Compiled Hedgewars for Android?

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I saw the recent post about the mobile versions of hedgewars. But my problem is I couldn't find a .apk file anywhere for the up to date hedgewars for android. Either my Google-fu is failing me or there isn't one. I can't be bothered to compile it myself (I have no experience with compiling projects from source and I really can't wrap my head around the instructions).

Anyway, does anyone have a .apk file of the up to date hedgewars for android? Thanks!

nemo's picture
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Medo42 had some on his site.
He's in the game credits.
Could try contacting him.

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nemo allegedly wrote:

Medo42 had some on his site.
He's in the game credits.
Could try contacting him.

As illegal as it sound (as long as you don't download a paid app) get blackmart alpha (by apk) and download hw, then look around your device and you should find its apk, but do check if the apk works.

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I imagine he wants a more up to date version than the (free) apple on the store, not so much the apk, per se.

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nemo allegedly wrote:

I imagine he wants a more up to date version than the (free) apple on the store, not so much the apk, per se.


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A more up to date version than the one hosted on the Google Play store can be found at:

It's not compatible with the latest version of hw, but it is a vast improvement over the Google Play version.

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I love this game. Smile
But is there any progress on the android version?
I got some problems with the netplaydemo.

The controls are a bit small and narrow together. Weapon icons are a bit small too. (my screen is 4,3 inches @ 1280x720 )

After some time playing (around 2 minutes I guess) the scrolling over the map stops working. So doing an Air-strike will become impossible.
Sad Smiley

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Sadly, no. If you know anyone who is an android dev willing to help us out, tell them to stop by chat.

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There are news about the Hedgewars for mobile, the alpha version only contain versus mode and no mission, can anyone confirm is still in development??

lighthouse64's picture
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Uh I think nemo said there was no progress being made. :/

Also, how come the newest apk hedgewars version isn't released?

Hi Smile Big Grin

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The main issue is no one taking charge on it.
The apk on gang garrison is itself rather out of date. That's one problem.
Need someone to repackage against latest release.
The other problem is publishing on the app store, we probably would need to create a new app since the original port creator has been out of contact with us for a long while.

We could, of course, just publish the apk on (once someone steps up to be the packager) but that would require people to allow unknown sources.

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But that isn't really that bad. So I guess you can't just upload apks to the app store. I see.

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Bumping this just to say, I have no problem allowing unknown sources. I use F-Droid, which only allows opensource programs, where it could be added as well.

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Biggest problem is needing someone to volunteer to maintain it is all...

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You can use net version or that still beta?? does that version include custom mission scripts??

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There is a net version on gang garrison's website but it is very out of date so you'd have to install an old desktop client to play it.

There's nothing that would prevent it from playing highlander.

But, what is basically needed at this point is simply someone to setup the tool chain, build, and package it.

Then upload it to the google store.

For net play there are a few protocol changes that would need to be made, but nothing major.

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nemo allegedly wrote:

There is a net version on gang garrison's website but it is very out of date so you'd have to install an old desktop client to play it.

There's nothing that would prevent it from playing highlander.

But, what is basically needed at this point is simply someone to setup the tool chain, build, and package it.

Then upload it to the google store.

For net play there are a few protocol changes that would need to be made, but nothing major.

Ok, i used that latest time, as i remember.

You mean someone that does have google developter license, that can upload to store, why not consider other method of distribution for android..

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You mean like fdroid?
That'd be an option too I guess.

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You can allow to share apk files here in the site?? That way i can help by adding some stuff into the old version and upload, but for the code, im not sure how to compile latest version..

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Yeah, distribution is not a big deal. We need someone willing to do the maintenance. That's the main problem.

If you have some familiarity w/ android dev, could try to help you resurrect the old toolchain...

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So do you know who distributed alpha version on Google play Store? there is no way to tell him to update?? I have not so much experience with android compilation, but apk can be repacked manually..

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So. There were 2 maintainers of the android code in the past.

You can see them if you click on the Hedgewars logo in the app - they are in the credits.

The slightly more-up-to-date APK on the Gang Garrison website (which you might want to try if you haven't already) was by Simeon, the first version, by Xeli.

But what's really needed at this point is someone to setup the build env, do a fresh build, fix any possible (likely) bitrot.

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You mean all the source code need to be redone for the android version?? if not i can check for the current source already converted to Java (android) , and try to to do a build myself. Where it is?

Also i have checked net version and it does have some bugs related to asset extraction, and profiles team saving..

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BuildingForAndroid The out of date build docs appears to be the branch merge.
That suggests that latest trunk is as good as you can do for android support.

Feel free to stop by chat if you're interested. irc:// or livechat link at top of site.

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So i will need freepascal for compiling gles?? this will harder than expected, will take sometime to achieve it. Can you help me compiling that one?

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Feel free to come by IRC. You shouldn't need freepascal for anything but compiling engine, and these days engine can be compiled in C as well.

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nemo allegedly wrote:

Feel free to come by IRC. You shouldn't need freepascal for anything but compiling engine, and these days engine can be compiled in C as well.

So the engine is the most important? why you not compile updated version of the engine, and after i can repack it the so file into the apk..

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Heh. Seriously, come by IRC. This isn't efficient. But, first off, someone needs to get it to build, and fix bitrot, and it seemed like you were volunteering to do that. Now it just sounds like you're wanting to repack an apk which obv anyone could do.

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nemo allegedly wrote:

Heh. Seriously, come by IRC. This isn't efficient. But, first off, someone needs to get it to build, and fix bitrot, and it seemed like you were volunteering to do that. Now it just sounds like you're wanting to repack an apk which obv anyone could do.

I never found you on IRC, also i tried to compile all the Android java stuff, but failed when noticed Freepascal is needed for the HWengine...

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'k. well as noted. isn't an absolute necessity. Althought not an obstacle 'cause fpc can cross compile to arm.
I'm always on IRC although not always active. Hang out longer. Also unc0rr, koda and sheepluva would be happy to help too I'm sure.

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Im not able to compile Fpc, will need some help to do it, can you give me a hand?

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No Volunteer guys,,,

I just hope this nice game not dying,,, i mean,,, oh damn, where is everyone ?

But one way to fix this up : Need More More Royal Member,,, we going silence here,,,


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