Show weapon menu all the time

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User offline. Last seen 11 years 14 weeks ago. Offline
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My favorite mode is 'Highlander' and because i'm using all shortcut keys (F1-F10) it would be a nice feature if one could disable/enable to show the weapon menu all the time (so you dont have to switch to the mouse often and you instantly see which weapons you got after killing another hedge).

Is there already a possibility to do this?

and btw there is a small bug while playing highlander... if a hedge is going to die and you take out a grenade and change its time to 1 and start throwing it (and you're getting new weapons while charging your power) the time resets to default (3 secs)


Koda's picture
User offline. Last seen 52 weeks 14 hours ago. Offline
Joined: 2008-11-10
Posts: 215

currently it is not possible but you can open the ammomenu during other players´ turn.

the idea of having a ´keep open´ ammomenu seems nice, can you report the idea to under issues so we don't lose track of it?

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