ShoppaChallenge Campaign !!!

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sphrix's picture
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Hello shoppa players !!

i see you like the race and the knock challenge ?

here is a campaign specially for you !!
made of knock challenge (no race yet) on some of the most famous shoppa map !!

unzip and install the folder "shoppachallengecampaign" in the campaign folder of your game

some stuff arent perfect, some are to work, some are good !

have fun, report bug, issues, problem etc... even your ideas !

and .... Report your times, your records !!

this campaign is yours, this is our shoppa campaign ! so feel free to improve it Wink Smiley

the beachs hogs surfin hedgewars

sphrix's picture
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i don't know if some played it, anyway
the campaing don't work anymore (for me), it was made during hedgewars .18 or .19 and now the HW version is .20 you can install the campaign, but won't work, the missions work but you must install them individually

well, i think they work if you install them as mission, i'm not sure...
if not, just some little script modification will do the deal Wink Smiley

the beachs hogs surfin hedgewars

Wuzzy's picture
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I have tried your campaign and indeed it does not work in 0.9.20.

I have done a bit of research and found out the following:

  • The folder containing the campagin is called “Shoppa Challenge”
  • When selecting the campaign, in the console the error message “[PHYSFS] Failed to open /Missions/Campaign/Shoppa_Challenge/campaign.ini, reason: no such path” appears.

So for some reason Hedgewars thinks the space is an underscore. I thus renamed the folder to “Shoppa_Challenge” and the campaign worked. I guess you have just found a bug, congratulations! xD
I have reported this here.

Please keep the old file online in case you upload an update to your campaign, to help fixing the bug.

Now about the campaign itself:
I am pretty bad in Shoppa, so I still have to beat the first mission. By the way, I guess this mission is already in official Hedgewars, so it might be a bit redundant. Whatever.

I see you added a little counter to this mission. You might create an extre thread in Content Creations subforum for any updates of official missions if you wish, I did the same for a couple of missions as well.

I just noticed that you win the first mission when you run out of time. lol

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

Wuzzy's picture
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I have finally managed to beat this campaing. Boy, this is a really tough one you made.

I like the overall idea. Perfect for those Shoppa maniacs out there. I like that you also threw in some surprises, like 67% rope length!

But the campaign is quite buggy and needs a cleanup. Victory and failure is not really well recognized, timeout doesn't cause you to lose, drowning hogs cost you some valuable seconds until they finally award you the time bonus. Mission texts are full of typos and one mission description is even outright wrong.
Playing an earlier mission and winning again makes you lose your campaign progress. Looks like the missions blindly overwrite the progress without checking if the player isn't already further.

Maybe I'll do a remake of this campaign later, fixing the bugs and adding some technical improvements.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

sphrix's picture
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wow, 2013, time is so fast !

Congratulation Wuzzy !!
i don't think i finished them all, i probably did but one bye one, not in campaign style

Indeed, lots of typo (i wasnt that good in english, still not pro but better, i hope Smile )

About the coding... Well my bad ^^ i'm not really developper, at all, but i wanted to touch it, wich was pretty good and fun, i learned a lot Smile (thx nemo , mikade , sheepluva <3 )

I would really love to see you remaking it (and add more surprise, i didnt remembered (is that english damn) the 67% lenght rope, i had more idea but i'm really not sure i saved a text file about it :s )

Again, congratulation, and i'm really happy that you will put your hands on it to fix it and improve it ! Big Grin

ps : i think i saw (few month ago) you made a campaign or a mission too, i should definitly try it !

pps :
i looked at the .lua interesting commentaries, i had this idea to measure the speed of the hog and to implant achievement (for the speed or other things )

i will copy paste what i found in those files :
shoppaking :

--time : +5sec when a gear is killed, so time at begin is less, set time : get time +10 but how to have the total time used...
-- or : +Xsec when a gear is killed, at the end, the more time you have, the more you are good, classement : X to X pro X to X good XtoX medium etc....
--select level at beginning ? so if hard is choice, the time you win when kill a gear is not 10sec but 5sec....
-- show that you win time : bigger or more visual than healthtah, and explain at begin that you win time
-- achievement ? like : 2 in less than 5secondes

Island :


------better to try with map : islands : enemis are a lot, and you only got bazzoka or grenade to kill them (onDamage?)
------ but problem, ia suck with rope, so you deal with an inoffensive ia... almost.
----- or maybe/and octoropisloppaking map : destroy with bazzoka greande or push to water, maybe in the mission 1 ?easier
------ ropes level : idea of extrem : using invisible rope map ahaha(lol) but why not... as the laaast level but then keep
------ the normal rope as lvl 1.
-------race with racerplayground ? but how to place the target circle.... later...
----the couch wars map (specialist prize, seem nice too to test on it...

here i wanted to do a mission where the ia wanted to kill you for real, don't really remember what i had in mind

tetris challenge (dont even remember this map)


--[[function onLeft()
if difficultyChoice == true then
difficulty = 1

function onRight()
if difficultyChoice == true then
difficulty = 2
]]-- --that was for : if easy lot of time, and rope percent 100 , if difficult, less time and rope percent 75 or 50 etc...

So my main ideas were :
difficulty choices
Fights with ia

the beachs hogs surfin hedgewars

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