Weapon set doesn't work

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 42 weeks ago. Offline
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The weapon set I created doesn't seem to work.
I choose it under the map and press Play but I still have the basic one.

unC0Rr's picture
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Doesn't work in single game mode, but works in other modes

User offline. Last seen 15 years 42 weeks ago. Offline
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Oh, you're right. Smile
But why won't it work in solo game ?

unC0Rr's picture
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It's due to inadvertence... This option is supposed to be disabled in single mode. In future, every option will be disabled in single player Wink Smiley

bowlingotter's picture
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I actually can't get the weapons set to work in multiplayer at all right now. I create the weapons set, save it, confirm that it's selected when setting up the multiplayer match. but when I launch the game, it's always the default weapons set. am I doing something wrong?

Uriah's picture
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bowlingotter allegedly wrote:

I actually can't get the weapons set to work in multiplayer at all right now. I create the weapons set, save it, confirm that it's selected when setting up the multiplayer match. but when I launch the game, it's always the default weapons set. am I doing something wrong?

Would you try setting it up outside of the multiplayer lobby for me? So relaunch the game, go to the options menu before going on the server at all, create a set, save it, then host a game with it active.

Tell me if that solves your problem? Smile it might be an issue with saving sets whilst on the server (though ive managed to do it fine, it might be some people are still having issues)

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I'm actually only going it on a LAN network game right now, not on the internet server. And I did try to close the server, set it up manually in options, then relaunch and it didn't work either. All my weapon sets are still in the list but no matter which one I pick, the set won't be active when the game starts.

Uriah's picture
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It must be a LAN bug, theres no problems on the net server as far as I can see, I'll look into testing this for you Smile

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In future, every option will be disabled in single player

What? Why? You mean we won't be able to play customised SP? Only fruits vs hogs mode?

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Don't panic DrDickens. That was almost 1 year ago. unC0Rr has forgotten about it Big Grin

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Magik_18l allegedly wrote:
Don't panic DrDickens. That was almost 1 year ago. unC0Rr has forgotten about it :D

Ur my saviour! i don't pay much attention on dates.

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