Hedgewars wont work properly on windows 8.1

6 replies [Last post]
User offline. Last seen 11 years 6 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2013-11-03
Posts: 2


today I tried to play the latest hedgewars version in my windows 8.1 system. It worked all fine with windows 8 but now, after doing the adjustments about which kind of map and gameplay - it starts to load the actual game itself and keeps stuck somehow.

Means screen with the hedgehog laoding up in the middle stays unfinished or the screen just black at all but I can hear the loaded game in the backround and tasking out it shows for a short moment what I should see.

Even compatibility mode is not helping...

I am using the latest graphic and system drivers and some users of the chat already had a look to my gamelog file, not finding anything unuasual...sending me here to ask for more support and help.

thx in advance


0: [PhysFS] init: 1
0: [PhysFS] mount D:/xxxx/Hedgewars 0.9.19/Data: 1
0: [PhysFS] mount d:/Users/xxxx/Documents/Hedgewars/Data: 1
0: [Con] Hedgewars engine 0.9.19-r9073 (5ce3cfe45476) with protocol #45
0: Prefix: "D:/xxxxx/Hedgewars 0.9.19/Data"
0: UserPrefix: "d:/Users/xxxxxx/Documents/Hedgewars"
0: 0: D:\xxxxxx\Hedgewars 0.9.19\hwengine.exe
0: 1: --internal
0: 2: --port
0: 3: 56574
0: 4: --prefix
0: 5: D:/xxxxxx/Hedgewars 0.9.19/Data
0: 6: --user-prefix
0: 7: d:/Users/xxxxxx/Documents/Hedgewars
0: 8: --locale
0: 9: de.txt
0: 10: --frame-interval
0: 11: 8
0: 12: --volume
0: 13: 128
0: 14: --fullscreen-width
0: 15: 1360
0: 16: --fullscreen-height
0: 17: 768
0: 18: --width
0: 19: 1366
0: 20: --height
0: 21: 704
0: 22: --raw-quality
0: 23: 0
0: 24: --stereo
0: 25: 0
0: 26: --fullscreen
0: 27: --nick
0: 28: WmVhbGFuZA==
0: [Con] Init SDL...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Init SDL_ttf...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Cmd] fullscr 1
0: Preparing to change video parameters...
0: [Con] Init SDL_image...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/hwengine.png [flags: 8]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: Setting up OpenGL (using driver: windib)
0: OpenGL-- Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000
0: |----- Vendor: Intel
0: |----- Version: 3.1.0 - Build
0: |----- Texture Size: 8192
0: |----- Number of auxiliary buffers: 0
0: \----- Extensions:
0: GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_blend_color
0: GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint
0: GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap
0: GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_EXT_rescale_normal
0: GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_separate_specular_color
0: GL_ARB_multitexture GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_bgra
0: GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_fog_coord
0: GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_transpose_matrix
0: GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays
0: GL_NV_blend_square GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1
0: GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_point_parameters
0: GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar
0: GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_window_pos
0: GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_ARB_vertex_program
0: GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_EXT_stencil_two_side
0: GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
0: GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_shader_objects
0: GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_vertex_shader
0: GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow
0: GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_texture_rectangle
0: GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_half_float_pixel
0: GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_object
0: GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_occlusion_query2
0: GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_WIN_swap_hint GL_EXT_texture_sRGB
0: GL_ARB_multisample GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent
0: GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_NV_conditional_render
0: GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB
0: GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_EXT_transform_feedback
0: GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_ARB_framebuffer_object
0: GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_ARB_map_buffer_range
0: GL_EXT_texture_snorm GL_INTEL_performance_queries GL_ARB_copy_buffer
0: GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map
0: GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra
0: GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend GL_ARB_texture_query_lod
0: GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_instanced_arrays
0: GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32
0: GL_ARB_compatibility GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev
0: GL_ARB_timer_query GL_INTEL_map_texture GL_ARB_vertex_array_object
0: GL_ARB_provoking_vertex
0: [Con] Number of game controllers: 0
0: [Con] Not using any game controller
0: [Con] Loading progress sprite:
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Progress.png [flags: 6]
0: [Con] ok (324x972)
0: [Con] Getting game config...
0: [Con] Init SDL_Net...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Establishing IPC connection to tcp
0: [Con] ok
0: [IPC out] C
0: [IPC out] ?
0: [Cmd] dbind up +up
0: [Cmd] dbind left +left
0: [Cmd] dbind right +right
0: [Cmd] dbind down +down
0: [Cmd] dbind left_shift +precise
0: [Cmd] dbind return ljump
0: [Cmd] dbind backspace hjump
0: [Cmd] dbind tab switch
0: [Cmd] dbind mouser ammomenu
0: [Cmd] dbind f1 slot 1
0: [Cmd] dbind f2 slot 2
0: [Cmd] dbind f3 slot 3
0: [Cmd] dbind f4 slot 4
0: [Cmd] dbind f5 slot 5
0: [Cmd] dbind f6 slot 6
0: [Cmd] dbind f7 slot 7
0: [Cmd] dbind f8 slot 8
0: [Cmd] dbind f9 slot 9
0: [Cmd] dbind f10 slot :
0: [Cmd] dbind 1 timer 1
0: [Cmd] dbind 2 timer 2
0: [Cmd] dbind 3 timer 3
0: [Cmd] dbind 4 timer 4
0: [Cmd] dbind 5 timer 5
0: [Cmd] dbind space +attack
0: [Cmd] dbind mousel put
0: [Cmd] dbind h findhh
0: [Cmd] dbind [8] +cur_u
0: [Cmd] dbind [4] +cur_l
0: [Cmd] dbind [6] +cur_r
0: [Cmd] dbind [2] +cur_d
0: [Cmd] dbind wheelup zoomin
0: [Cmd] dbind wheeldown zoomout
0: [Cmd] dbind mousem zoomreset
0: [Cmd] dbind t chat
0: [Cmd] dbind ` history
0: [Cmd] dbind p pause
0: [Cmd] dbind escape quit
0: [Cmd] dbind y confirm
0: [Cmd] dbind 9 +voldown
0: [Cmd] dbind 0 +volup
0: [Cmd] dbind 8 mute
0: [Cmd] dbind f12 fullscr
0: [Cmd] dbind c capture
0: [Cmd] dbind delete rotmask
0: [Cmd] dbind r record
0: [Cmd] theme Desert
0: [Cmd] seed {6548d54c-aaea-44fe-b2b8-0937ee0d8591}
0: [Cmd] $gmflags 8192
0: [Cmd] $damagepct 100
0: [Cmd] $turntime 45000
0: [Cmd] $sd_turns 15
0: [Cmd] $casefreq 5
0: [Cmd] $minestime 3000
0: [Cmd] $minesnum 4
0: [Cmd] $minedudpct 0
0: [Cmd] $explosives 2
0: [Cmd] $healthprob 35
0: [Cmd] $hcaseamount 25
0: [Cmd] $waterrise 47
0: [Cmd] $healthdec 5
0: [Cmd] $ropepct 100
0: [Cmd] $getawaytime 100
0: [Cmd] $template_filter 0
0: [Cmd] $mapgen 0
0: [Cmd] ammloadt 9391929422199121032235111001201000000211110101011111121
0: [Cmd] ammprob 0405040541600655546554464776576666666155510101115411121
0: [Cmd] ammdelay 0000000000000205500000040007004000000000220000000600020
0: [Cmd] ammreinf 1311110312111111123114111111111111111211111101111111121
0: [Cmd] ammstore
0: [Cmd] addteam 4841ed0d728f95b3cb393f4a9c9efdbd 16712196 Dark Tower
0: [Cmd] grave Bone
0: [Cmd] fort Earth
0: [Cmd] voicepack HillBilly
0: [Cmd] flag cm_star
0: [Cmd] bind up +up
0: [Cmd] bind left +left
0: [Cmd] bind right +right
0: [Cmd] bind down +down
0: [Cmd] bind left_shift +precise
0: [Cmd] bind return ljump
0: [Cmd] bind backspace hjump
0: [Cmd] bind tab switch
0: [Cmd] bind mouser ammomenu
0: [Cmd] bind f1 slot 1
0: [Cmd] bind f2 slot 2
0: [Cmd] bind f3 slot 3
0: [Cmd] bind f4 slot 4
0: [Cmd] bind f5 slot 5
0: [Cmd] bind f6 slot 6
0: [Cmd] bind f7 slot 7
0: [Cmd] bind f8 slot 8
0: [Cmd] bind f9 slot 9
0: [Cmd] bind f10 slot :
0: [Cmd] bind 1 timer 1
0: [Cmd] bind 2 timer 2
0: [Cmd] bind 3 timer 3
0: [Cmd] bind 4 timer 4
0: [Cmd] bind 5 timer 5
0: [Cmd] bind space +attack
0: [Cmd] bind mousel put
0: [Cmd] bind h findhh
0: [Cmd] bind [8] +cur_u
0: [Cmd] bind [4] +cur_l
0: [Cmd] bind [6] +cur_r
0: [Cmd] bind [2] +cur_d
0: [Cmd] bind wheeldown zoomin
0: [Cmd] bind wheelup zoomout
0: [Cmd] bind mousem zoomreset
0: [Cmd] bind t chat
0: [Cmd] bind ` history
0: [Cmd] bind p pause
0: [Cmd] bind escape quit
0: [Cmd] bind y confirm
0: [Cmd] bind 9 +voldown
0: [Cmd] bind 0 +volup
0: [Cmd] bind 8 mute
0: [Cmd] bind f12 fullscr
0: [Cmd] bind c capture
0: [Cmd] bind delete rotmask
0: [Cmd] bind r record
0: [Cmd] addhh 0 100 Der scharlachrote K??nig
0: AddGear: #1 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = gtHedgehog
0: [Cmd] hat crown
0: [Cmd] addhh 0 100 Eddie
0: AddGear: #2 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = gtHedgehog
0: [Cmd] hat Coonskin3
0: [Cmd] addhh 0 100 Roland Deschain
0: AddGear: #3 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = gtHedgehog
0: [Cmd] hat anzac
0: [Cmd] addhh 0 100 Jake Chambers
0: AddGear: #4 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = gtHedgehog
0: [Cmd] hat cap_blue
0: [Cmd] ammloadt 9391929422199121032235111001201000000211110101011111121
0: [Cmd] ammprob 0405040541600655546554464776576666666155510101115411121
0: [Cmd] ammdelay 0000000000000205500000040007004000000000220000000600020
0: [Cmd] ammreinf 1311110312111111123114111111111111111211111101111111121
0: [Cmd] ammstore
0: [Cmd] addteam 4841ed0d728f95b3cb393f4a9c9efdbd 4817089 Crazy Kopfverr??cker
0: [Cmd] grave Statue
0: [Cmd] fort Earth
0: [Cmd] voicepack Pirate
0: [Cmd] flag cm_face
0: [Cmd] bind up +up
0: [Cmd] bind left +left
0: [Cmd] bind right +right
0: [Cmd] bind down +down
0: [Cmd] bind left_shift +precise
0: [Cmd] bind return ljump
0: [Cmd] bind backspace hjump
0: [Cmd] bind tab switch
0: [Cmd] bind mouser ammomenu
0: [Cmd] bind f1 slot 1
0: [Cmd] bind f2 slot 2
0: [Cmd] bind f3 slot 3
0: [Cmd] bind f4 slot 4
0: [Cmd] bind f5 slot 5
0: [Cmd] bind f6 slot 6
0: [Cmd] bind f7 slot 7
0: [Cmd] bind f8 slot 8
0: [Cmd] bind f9 slot 9
0: [Cmd] bind f10 slot :
0: [Cmd] bind 1 timer 1
0: [Cmd] bind 2 timer 2
0: [Cmd] bind 3 timer 3
0: [Cmd] bind 4 timer 4
0: [Cmd] bind 5 timer 5
0: [Cmd] bind space +attack
0: [Cmd] bind mousel put
0: [Cmd] bind h findhh
0: [Cmd] bind [8] +cur_u
0: [Cmd] bind [4] +cur_l
0: [Cmd] bind [6] +cur_r
0: [Cmd] bind [2] +cur_d
0: [Cmd] bind wheelup zoomin
0: [Cmd] bind wheeldown zoomout
0: [Cmd] bind mousem zoomreset
0: [Cmd] bind t chat
0: [Cmd] bind ` history
0: [Cmd] bind p pause
0: [Cmd] bind escape quit
0: [Cmd] bind y confirm
0: [Cmd] bind 9 +voldown
0: [Cmd] bind 0 +volup
0: [Cmd] bind 8 mute
0: [Cmd] bind f12 fullscr
0: [Cmd] bind c capture
0: [Cmd] bind delete rotmask
0: [Cmd] bind r record
0: [Cmd] addhh 0 100 Charles Manson
0: AddGear: #5 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = gtHedgehog
0: [Cmd] hat Dan
0: [Cmd] addhh 0 100 Freddy Kruger
0: AddGear: #6 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = gtHedgehog
0: [Cmd] hat ntd_Falcon
0: [Cmd] addhh 0 100 Jason Axeman
0: AddGear: #7 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = gtHedgehog
0: [Cmd] hat predator
0: [Cmd] addhh 0 100 Michael Meyers
0: AddGear: #8 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = gtHedgehog
0: [Cmd] hat Jason
0: Ping? Pong!
0: [Con] Init sound...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Init SDL_mixer...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Cmd] rotmask
0: [Con] Reading objects info...
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/sand.png [flags: 14]
0: [Con] ok (17x54)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/sand_mask.png [flags: 12]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/sandR.png [flags: 14]
0: [Con] ok (17x54)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/sandR_mask.png [flags: 12]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/buzzard.png [flags: 14]
0: [Con] ok (367x376)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/buzzard_mask.png [flags: 12]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/cobra.png [flags: 14]
0: [Con] ok (274x234)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/cobra_mask.png [flags: 12]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/cactus.png [flags: 14]
0: [Con] ok (258x458)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/cactus_mask.png [flags: 12]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/rock1.png [flags: 14]
0: [Con] ok (173x135)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/rock1_mask.png [flags: 12]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/rock2.png [flags: 14]
0: [Con] ok (24x19)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/rock2_mask.png [flags: 12]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/cowskull.png [flags: 12]
0: [Con] ok (142x106)
0: [Con] Generating land...
0: [Con] Selected template #45 using filter #0
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/LandTex.png [flags: 10]
0: [Con] ok (636x442)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/LandBackTex.png [flags: 12]
0: [Con] ok (636x442)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/Border.png [flags: 14]
0: [Con] ok (128x32)
0: [Con] Adding spray objects...
0: [Con] Adding theme objects...
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Generating collision info...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Cmd] sendlanddigest
0: CheckLandDigest: M344813736 digest :
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (896,1046)
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (1162,1246)
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (1909,1807)
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (635,928)
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (3165,1061)
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (901,1491)
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (950,1783)
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (3042,1924)
0: AddGear: #9 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = gtATStartGame
0: AddGear: #10 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = gtMine
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (1613,715)
0: AddGear: #11 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = gtMine
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (3170,1991)
0: AddGear: #12 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = gtMine
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (759,1465)
0: AddGear: #13 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = gtMine
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (1331,1762)
0: AddGear: #14 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = gtExplosives
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (2745,298)
0: AddGear: #15 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = gtExplosives
0: Assigned Gear coordinates (1825,527)
0: AddGear: #16 (2627,132), d(-23..059507515_1314048472,25..777976192_763634960) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #17 (2479,1550), d(37..782661326_-1811333168,35..285752631_981723280) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #18 (3050,1596), d(86..089540533_-1679529552,-67..101493459_902584568) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #19 (1274,1527), d(69..643303565_1994283696,-61..603988777_1118404664) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #20 (2342,284), d(4..469565734_1490167136,45..142394084_-368338936) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #21 (2928,467), d(64..682212527_-136488680,-84..678953647_158009856) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #22 (518,1640), d(-12..219103112_5236008,-11..114983242_-1668601992) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #23 (1316,1145), d(65..384482394_1453624120,-41..606111370_154881304) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #24 (1924,743), d(-59..171898718_1791816856,-48..877408832_-1770639424) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #25 (233,1564), d(-38..802592009_1633200832,75..098414305_-1675718296) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #26 (284,24), d(12..268264926_974212368,77..286224741_-1595054328) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #27 (3713,110), d(16..037584282_-1701844592,85..583013895_1968389480) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #28 (3518,1424), d(-6..444157809_-1527222592,-89..751417454_-536262120) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #29 (854,1102), d(42..017721720_-1280878768,-31..642581112_-1442000432) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #30 (3743,1532), d(27..025043476_-848237368,-20..769762933_-1387376256) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #31 (3454,738), d(-29..799970977_-1374402000,-0..658558242_157133880) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #32 (2618,694), d(-84..343149460_143587176,40..276260498_977646440) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #33 (3661,796), d(67..408513892_-1113034808,-66..206961471_1377379464) type = gtGenericFaller
0: AddGear: #34 (2557,344), d(83..986609939_853242472,54..262558735_-1605218800) type = gtGenericFaller
0: StoreLoad()
0: [Con] Loading /Fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf (12pt)...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Loading /Fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf (24pt)...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Loading /Fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf (10pt)...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Loading /Fonts/wqy-zenhei.ttc (12pt)...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Loading /Fonts/wqy-zenhei.ttc (24pt)...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Loading /Fonts/wqy-zenhei.ttc (10pt)...
0: [Con] ok
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Crosshair.png [flags: 3]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Graves/Bone.png [flags: 4]
0: [Con] ok (32x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Graves/Statue.png [flags: 4]
0: [Con] ok (32x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/BlueWater.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] ok (128x48)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/Clouds.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] ok (256x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Bomb.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/BigDigits.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x384)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Frame.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (4x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Lag.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (130x455)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Arrow.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (16x16)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/BazookaShell.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Targetp.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Bee.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SmokeTrace.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/RopeHook.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Expl50.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x384)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/MineOff.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/MineOn.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/MineDead.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Case.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (96x480)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/FirstAid.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (96x480)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/dynamite.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Power.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/ClBomb.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/ClParticle.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (16x16)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Flame.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (16x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/horizont.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] ok (1024x1024)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/horizontL.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/horizontR.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/Sky.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] ok (1024x1024)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/SkyL.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/SkyR.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Slot.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (33x99)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Ammos.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Ammos_bw.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/SlotKeys.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x384)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/Corners.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (2x8)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Finger.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x384)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/AirBomb.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Airplane.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (256x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/amAirplane.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/amGirder.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/amGirder.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (480x480)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/hhMask.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Switch.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x384)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Parachute.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (48x48)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Target.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/RopeNode.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (6x6)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/thinking.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x224)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/PowerBar.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (256x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/WindBar.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (151x17)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/WindL.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (80x13)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/WindR.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (80x13)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amRope.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBazooka.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amShotgun.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amDEagle.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amAirAttack.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBaseball.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hammer.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (34x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBTorch_i.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBTorch_w.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Teleport.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/HHDeath.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amShotgun_w.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amDEagle_w.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Idle.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Mortar.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/AmmoMenu/TurnsLeft.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (16x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amKamikaze.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amWhip.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Kowtow.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Sad.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Wave.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Hurrah.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ILoveLemonade.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (256x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Shrug.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Juggle.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/ExplPart.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/ExplPart2.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Cake_walk.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Cake_down.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Watermelon.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/EvilTrace.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/HellishBomb.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Seduction.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/HHDress.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Censored.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x16)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Drill.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amDrill.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBallgun.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Balls.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (31x180)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/RCPlane.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amRCPlane.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Utility.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (96x480)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Invulnerable.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (48x48)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/Vampiric.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (48x48)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amGirder.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (512x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/SpeechCorner.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (12x9)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/SpeechEdge.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (25x9)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/SpeechTail.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (25x26)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ThoughtCorner.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (49x37)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ThoughtEdge.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (23x16)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ThoughtTail.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (45x65)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ShoutCorner.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (34x23)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ShoutEdge.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (30x20)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/ShoutTail.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (30x37)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSniperRifle.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Bubbles.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (16x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amJetpack.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Health.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (16x16)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amMolotov.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Molotov.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x288)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Smoke.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (22x176)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SmokeWhite.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (22x176)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Shells.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (8x16)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/Dust.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] ok (22x176)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SnowDust.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (22x176)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Explosives.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (96x480)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/ExplosivesRoll.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (48x96)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/amTeleport.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/Splash.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] ok (160x500)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/Droplet.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] ok (16x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Birdy.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (150x75)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amCake.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amConstruction.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amGrenade.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amMelon.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amMortar.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSkip.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amCluster.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amDynamite.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amHellish.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amMine.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSeduction.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amVamp.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (256x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/BigExplosion.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (385x385)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SmokeRing.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (200x200)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/BeeTrace.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Egg.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/TargetBee.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amBee.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (256x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Feather.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (15x25)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Piano.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSineGun.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amPortalGun.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Portal.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x192)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/cheese.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amCheese.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amFlamethrower.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (256x256)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/Chunk.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Note.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SMineOff.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SMineOn.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (32x32)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSMine.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amHammer.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amResurrector.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Cross.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (108x138)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/AirDrill.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/NapalmBomb.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/BulletHit.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (96x96)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/Snowball.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Snowball.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (16x16)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/amSnowball.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amSnowball.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/Snow.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Snow.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (3x3)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/SDFlake.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDFlake.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x192)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/SDWater.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDWater.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x48)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/SDClouds.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDClouds.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (256x512)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/SDSplash.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDSplash.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (160x500)
0: [Con] Loading /Themes/Desert/SDDroplet.png [flags: 5]
0: [Con] failed
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/SuddenDeath/SDDroplet.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (16x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/TARDIS.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (48x158)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/slider.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (3x17)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/botlevels.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (22x15)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amCleaver.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/cleaver.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/star.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (12x12)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/icetexture.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (128x128)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amIceGun.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog/amFrozenHog.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (64x64)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Flags/cm_star.png [flags: 0]
0: [Con] ok (22x15)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hats/crown.png [flags: 0]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: Hat => crown
0: Got Hat
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hats/Coonskin3.png [flags: 0]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: Hat => Coonskin3
0: Got Hat
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hats/anzac.png [flags: 0]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: Hat => anzac
0: Got Hat
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hats/cap_blue.png [flags: 0]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: Hat => cap_blue
0: Got Hat
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Flags/cm_face.png [flags: 0]
0: [Con] ok (22x15)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hats/Dan.png [flags: 0]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: Hat => Dan
0: Got Hat
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hats/ntd_Falcon.png [flags: 0]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: Hat => ntd_Falcon
0: Got Hat
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hats/predator.png [flags: 0]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: Hat => predator
0: Got Hat
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hats/Jason.png [flags: 0]
0: [Con] ok (64x512)
0: Hat => Jason
0: Got Hat
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/missions.png [flags: 2]
0: [Con] ok (32x160)
0: [Con] Loading /Graphics/Hedgehog.png [flags: 7]
0: [Con] ok (256x256)
0: [Con] Freeing progress surface...
0: [Con] Loading /Music/Desert.ogg
0: [Con] ok
100: [IPC out] +
1197: [IPC out] +
1999: Delete: #9 (0,0), d(Shocking,Shocking) type = gtATStartGame
2204: [IPC out] +
2212: FreeActionsList called
2212: [Cmd] /nextturn
2212: [IPC out] N
2212: Next turn: time 2212
2212: Wind = 0..028073649_871051
2214: [Con] Loading /Sounds/voices/HillBilly/Yessir.ogg
2214: [Con] ok
3207: [IPC out] +
4213: [IPC out] +
5215: [IPC out] +
5215: [Con] Loading /Sounds/voices/HillBilly/Comeonthen.ogg
5215: [Con] ok
6216: [IPC out] +
7221: [IPC out] +
8227: [IPC out] +
9235: [IPC out] +
10238: [IPC out] +
10800: [Cmd] quit
10900: [IPC out] +
11997: [IPC out] +
12984: [IPC out] +
13099: [Con] IPC connection lost

nemo's picture
User offline. Last seen 23 weeks 4 days ago. Offline
Joined: 2009-01-28
Posts: 1861

So, rendering bug I guess. Bad opengl support.

My guess a driver change. Can you revert your graphics driver to what it was pre-upgrade? Or look for some update on the Intel site I suppose.

Unfortunately Windows 8, like OSX, has no non-composited mode, so we can't try that..

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

User offline. Last seen 11 years 6 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2013-11-03
Posts: 2

Thx @nemo...
I reinstalled the intel Driver - same version and now it works most of the time - still some dodgy situations but you are right its is graphic driver related and I hope there will be some proper driver updates coming up soonish.

Thx for you help!


Inu's picture
User offline. Last seen 44 weeks 2 days ago. Offline
Joined: 2009-08-26
Posts: 240

Well, I haven't had any problems with the Intel HD 4000, I can add that much (Windows 8.1 Pro 64bit).

User offline. Last seen 10 years 20 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2013-06-10
Posts: 104

Speaking of Win8... Odd times when i play, the hwengine does not appear... The client says

In Game

But Task Manager exclaims that its opened, My performance watcher says that is using alot of my tiny 4gb memory...

Any ideas?

{} {}
\___/ - Happy

nemo's picture
User offline. Last seen 23 weeks 4 days ago. Offline
Joined: 2009-01-28
Posts: 1861

oranebeast, there's a decent change it is recording a video.
a bug unc0rr introduced when he limited things to 1 engine instance at a time, since he made no exception for recording.

His intent was to prevent many engine instances when scrolling through generated maps.

changeset: 8036:bb7671829935
user: unc0rr
date: Mon Nov 19 23:43:45 2012 +0400
summary: - Only allow one engine instance running at the moment

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

User offline. Last seen 10 years 20 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2013-06-10
Posts: 104

nemo allegedly wrote:

oranebeast, there's a decent change it is recording a video.
a bug unc0rr introduced when he limited things to 1 engine instance at a time, since he made no exception for recording.

His intent was to prevent many engine instances when scrolling through generated maps.

changeset: 8036:bb7671829935
user: unc0rr
date: Mon Nov 19 23:43:45 2012 +0400
summary: - Only allow one engine instance running at the moment

Makes alot of sense..

{} {}
\___/ - Happy

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