Another Suggestion List Repository

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The title and purpose have been modified in an effort not to spam the forum. I now presume that Nemo's intention was for me to take another look at the Approved Suggestions Thread - and if not then apologies for being thick...

Since this thread is a repurposed repository - kindly expect to see a mixture of such. Any duplicate suggestions (such as the knife below in this OP) is regretted.


Good evening,

First of all - very well made game. Thanks immensely - I've been looking for a game thats turn-based and supports lan-gaming (even if I did have to do a fair bit of head scratching).

And now for more stuff in categories that you've got way too many suggestions for Wink Smiley

Category: weapons

1 - knife/ shuriken/ blade strike - Hedgehog pauses dramatically and suddenly unleashes a fan of 5 blades, each dealing 10 damage following a gentle trajectory 'and' transforming into terrain if terrain is hit. The fan can be adjusted between a 10 degree and 45 degree spread and can be useful for fanning out the love (damage) and creating footholds on otherwise steep surfaces

2 - voodoo curse - Hedgehog produces a puppet and a transparent-ish shadow launches that defies gravity but grows increasingly fast and erratic the further it gets away. Use up and down to attempt control of direction and hit space when you get to the target. The attack deals greater damage the further the target is, but damage is reduced if aim is not dead-center. No movement - just rapid 'oofs' and 'ahhs' for the brief duration of the damage incurrence.

3 - Rapid Machine Gun - Don't groan - its more fun than it sounds. Hedgehog presents an oversized machinegun and starts rattling gunfire towards the target. The Hedgehog can still move around while doing so 'and' the machinegun has a mind of its own - adjusting downwards and upwards with recoil. 10 shots, 7 points of damage each, low penetration of terrain, 'and' slightly pushing your hedgehog back the whole time. You get your multiple shots but can you (and your allies) handle it?

Category: - Utilities:

1 - Rotary Grapple - Operates similarly to rope but with a key difference. Once rope hits target surface a rotary grapler is independently controlled by the player using the direction buttons. The grapple can be used to safely traverse corners and will travel over obstacles and hedgehogs in the way - probably dealing no damage. The up-down buttons can be used to reel the hedgehog in or out along the way and the space button can be used to terminate the movement. Watch out for mines and gaps too small for the hedgehog to go through as these could snap the cable prematurely or force a change of plans. Does not end turn.

2 - Gas Attack! - Hedgehog dons a gas mask and sprays an area with pungent odours, causing hedgehogs in its path to move away in haste.

Category: Power Ups

1 - Mechanization - Hedgehog dons any of a number of wacky mechanized mobile contraptions (MMC). These have their own invisible hp levels (they smoke like barrels), their own damage reduction factor (example - absorbing the first 20 points of damage) and their own special modes (the hedgehog cannot use most of its weapons within the MMC but gains a couple of features in its place). If a hog is killed before the MMC is destroyed then the MMC becomes idle and can be taken over. If the MMC is destroyed first then the hog emerges... just watch out for the blast!

2 - Mystery Serum - Hedgehog gains an ability for an undetermined number of rounds (1d3+2). Some can come at a temporary expense of soem abilities (Example - 50% more physical damage and 15 points of damage reduction in exchange for not being able to do anything other than physical attacks for duration)

Apologies if one or more of these are already suggested.

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User offline. Last seen 24 weeks 2 days ago. Offline
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Knife was suggested many times, and although there is some disabled knife code in engine that could work like that, decided cleaver was more fun.

BTW, there's a suggestions thread...

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

User offline. Last seen 10 years 48 weeks ago. Offline
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I see - sorry about that. ~_~

I missed the part about a specific thread for suggestions. Thank you for the heads up.

User offline. Last seen 10 years 48 weeks ago. Offline
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Ok so next section...

Category - Game Mode

Academy Mode

This is more of a personal request since I have had a really hard time convincing my GF that this is a game she would be interested in playing - much less a good way to pack away many hours of LAN time. She claimed it was too complicated (...*)

As such I have been trying to think up measures that would be friendly for beginners for introduction purposes - as well as for players who sincerely don't have the mad skills to slot a bazooka shot half way across the map in mid-force winds. The following is the result of my thinking. I shall unimaginatively call it "Academy Mode"

1. Friendly hedgehogs look the same while enemy hedgehogs all look a tad bit shady.

1b. The active hedgehog has an animated arrow on top of its head clearly determining where it is. Also this hedgehog is slightly brighter than fellow hedgehogs.

1c Recommended 2 hedgehogs for default with a warning that more hedgehogs can be more fun but only when ready (* my gf went for an 8 vs. 8 on a large map - adding to the confusion)

2. A minimap view including the locations of the active hedgehog, a thin line indicating muzzle direction, as well as hedgehogs of different teams in their respective colors

3. On firing a weapon, a visual bar appears below the hedgehog indicating the level of force invested in. A sub-setting here would also have a sketched projected flight path quickly changing as more force goes into the shot. Think of this as training wheels - somewhat like laser sight.

4. Words of encouragement - Adds a potentially useful bit of 'cute factor' and might avert a beginner giving up and moving on to a suitably simple game of 'Ludo' or something.

5. An Instructor Utility - In terms of coding this may be rather extensive - probably not worth it. In concept the pattern is the same:

- A hedgehog with Einstein/ professor-like looks appears next to the active hedgehog with a text box "Hello! Choose a weapon or tool that you need assistance with!"

- Once selected the procedure can vary - but for most single fire weapons the guide hog will ask the player to choose his target (mouse click)

- At this point the guidehog will explain one or more ways to hit the target with the target weapon. If the shot is tricky then it will be stated so and a guess about possible outcome with the weapon in hand - perhaps a suggested change of weapon.

- A possible feature here would be the slowing down of time.

5b. Flashback! - A potentially easier alternative to the instructor utility would be the ability to re-try a turn over and over again until time runs out. After a hedgehog's turn is played through the player has 3 seconds to choose to re-try. All this time counts towards the normal time. With any luck all the retries will accellerate learning on the behalf of newbies.

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