The Specialists mode update

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User offline. Last seen 10 years 18 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi, i'm new player(1 year) of hedges and i really like this game, especially the specialists mode. Like i said in the subject, I thought about update. It would contain new characters and new guns, maybe even teams.

I created a hole new team, i changed the file /Hedgewars0.9.19/Data/Scripts/Mulitplayer/The_Specialist. I usually play with friend so i gave him my version of this file and its ok, we played well. Then we thought about something wilder Smile We want to play our new team(me) vs the classic specialists team from hedges (my friend).

I was searching and messing around in engine of game and its hopeless, i'm too weak. Always in the end of first turn in game, shows a window about error engine(playing with diffrents teams in specialist, when i set the same team with my friend it works). Is it possible to rewrote some files (i dont know with one) to add options in specialist mode, where you can select one of two (or more) teams with you want play in match ? (e.g. new vs classic, classic vs classic, new vs new)

I really like this mode but when you play 200th time with this same characters its quite boring.

We even chaged some rule, e.g. every hedge has several normal skills and 1 Super skill with can be used when your team has max 2 hedges. Its good beacuse you have to think about with one is more important and sometimes you have to kill your own hedge to achive super skill of 2 survival hedges Smile
I tried to change it too, but i failed and we only we arranged play with this rule (super skill).

Its a lot of lecture and wrote in horrible style i mean my bad english. Thanks for reading anyway and I have request for some of you with know how to change it, plaese tell me how Smile I really like idea of two diffrent teams. If not, maybe develpers look at it and refers to this in next Update of game (I hope so Smile)

Specialists 4ever

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Hi, there. Thanks for the feedback. I will say that one thing that is pretty nice about same sets is that they are balanced. For players who actively seek very strategic games this is a good selling point as compared to more random / variable modes.

Have you tried Continental Supplies? That sounds more like what you are describing - multiple teams with differing weaponsets / abilities. Granted, it is a per-team not per-hog ammo setup, but yeah, probably worth a try if you haven't played much of it.

In an early version of the Specialists you could choose which specialists were included in your team, so you could have 8 ninjas if you wanted. Bringing that idea back + adding more characters could be an idea as a separate mode.

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hello again, Continental Supplies are not bad i just played one quick match with myself. There is two things, i dont like.
First of all, like i said, Specialists are awesome and in Continental Supplies all hedges are equal important (HP and weapons). I like that selection in team, I play this one instead this one beacuse that first one will be better in late game.
Second, ours team is randomly put on map (i think i said it right), you cant choose place for each hedge. It has strategic aspect.

I have to agree with You, Specialist are balanced, and i really like it. But dont you think Pyro is little over power ? His Napalm makes mayhem on map. Mainly for him, me and my friend create normals skills and super skill(can be used only when you have 2 hedges in team).
I would be awesome, if we pick a specialst mode and we can get randomly one of two balanced teams insted of one this same. I just wondering but why dont create another team for specialists, then balanced it, and then add to game.

Regards, funkyhog

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All of the specialists are pretty balanced... except for the pyro, as funkyhog said.

Shouldn't the pilot of the napalm strike refuel more often (thus being unable to napalm strike each turn)? That'd be good, I think.

Always up for a The Specialists game, just ask me in Hedgewars.

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I'm not sure weapon delay (post initial ammo setup) is exposed to LUA, but it probably should be. Recharging weapons could make for a neat gameplay mode.

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