[Map] Ultimate Showdown

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Star and Moon
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EDIT: Just to be clear, this was an April Fools map.

It's the ultimate showdown between two giant hogs! Well, I guess you're there to help them, as you can plainly see, they're static, so you must do the fighting yourself!

Download it here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/37438655/Ultimate%20Showdown.zip

User offline. Last seen 10 years 32 weeks ago. Offline
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Someone modified the hoglove maps.

I actually think playing this would be fun, But Im too lazy to download this.
/me claps for star

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Star and Moon
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User offline. Last seen 8 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
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Posts: 720

oranebeast allegedly wrote:

Someone modified the hoglove maps.

I actually think playing this would be fun, But Im too lazy to download this.
/me claps for star

The preview and screenshot is actually a map made by Cairo and the map itself is just a couple of terribly stretched hogs and the words April Fools.

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