Hello Hedgewars Community

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User offline. Last seen 10 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
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Um, hello to you all. My name's Felix but you could just call me Fire (my old name) if you prefer. Um, I actually seem rather nervous with posting this thread considering this is my first time actually getting involved with the community here but I guess creating an account here after playing the game for a few days seems like a good start.

I always did like Hedgewars when I played it for the first time ever a few years ago and I'm glad to see this game have a lot more content since then. I don't know if I'll actually contribute to the community considering digital art isn't my thing however... Sad Smiley

Okay, I think I've gone on long enough, I hope I can make some friends here if nothing else and maybe I'll see you around the server. Smile

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Hi Felix, welcome to the forums! Smile

I have to say though, I wish you'd joined the forums when you first started playing... the community was far more active back then. These days, not a lot seems to happen here.

Also, feel free to join us on IRC (point your IRC client to #hedgewars on irc.freenode.net , or use the "Live Chat" tab on the website). There are always folks around there, myself included.

sheepluva's picture
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Welcome to the community Felix!

With regards to contributing:
If digital art is not your thing - what IS your thing? Big Grin

Many different kinds of things could be helpful to Hedgewars:

Be it translations, voice recordings, ideas, concepts, etc - or maybe even scanned drawings just as nice thing for the community or as fundation for digital traces.

Either way I hope you'll continue to have a nice time on Hedgewars!

Fluffy Regards,

  sheepluva <- me  my code stats -> 
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User offline. Last seen 10 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
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Thanks for the warm welcome. I enjoy Hedgewars quite a lot, however, I am sort of struggling with the campaign modes, but I'll ask for advice only if I need it for certain missions. Wink Smiley

@claymore: Is that so? Well, at the time, I didn't know there was a community back then because I downloaded Hedgewars off a games list for my now-dead Ubuntu computer. I couldn't have been able to be a part of it much because said computer was pretty much on its last legs when I discovered the game.

@sheepluva: Actually, that's a good question... Shocking
I can't do digital art and I don't have a proper scanner for my drawings but I usually play creative games so I guess I'd have ideas for weapons, campaigns, and the sort. Maybe I'll be brave enough to share them sometime.

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Hey Felix, welcome to the forum. If you need any help with the campaign or single player missions feel free to shout. Some of 'em are quite difficult, I think.

Don't hesitate to come online, either. You can enjoy a wide range of multiplayer modes with other humans hogs (although most people just want to play easy/random modes like Highlander).

Hedgewars Developer

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Thanks for the welcome! Actually, come to think of it, I do need help on 'A Classic Fairytale - Mission 3: The Journey Back'...I know that the early missions in a campaign are supposed to be easy but unfortunately, I only got as far as getting my 2-hog team back together after being separated the first time, and that's with one of them at critically low health. I didn't know what to do once the two hogs got separated again.

Oh, if this isn't the thread to ask for help on campaigns, I can put that in another thread or something...! Smile

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FelixDewott allegedly wrote:

Thanks for the welcome! Actually, come to think of it, I do need help on 'A Classic Fairytale - Mission 3: The Journey Back'...I know that the early missions in a campaign are supposed to be easy but unfortunately, I only got as far as getting my 2-hog team back together after being separated the first time, and that's with one of them at critically low health. I didn't know what to do once the two hogs got separated again.

EDIT/NOTE: In mission 2 I went -away- from the Cyborg, if your choice was different then your mission 3 might be a bit different than mine *shrugs*

I just tried the mission a few times.
It's quite hard actually. (Not the way I remember it, but maybe I'm just doing it totally wrong xD)

Partly it was hard because of some bugs I encountered Sad Smiley :

  • At least the second girder crate is bugged! Make sure you have used all girders that you collected in the pit when you collect the girder crate next to the mole! (e.g. use 1 in pit and 1 to climb first tree)
    Otherwise you will not get +3, but for some reason only +2 girders!
  • The mission wouldn't end for me after successfulling finishing it - I had to kill the princess when all enemy teams were already "gone" (hogs transparent) in order to progress to next version...
  • Also I had occasional crashes during cutscenes Sad Smiley


  • Don't destroy any crates, you need their contents
  • Getting out of the pit is not a priority (don't forget you can switch to the surface hog every turn) - you can kill almost all enemies with the surface hog before climbing out with the other hog.
  • The Bots won't move and only have Deagles. So make sure you are behind some cover whenever your turn ends.
  • You can use Low Gravity instead of a girder for crossing a mine pit.
  • From the first tree you can shoot both tree enemies into mine pits (one of them will survive for now)
  • It required 2 girders to get out of the pit (involves wall climbing) - or only one girder if you're desperated enough to use many many turns to shoot or jump a path through the flower
  • You can use firepunch to "cut" off the end of a girder. This might enable you to jump onto a girder that you were currently stuck under.

I hope I could help :/

  sheepluva <- me  my code stats -> 
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User offline. Last seen 10 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
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This information helps out a lot. Now that I know what to do and what to look out for, all I need to do is play a good enough game to complete the mission. Thanks for the tips and bug notices, I'll be more likely to complete the mission now. Smile

User offline. Last seen 5 weeks 5 days ago. Offline
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good tutorial, hovewer anywhere don't have some gameplays for campaign, with the exception of my demos...

campaign missions are very long and if i do one fucking mmistake i must have start over. Can't do some save/loads?

edit: I discovered the obvious thing: .hws - but how to create this save? I don't see any information Sad Smiley i know just that:

"Hedgewars creates a saved game called "LastRound" by default. This saved game can be used to resume the last map that was played."
and i don't found this info on the official website...

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We can ask this to Developers in IRC somehow...
Wanna ask it too though i have other question which i think it Related to this one Big Grin
And yeah, we need more Active Member in Forum though many things still Undocumented (Not Deep Enough) like using "Library" for other Newcomer to use, and hope .hws could be Documented too, soon Big Grin
So please take a sit to rethink about how we can attract Player to Create Things to Hedgewars, which lead into better Popularity, and lead into More Member for future, which increase Probability of Volunteer to come too, that equal to solves many problem such this one...
I Just ask question and request for actions to go for increase these Active Member for Hedgewars Forum, for now,

For now, i just hope there someone can lead us to a better Popularity of Hedgewars ^^ ...
[ Unfortunately, i need this for more Friends in Forum, i feel Lonely these days (since a friend gone) ;/ ]


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i noticed that this project disappear on almost dead Sad Smiley i remember that once similarly hedgewars have more popularity, thanks to wykop (polish reddit) but that's all.

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Lua would have to have some function exposed to checkpoint a save after a user gets to a certain point.
It doesn't have that at present.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Well, it would have to be a bit different. So. Right now *some* of the lua missions have a "reset" but it's up to the lua to do it with the existing variable mechanism. It would be more convenient though to let the engine use the existing state persistence of saves/demos used for rejoins in multiplayer already. If that was added, then it would pretty much just need a lua hook where we could let the lua pick how to name the persistence, so that it could replace an existing slot for that team/mission if necessary, or create a new one.

Then the existing save games menu could be used to load. Or maybe some new load mechanism made for the campaign screens. But existing save game menu would be easiest.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Wait, you want me to say that is .hws filetype to savegame but no system of writing? Can't create .hws savegame actually? Really?

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It's just not hooked up to the lua is all. Lots of things don't have lua bindings since, well, no one has asked for them. When people ask for them, they get added. Lua came well after the game engine as an extension.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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