(RESOLVED) Need help for my new script “Strategy”
Hi, I was playing around with a new script, which I call “Stragegy”.
It’s a very simple one but with some significant changes:
When you use a girder, a dirt ball, a land cannon or a resurrection, your turn ends.
The idea is that you have to use these tools strategically. Either use one of these tools *or* attack, but you can’t have both anymore. The script is intended to work with all kinds of schemes.
Here’s the code of the script:
do HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Locale.lua") --[[ “100” is a placeholder until I am able to query the game scheme’s retreat time. ]] local retreatTimePercentage = 100 function onGameInit() Goals = loc("Girders, dirt balls, land cannons and resurrections end your turn!") end function onGearAdd(gear) local gt = GetGearType(gear) if(gt == gtSnowball or gt == gtLandGun or gt == gtGirder) then endTurn(3000) end end function onGearDelete(gear) if(GetGearType(gear) == gtResurrector) then endTurn(3000) end end function endTurn(baseRetreatTime) SetState(CurrentHedgehog,bor(GetState(CurrentHedgehog),gstAttacked)) TurnTimeLeft = div(baseRetreatTime * retreatTimePercentage, 100) end end
How to install: Copy and paste this into a new file, call it “Strategy.lua”. Put it into %your_Hedgewars_directory%/Data/Scripts/Multiplayer.
Now this script works already fine for resurrection, dirt ball and the land cannon.
After using these weapons, you have a retreat time of 3 seconds and after that, your turn ends.
But the script fails for girders. When you place a girder, the timer also jumps to 3 seconds but you are still able to use weapons. I don’t see what is wrong here.
Also retreat time is handled subobtimal. The retreat time will always be 3 seconds; the game scheme’s retreat time percentage has no effect. That’s because I’m not able to get this number at the moment.
Nemo told me that this information is not exposed to Lua yet.
Edit 1: Fixed a rounding problem in the division, thanks to nemo.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
--Hello there!
--I managed to make an ugly fix to solve that issue, well here it is:
“100” is a placeholder until I am able to
query the game scheme’s retreat time.
local retreatTimePercentage = 100
local GlobalGirderEndTurn=0
function onGameInit()
Goals = loc("Girders, dirt balls, land cannons and resurrections end your turn!")
function onGearAdd(gear)
if(GetGearType(gear) == gtSnowball)
function onGearDelete(gear)
local gt = GetGearType(gear)
if(gt == gtResurrector or gt == gtLandGun or gt == gtGirder)
function endTurn(baseRetreatTime)
ParseCommand("setweap " .. string.char(amSkip))
GlobalGirderEndTurn=GetAmmoCount(CurrentHedgehog, amGirder)
TurnTimeLeft = baseRetreatTime / 100 * retreatTimePercentage
function onGameTick20()
if(GlobalGirderEndTurn==GetAmmoCount(CurrentHedgehog, amGirder)+1)
ParseCommand("setweap " .. string.char(amGirder))
--Have fun!--
Vattenania, my beloved motherland, my beloved homeland! You are always with me in my thoughts and in my heart!
Yeah, it’s a hack, true. But it works so far, thanks.
There is another minor problem with the script in general: The tool descriptions still say “Usage does not end round.” or something like that. This is of course not true anymore with this script.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Hi! I have made an updated version of this script for Hedgewars 0.9.20. Now rubber is supported, too.
You can, but don’t have to, use the script together with the weapon and game schemes called “Strategy”.
Together with this scheme, this script already works pretty well.
The code to find out when a girder or rubber has been placed is still very hackish.
I discovered another bug: It does not work if the amount of girders or rubbers is infinite. In this case, the turn does not end when one has been placed.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Okay, I guess I finally made it! I got rid of the last game-breaking bug (infinite girders bug, see above).
I managed to create a more or less working version of my Strategy script! Sadly, it only works in current experimentals (pre 0.9.21), sorry. But it is playable and without serious bugs anymore.
The code is still a bit hacky and still needs some very ugly workarounds (see comments), but at least it works now and does not seem to have serious bugs anymore. Especially the girder and rubber placement is now OK.
You can download the script here as HWP file (with description):
Please post any further discussion about the script here:
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.