Bitcoin donations

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User offline. Last seen 9 years 36 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2014-11-11
Posts: 1

Hey all, and thanks for a great game! Just found out about it and I've loved worms since worms 2 Smile

I saw a dev here accepted bitcoin donations so I donated a small sum. Would be great if other devs advertised their bitcoin address as well.

You should also take a look at

then maybe you can get some more appreciation for your awesome work!

sheepluva's picture
User offline. Last seen 5 weeks 6 hours ago. Offline
Joined: 2009-07-18
Posts: 563

Hey there!

Welcome to the community and thank you for your support!
(You are officially awesome now!)

Most of the devs don't advertise their bitcoin addresses - because they have none Big Grin

nemo has one in his signature afaik though Smile

thanks again and I wish you most fun with Hedgewars - see you on the server maybe (:

  sheepluva <- me  my code stats -> 
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