Not well-known controls

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Wuzzy's picture
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Hi! There are some controls in Hedgewars which are not broadly known and can’t be configured directly.

In game:

  • [Precise]+[Walk left]: Look left (without moving)
  • [Precise]+[Walk right]: Look right (without moving)
  • [Precise]+[Timer 1]: Minimum bounce
  • [Precise]+[Timer 2]: Low bounce
  • [Precise]+[Timer 3]: Normal bounce
  • [Precise]+[Timer 4]: High bounce
  • [Precise]+[Timer 5]: Maximum bounce
  • [Hog info]: Turn team bar on/off (yeah, that’s exactly not what the key binding menu says, but … lol)
  • [Precise]+[Hog info]: Toggle tags above hogs
  • [Precise]+[Hog info]+[Switch hog]: Toggle entire HUD on/off
  • hold [Precise]: Your hog won’t slip away on slippery ground (important for Snow and Christmas themes)
  • [Precise] + [Switch hog]: Switch through hedgehogs in reverse order (in 0.9.21)
  • [Confirm]: Team chat (opens chat with “/team ” pre-entered)
  • [Precise] + [Screenshot]: “Map dump”. Save entire map as image map and as mask into the screenshot folder, the names will be “mapdump_<date>_land.png” (mask) and “mapdump_<date>_landpixels.png” (image map).

Lesser-known flying saucer controls:

  • [Precise]+[Up] Aim up
  • [Precise]+[Up] Aim down
  • [Precise]+[Long jump] Fire towards crosshair direction (rather than dropping weapon)

In map editor:

  • [Left mouse button]: Draw/erase
  • hold [Right mouse button]: Draw/erase straight line without preview (only in line mode)
  • [Left mouse button] + [Left Ctrl]: Draw/erase straight line with preview (only in line mode)
  • [Mouse wheel up]: Increase brush size
  • [Mouse wheel down]: Increase brush size

If you have more esoteric key binds, please let me know. I’ll update the post accordingly.

Edit: I have found some more key bindings in 0.9.20.
Edit 2: I added another key binding: “hold [Precise]”.
Edit 3: Added some map editor keys and a new key binding for 0.9.21.
Edit 4: Add team chat key.
Edit 5: Add new map dumping functionality
Edit 6: Special flying saucer controls

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nemo's picture
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Wuzzy allegedly wrote:

Hi! There are some controls in Hedgewars which are not broadly known and can’t be configured directly.

  • [Precise]+[Walk left]: Look left (without moving)
  • [Precise]+[Walk right]: Look right (without moving)
  • [Precise]+[Timer 1]: Minimum bounce
  • [Precise]+[Timer 2]: Low bounce
  • [Precise]+[Timer 3]: Normal bounce
  • [Precise]+[Timer 4]: High bounce
  • [Precise]+[Timer 5]: Maximum bounce
  • [S]: Speed up in demo replay
  • [Hog info]: Turn team bar on/off (yeah, that’s exactly not what the key binding menu says, but … lol)
  • [Precise]+[Hog info]: Toggle tags above hogs
  • [Precise]+[Hog info]+[Switch hog]: Toggle entire HUD on/off

If you have more esoteric key binds, please let me know. I’ll update the post accordingly.

Edit: I have found some more key bindings in 0.9.20.

Original use of precise? To aim precisely? I don't know if that counts as esoteric.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Not sure if it's documented but double tap on vertical jump allows you to jump backwards.

Wuzzy's picture
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If you hold [Precise] you won’t slip away on slippery ground. Slippery ground can be encountered (for example) in Snow and Christmas themes, especially the girders.

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nemo's picture
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Well, more precisely, you won't slip if you aren't already sliding Smile

The movement/aim keys work too, but precise is often the most convenient one if you're doing something.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

sheepluva's picture
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Map Drawing controls could go into this list too!

(ctrl/mousewheel effects etc.)

  sheepluva <- me  my code stats -> 
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Wuzzy's picture
User offline. Last seen 37 weeks 3 days ago. Offline
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Okay, I added a couple of new controls over the last months.
0.9.21 came with a new “map dump” functionality, very useful!

Please check out the first post.

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Wuzzy's picture
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The information in this thread has been added to the Unofficial Hedgewars Wiki:

I won't be updating the first post anymore, instead updates go to the wiki.

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