
2 replies [Last post]
User offline. Last seen 7 years 39 weeks ago. Offline
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Would it be possible to add a points system for single player mode like that in Worms World Party or other similar system?
P.S. Sorry for my bad english

User offline. Last seen 10 years 21 weeks ago. Offline
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Kamil532 allegedly wrote:

Would it be possible to add a points system for single player mode like that in Worms World Party or other similar system?
P.S. Sorry for my bad english

Im no devoloper but thats possible

P.S I found no errors in your english

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User offline. Last seen 50 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
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I found much errors in both of you're Englishes, but not everyone can be perfect.
Kamil532, I guess you want something like this: http://www.hedgewars.org/node/3292

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