Weird page (wth ?)
Sun, 2013-09-15 03:43
So i was looking through the FAQ, and,
um wth? (lolz who did that?)
So i was looking through the FAQ, and,
um wth? (lolz who did that?)
I'm not sure who wrote the release schedule but the devs have been working hard to keep it.
Now that I visit that page, It says page not found.
At the time when I posted, It showed this video embedded :
It's because you added a "." to the end of the link.
Ooops, Thank you Stef. edited now
The video "appears" now on the page.
I think there singing unC0Rr :DD
I am king of The Specialists!
The embedded Youtube (troll) video on that page seems to have been taken down because of a copyright notice. (
Time up for a real release schedule? (orsomethingweirder :P)