Highlander - Change Arsenal / Rule out certain weapons

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pipboy2000's picture
User offline. Last seen 2 years 10 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi everybody!

Me and my friends really enjoy playing highlander.

But we would love to have the possibility to rule out certain weapons or rather change the arsenal used for highlander.

We would, for example, be interested in having the possibility to rule out "super weapons" like the "Ballgun", the "Water Melon" or the "Hellish hand-grenade" for a more strategic approach.

Or, and this is just our opinion (!), rule out the superlame "freezeray".
(Hogs with nothing but the freezeray and the dirtgun... how i hate them! Smile )

So my suggestion for a future version of hegdewars is:

Please add the possibility to change the weapon arsenal used in highlander game mode!




P.S.: If I missed a forum thread to this topic, I am very sorry! I was digging through the forum for a short time and did not find anything.

English is not my first language, so please forgive me any mistakes!

sheepluva's picture
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Hi there!

I remember this was brought up in live chat before - that it would be nice if highlander would work with custom weapon sets.

(also IMO it might be cool if you could use delay/supply weapon settings to specify the value of weapons so that hogs will start out with more "fair" sets of weapons in a "balanced highlander" mode - similar to "balanced random weapons" mode)

I don't know if somebody is currently working on it though - but it's nice to see more interest in this Smile

For now I add a modified version of Highlander to DLC: with icegun being considered a utililty, rather than a weapon. (which causes that awkward combination of icegun and landgun to begin with)

A customizable version of Highlander may follow at some point, maybe in next release.

PS: feel free to open the Highlander_IceUtil.hwp (it's actually a zip file) that is downloaded by the DLC and inspect the .lua file in it, e.g. with Notepad++ . You'll see lists for weapons and utilities in the beginning and you could remove those you don't want and change the name of the lua/cfg/hwp to something custom (Highlander_PipEdition or something) and share it with your friends in order to play with them together Smile )

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pipboy2000's picture
User offline. Last seen 2 years 10 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi sheepluva,

thank you for your answer!

Unforunately I have no clue on how to handle *.hwp-, *.lua-files or DLC in hedgewars. I guess I have to read some instructions first. Smile

Have a nice evening!


English is not my first language, so please forgive me any mistakes!

pipboy2000's picture
User offline. Last seen 2 years 10 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi sheepluva,

I finally found some time to experiment with the "Highlander.lua" file.

After some fiddling I was able to create a custom Highlander version, that has everything I wanted (added "Snowball" as a utility, restored the "Hammer", disabled the "Icegun" etc.)!

Just amazing!

Again: Thank you very much for your answer!


English is not my first language, so please forgive me any mistakes!

mikade's picture
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Yea, I had intended to remove ice-gun from Highlander in .20 but forgot. Big Grin

Hedgewars Developer

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I made a HL-Balanced Script once. Now I updated it, find it here:

(In both scripts: IceGun only sometimes in crates!)

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