Simple controls suggestions

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User offline. Last seen 36 weeks 4 days ago. Offline
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I have a few suggestions to add more controls to the game:

  • Unselect weapon: So you don’t wield any weapon anymore. This should be possible with a single key press, because I think such a function would be really useful. Currently this is only possible by cycling through the weapon slots, which costs valuable time and may not work always as desired (i.e. if you select another walk-blocking item). The main purpose is to have a key where you have to make sure to have no weapon selected with one keypress, i.e. when you can’t walk because of a girder, you just unselect it with this key. I suggest [F11] as the default key for this.

  • Reverse weapon cycling: Pressing [Precise] and [weapon slot key] should cycle backwards through the weapon slots. Similar to pressing a weapon slot key, just that it cycles in the other direction. Example: In default, [F1] will cycle through bazooka, bee, mortar, drill rocket and dirt ball. [Shift]+[F1] will cycle through dirt ball, drill rocket, mortar, bee and bazooka (the other direction). Importantly, it will start with dirt ball instead of bazooka if nothing is selected!

  • Reset weapon: This should “reset” the current weapon, in other words, you just select the same weapon again. Currently this is only makes sense for the homing bee so it can useful to reset the bee’s target. Maybe this can become useful for other future weapons. Not really important, but nice to have.

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User offline. Last seen 2 years 29 weeks ago. Offline
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Good suggestion(s) yo Wink Smiley

I agree especially with the "Unselect weapon" and "Reset weapon" points.
Really hate it when I run out of time with the bee because of a mis-target.

User offline. Last seen 27 weeks 5 days ago. Offline
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Posts: 84

I agree too.. should be nice too to let players choose theirs favourite weaps order. Or maybe a key that let scroll all weaps you have, not only one slot.

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