More suggestions

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User offline. Last seen 10 years 44 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi there. I am currently working on some additions to the game, along with some other people from a class.

Specifically, we are currently thinking about:
*the Avocadzooka (A bazooka shooting avocados, potentially able to jump multiple times)

*Another weapon which would change how much damage each player deals randomly

*Changing the icon size of the weapon menus through the options menu

*A free range mode that is unlocked after completing all the campaign missions (We were also thinking about the hedgehogs being able to double/triple-jump or some kind of additional movement for this mode)

Thank you for reading this and we anxiously await your feedback.

Star and Moon
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HogDiving allegedly wrote:

*A free range mode that is unlocked after completing all the campaign missions (We were also thinking about the hedgehogs being able to double/triple-jump or some kind of additional movement for this mode)

I don't think that there should be any unlockables in this game, but I like the mode idea itself.

HogDiving allegedly wrote:

Specifically, we are currently thinking about:
*the Avocadzooka (A bazooka shooting avocados, potentially able to jump multiple times)

I can't see the difference between this and a grenade. Elaborate?

User offline. Last seen 10 years 27 weeks ago. Offline
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I think he means a Mortar style gun, with one bounce, I don't quite know, But;

- Mortars need a power control.

Thats all

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User offline. Last seen 10 years 44 weeks ago. Offline
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oranebeast allegedly wrote:

I think he means a Mortar style gun, with one bounce, I don't quite know, But;

- Mortars need a power control.

Thats all

Yep, that's what we would like to see.

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