uploading file directly to svn repository

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User offline. Last seen 5 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
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hi guys, as you can see i am not very active at the moment.

it's because i visit home every two weeks, and only at home i have internet access. just downloaded 922 rev. and translated 2 new things into polish. and..., i was about to send my translation update to you but won't it be easier if i can upload my translation directly via svn?

just want to know if it's possible for me to get such rights? if no, it's ok, than i will send updates to you. i'm a little afraid not to destroy anything in the svn repository, are there any, hmm, limited rights?

XMPP:alzen@jid.pl / GG: 3747253

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User offline. Last seen 4 weeks 4 days ago. Offline
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Well, it's better to post your translations to us, then we commit them. You may use our patch tracker (http://fireforge.net/tracker/?atid=127&group_id=11&func=browse) for that purpose.

User offline. Last seen 5 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
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thanks, just one question. what kind of files shall i upload there? patches made with diff command or just translation files as they are(i mean .gm and .ts)?

XMPP:alzen@jid.pl / GG: 3747253

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User offline. Last seen 4 weeks 4 days ago. Offline
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It's better to post just .ts and .txt, no .qm

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