, that's how it works. I fixed instructions.

mikade's picture
User offline. Last seen 1 year 3 weeks ago. Offline
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bender allegedly wrote:
How do i do that?

Just edit the page at

The benefit (to answer your previous question) is that the information is more centralised and won't become lost under a pile of other threads in a week. Also, if one day we get enough good descriptions of weapons/modes we can add them into the frontend.

Some examples:

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