Different campaigns?
Thu, 2014-07-03 12:18
So, I am wondering if there are different campaigns I can download. I'm new around here, and have been playing worms for about 11 years. I was looking for a similar type game for linux, and I found it. My only problem is the campaign modes. They are well done and all, but for my tastes they are tedious. I like good old fashioned blowing up the other team (or drowning them, poisoning them, etc). So do the campaigns get less tedious and more action-y? Or is there some that I can download? If so, where? Thanks!
Welcome to the forums. I think there may be some other campaigns floating around somewhere (e.g. shoppa campaign), but don't know if that is to your "taste" either. If you want good old fashioned blowing up the other team, why don't you just, er, play single player mode against an AI opponent?
Of course, if you'd like to implement your own campaign, submissions are always welcome.

Hedgewars Developer
yep there are one other campaign i know, the shoppa campaign ( thx for the help @all devs <3 )
but, and i will actualize the topic, it doesnt work anymore :s
was made during hedgewars .18 or .19 and now the HW version is .20 you can install the campaign, but won't work, the missions work but you must install them individually
if you are looking for something else than just PVP you can look into the missions that are different than campaign but may requiere spirit or game skill to solve them