Small adjustments: Theme and style/Snowstorm, itchy barrels

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User offline. Last seen 4 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
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I've made some minor adjustments to Theme:Snow and Style: balanced random weapons. Is it OK to post them here?

Nothing fancy, but just if someone is interested in that without having to change the files himself, please have fun!

Snow theme:
just the Snow theme. But now a snowstorm so the stacking effect of snow comes to bearing. Red flakes when it comes to Sudden Death.

Random weapons:
Now with Barrel health set to 34 so you can still vounce them around a bit, but they explode much faster //EDIT and much more barrels ...//.
Unlimited lamp and rope for better burrowing and moving around (very intersting in my view together with making use of random stuff).
Rounds and sudden death time are longer now.

Place in [strike]/themes re. in /Scripts/Multiplayer[/strike] the DLC folder.

Will be online for some days.

(BTW, how about accumulating water, like snow but fluit and with drowning capabilities, for a Rain theme?)

nemo's picture
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You should package this as a .hwp so it is easier for people to add and remove.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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nemo allegedly wrote:

You should package this as a .hwp so it is easier for people to add and remove.

Copuld you just point me to the hwp documentation/required program? Than I would save time to look it up myself ... I couldn't find info in the Wiki. Thanks!

sheepluva's picture
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Hoot allegedly wrote:

nemo allegedly wrote:

You should package this as a .hwp so it is easier for people to add and remove.

Copuld you just point me to the hwp documentation/required program? Than I would save time to look it up myself ... I couldn't find info in the Wiki. Thanks!

.hwp is basically a renamed .zip file that contains the changed files within their respective Data-directories.

So in your case the contents of the .hwp (which is a zip file) should look something like this:

  • Scripts/Multiplayer/Balanced_Random_Weapon_roping.lua
  • Themes/Snowstorm/theme.cfg
  • Themes/Snowstorm/Snowball.png
  • Themes/Snowstorm/Sky.png
  • ...

That way people can put your .hwp package in their personal Data folder (where DLC packages go to) instead of modifying their installed Hedgewars.

Start Hedgewars -> click the button for downloadable content -> click the button to open your personal package/Data folder.

Whenever Hedgewars is started it will look in that Folder for .hwp files and load their contents.

PS: consider removing the __MACOSX and Snowstorm/theme_old.cfg

  sheepluva <- me  my code stats -> 
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User offline. Last seen 4 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
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Wow! Amazing! Great mechanism.

Uploaded and updated, .
Now I will find out where this DLC folder should be EDIT found!! Smile

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Hoot allegedly wrote:

Wow! Amazing! Great mechanism.

unC0Rr made that happen by making Hedgewars use a virtual Filesystem called PhysicsFS - it can map parts of the real Filesystem and contents of archives together into a common directory structure Smile

I tested your .hwp, the BRW with ropes is a nice idea and might be more interesting for many players than normal BRW Smile
Snowstorm has some heavy snow right there, which is probably too much to do for slow computers though Big Grin

  sheepluva <- me  my code stats -> 
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User offline. Last seen 4 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
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Here they come: Two more questions! Health Pickup

First: Where are the config files for the "weapon" and "scheme" (f. ex. "Pro Mode") tab located? I can edit "style"* (Balanced RW etc.) but cannot find the files for the other two. Maybe a case of blindness on my side?

Second: How can I *allow* to change weapons or theme settings when writing a "style" script? Right now, both option tabs are disabled when I customize Balanced Random Weapons.

Oh and one last: Any possibility to upload customized styles in the wiki, or do they have to be uploaded to a third party host?


*) Sorry I am not using the English localization, so I am not sure on the correct names.

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That was three questions.

1. They are in your personal/user Hedgewars folder. That is to say, up one level from the personal data folder you were using earlier. The files you want are weapons.ini and schemes.ini respectively.

2. You need to include a .cfg file for your style. The file should have the same name as your your style, only it should be a .cfg instead of a .lua. The config file is just a glorified text file and specifies what scheme to choose by default. BRW, for example, cannot be edited because it's contents are:

3. Usually third parties or Hedgewars affiliates like, but if you make something that is not terrible and poke a developer they are usually willing to put it into the DLC section.

I hope that helps.
Good luck with your editing.

edit: It is worth noting that weapon / scheme load-outs are not easily shareable at this point. If you are creating something you intend to distribute, I would script the values/weapons you want in your mode in the .lua file. If you do that, you will not need a special weapons/scheme ini.

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Thanks, great! Works perfectly.

As for the DLC: I put both Snowstorm and Balanced Random Weapons with Itchy Barrels here:

So if this is intersting, someone could grab it an load it into the DLC, thanks!

mikade allegedly wrote:
That was three questions.

Therefore the "oh and one last" ... came up after first editing Wink Smiley

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