Topic fight (Open Challenge)

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Post whatever you want here.

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User offline. Last seen 10 years 27 weeks ago. Offline
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What is this? Could you explain?

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I said post whatever you want here!

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Or you could go to the forums

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Just because he says this is a topic fight....

50th post yay for me!

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*Bowja reloads his cannon and launches a Feedback & Suggestions topic at Oranebeast*

This that what you ment?

Confucius says: "Man who run in front of car get tired, but man who run behind car, get exhausted."

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Here's my old feces. Don't attack me for it.

Uzi: Are You Scared? ADD THIS!!!!
Gun: Works Like A Pistol, But Looks Like the German Mauser C96.
MegaGun: A Bigger Version of Worms' Minigun
Old Man: Works Like Old Woman From Worms
Cat: The Hedgewars Equivalent Of Sheep
Cat On A Rope: Similar To Sheep On A Rope.
Nerf Gun: No Damage, But Makes It Harder For The Enemy To Move Around. The Bullets Stick, But Get Removed When The Enemy Takes Real Damage.
SawChain: Same As Chainsaw
Time Machine: A Hog Gets A Time Machine. You Choose A Turn. He Presses The Bondi Blue Button, Then The Game Continues From An Earlier Point Of History.
Time Box Attack: Works Like The Time Box, Except That When A hog returns, He Attacks With A Random Weapon.
Mitosis: When Used, The Hedgehog Undergoes Mitosis. He Then Has Two Copies Of Himself, The Original With The Original Name, And The Copy With A Random Name. This Can Only Be Used If Your Team Has Less Than 8 Hogs Remaining, It Costs Half Health (The Other Half Is Transferred To The Clone,) And The Clone Doesn't Leave A Grave On Death. Also, If Your Hog Has Only 1 Health, This Weapon Cannot Be Used. This Can Be Edited To Become Reinforcement.
Ozone Hole: This Makes All Hogs Poisoned (Although Not Raising The Water Or Lowering The Terrain,) And This Causes Fires Every Turn.
Reinforcement: Like Mitosis, But Both Have The Same Health As Before, It Can Be Used With Only 1 Health, And The Clone Leaves A Grave On Death. This Can Be Edited To Become Mitosis.
Wind Adjuster: This Allows The Hedgehog To Change The Direction Of The Wind By Clicking On Left, Right, Or None. This Lasts Until The End Of The Turn, But It Cannot Be Used For Two Turns After That,* This Cannot Adjust The Amount Of Wind (Except When You Choose None,) And It Isn't In Highlander.
IMA FIRIN MAH LAZER: Like The Shotgun, Only With One Shot And A BIG twist. It hits everything beyond the hedgehog on the map! This, however, Cannot be used in highlander, has to rest*, and requires great skill at coding if not official.
Sentry Minigun: Drop It, and you will be able to do it! It can't hit hogs on its team (unless the traitor cheat is enabled,) but it hits enemy hogs. If an enemy hog gets even close to this sentry, it works like the mini-gun.
Stupidity Ray: It Makes The Enemy Hog Automatically Shoot Itself when a weapon is activated. However, although this cannot shoot the user, it can shoot friendly hogs with the same effect. Also, It Can't be used in highlander, you can cure this effect with the school utility, and this weapon cannot be used with hogs created with mitosis.
Stapler: A Close Combat Weapon. It may give hogs a staple on their foreheads, and the effect can only be reversed without damage via the time machine, but it can hit friendly hogs, it cannot be used with stupidity ray, and if you want to take it out, you must either kamikaze or rip out (rip out does high damage.) Its damage ranges from as low as 10 points to as high as 200 (all possibilities 70 to 200 are super rare)
School: Reverses the effects of stupidity ray, but useless if not affected by stupidity ray. This is a utility, so it doesn't do damage usually. However, if the hog is poisoned, this doubles the damage per turn.
Ozone Fixer: Reverses the effects of ozone hole, but is otherwise useless.
Tornado: Your hog gets out a sega saturn 3d controller. he pushes a button, and then a nasty tornado starts to form. the tornado can be controlled with the movement keys, but it dissipates when on water, when hit by a rainbow, or after 20 seconds. Also, this cannot be used in highlander, can hit your own hogs, and is useless if all enemy hogs are below the landscape.
Rainbow: Protects your hogs, but poisons enemy hogs when touched by them. However, it cannot be used in highlander, disables the list of weapons at the end, and is easy to steal, so be careful.
And last but not least,
NUKE: poisons all hogs (except ones in a rainbow,) and raises the water.
List of weapons disabled by rainbow
1. Tornado
2. Ozone Hole
3. Nuke
4. All massive destruction weapons

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Ahhh!! Attck him!

Flying Flying Flying Flying

Confucius says: "Man who run in front of car get tired, but man who run behind car, get exhausted."

User offline. Last seen 11 years 10 weeks ago. Offline
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Here's a classic from my old posts.

What is /think exactly supposed to do? Should a chat message like "* Wuzzy thinks … Do not disturb!" appear?
If yes, you can already do this with the /me command. The syntax is:
/me {Text}
This will result in:

*{Your name} {Text}

Replace {Text} with your text. Hedgewars replaces {Your name} with your name for you.

So if you say /me thinks … in the chat this appears in the chat:

*Noob.com_123-321 thinks …

So it seems your requested feature has already been implemented. Well, sort of.

Slightly related to this are the "thinking bubbles" which can appear above your hedgehogs. You can let appear a thinking bubble above your current by writing this in chat:
→ your current hedgehog thinks {Text}

/hta {Text} → your current hedgehog thinks {Text} at the next attack

Following thread contains everything you always wanted to know about chat commands:

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User offline. Last seen 10 years 12 weeks ago. Offline
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This Worms lover is gonna have a baaaad time.

Confucius says: "Man who run in front of car get tired, but man who run behind car, get exhausted."

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