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fanat who <- me

I wanted? I wanted to know who this "Crazy boy"
who has registered from ip address [IP removed by administrator]

But the administration saw this as greater anonymity

Sheepluva say ip tracking, maybe but why should the user part of the show ip,
I'm not afraid to show myself ip mycelium though it's nothing like that.
I do not understand why it has become hard to defend ip information there is nothing scary.
maybe he knows who actually CRazy boy.

Then I found a small vulnerability on the site.
I used a few times a vulnerability in bb code (img) for get ip,
ip impossible to hide if you have cleaned there are other ways to get it.
I sent those whom he suspected who might be Crazy Boy.
Those whom I suspected there were other ip.
then began to suspect sheеpluva.
I posted a link to the game, (google shorter)
but he looked to where the forwarding and came to my home page
I realized this because the transition was not for the link which I gave
and i got [IP removed by administration] and Wget/1.12 (linux-gnu)
then I found out about his server.

Sheepluva said after I uploaded the file on his server, "I told you ip bad info..." or somehow wrong.
it is wrong to blame the ip.
we are with him in something similar to the obstinacy probably.
After Sheepluva and unc0rr decided to block my ip, it a little funny.

I wrote matisumi IP, because when someone discusses what it
sheepluva defended it seemed to us that it is one person.

About admins
Sometimes I do not understand the unc0rr.
I never had any problems with nemo and Mikade.
for mikade [link removed by administrator] Big Grin
She sometimes behave without respect to the users (so I thought)

Dear admin apologized again.
I apologized because I do not want to go as a bad person.

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What I get from this:

  • You were obsessed with a player called "Crazy Boy" (and no, I don't think I know him) for some reason - and you thought it was your right to track/stalk him? Why? There is no sane reason for that.
  • You don't care if people know your IP - but I want to mention that YOUR IP address changes like every day due to your internet service prodiver, the IPs of other people often don't. So YOU can track them and try to do mischief with their IP for years. Sure it's easy for you to be more relaxed about IPs than others, as you happen to have the advantage of your IP changing all the time.
  • "About admins" - I think that what you think about admins differs greatly from what they think about you
  • You thought a community member and I were the same person just because we share similar opinions and are friendly with each other? Makes sense (not!) - I still don't understand WHY would it even matter to you. Also if you took the time to normally talk to any of us, or to look for differences rather than similarities - you could have easily found out we are not the same person within a few minutes, instead of tracking our IPs, trying to hack my server, etc.
  • You admit that you used images in bbcode to track the IPs of our community members

Shopper allegedly wrote:
it is wrong to blame the ip.

You personally admitted to me on irc that you were doing mischief on my server.
Also I was told by other community members that you sent them links to personal stuff on my server.
So I don't need to blame the IP, I blame YOU.

You keep proving WHY we should hide even the first part of IPs. Because people like you will use e.g. image links to get the missing part and you'll use it to track, stalk and hack other community members (for reasons that only make sense in your own head I guess).

Shopper allegedly wrote:
I apologized because I do not want to go as a bad person.

I personally don't care about your apologies too much to be honest. It is easy to admit/apologize after getting caught. You went way too far and probably didn't really learn anything from it.

I only really respect it when people see that they are doing something stupid, then stop before they go way too far and apologize by themselves.

Anyway I don't necessarily think of you as bad, I pity you mostly - but your distorted views of reality and your stalking tendencies make you harmful to this community either way.

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sheepluva allegedly wrote:
You don't care if people know your IP - but I want to mention that YOUR IP address changes like every day due to your internet service prodiver, the IPs of other people often don't. So YOU can track them and try to do mischief with their IP for years. Sure it's easy for you to be more relaxed about IPs than others, as you happen to have the advantage of your IP changing all the time.

Haha, it’s time for that “dynamic IP security” bullshit again.
Sorry, but if you have a so-called dynamic IP this DO NOT neccessarily mean you can’t be tracked. The ISP, for instance, still may know when user X used IP address Y. They DO know if they keep logs (pro tip: many ISPs do). And it is easy for these logs to leak. Also, many polices of the world have an interest in the ISP’s logs. So, in the end, having a dynamic IP is not really an advantage.

Oh, sheepluva. You are right (in another respect). Shopper has indeed used images to track people. Shopper sent me a personal message with an image in it. I did not see it because I had RequestPolicy installed. :P
Shoppa used “hw.bl.ee” (Do NOT follow this link unless you want to be tracked or you use anonymitiy tools or stuff like that. xD) inside IMG tags. On this server there is some interesting stuff:
A more or less funny image
A copy of PHPProxy, probably this one: http://sourceforge.net/projects/poxy/?source=recommended.
A robots.txt with contents:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

A script with name “HTML-Part3-GeolocationWebWorker.js”.

This looks pretty naughty. Tststs, Shopper. This motivated me to block you for personal messages.

For ALL people who want to protect from this threat like this, I strongly recommend to install the Firefox add-on RequestPolicy. With this add-on the loading all external resources (like images from other websites which may be used to track you) is blocked unless you explicitly allow it. This add-on is a bit technical, so make sure to read the instructions first.

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Wuzzy allegedly wrote:

Haha, it’s time for that “dynamic IP security” bullshit again.
Sorry, but if you have a so-called dynamic IP this DO NOT neccessarily mean you can’t be tracked. The ISP, for instance, still may know when user X used IP address Y. They DO know if they keep logs (pro tip: many ISPs do). And it is easy for these logs to leak. Also, many polices of the world have an interest in the ISP’s logs. So, in the end, having a dynamic IP is not really an advantage.

"DO NOT neccessarily mean you can’t be tracked" -- I did not say the opposite, did I? :P Also I never said that dynamic IPs mean "security", did I?

And um, I am well aware ISP keep logs. But I was not talking about ISPs or "real" anonymity, but about how easy it is for e.g. Hedgewars community members to track dynamic IPs - in comparison to static IPs.

I was not saying it is impossible, but there is a difference about "no effort to track IP at all (cuz static)" VS "having to somehow get permanently up-to-date logs from the ISP of interest or find another way to track the user across changing IPs"

Also: It's easy for ISP logs to leak you say? So how many ISP logs do YOU currently have at your disposal? :P

But yeah, I guess you have some history with dynamic IP discussions there, which made you post this uncalled and unrelated rant of yours :P

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