AFK rooms

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User offline. Last seen 4 years 36 weeks ago. Offline
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Wouldnt be useful that rooms with no activity for N minutes are marked somehow as AFK in the room list? Or closed?

Like 1/2 of the rooms are totally useless and is truly annoying to join and wait to discover if the player is afk or not. Not their fault, sometimes you forget you are in the game.

I can't see the use case for a room open with a player with no activity.

I think this is implemented as IRC... maybe make some kind of autoaway...


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sheepluva's picture
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This is not a new idea, but yes, still very needed! I agree Smile

It's in the list of room state icons that will be added (hopefully) before next release:
AFK / registered users only / locked / password protected and maybe also wrong hedgewars version icon (although it might still be just admins that can see rooms from other versions at all).

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nemo's picture
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I'd just like to comment that I hope you guys consider the conditions for AFK carefully, if you're going to start tagging it.
If I'm looking to play something unusual (i.e. not highlander) I've found I can often be "idling" for like half an hour before someone actually joins the room and stays more than 10 seconds.
So it would suck to be considered AFK, just 'cause no one has actually decided to join me for a game yet.
That would make it even harder to get a game going.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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