The Shoppa Championship 2015 - [sign up phase over]
Hello ropers, happy Christmas!
The ShoppaCT team is excited to announce the Shoppa Championship 2015, Shoppa players of all skill levels are invited! To sign up, fill out and post the following application in this thread before Tuesday January 13th 2015 23:59 UTC. The tournament will last from January 16th until roughly January 30th. After the sign up window closes, the scheduled matches will be posted in a subsequent thread.
You can indicate at what times you are likely available and we will try to schedule your matches accordingly. Specify your time zone and select multiple of the twelve time slots listed in UTC below. You can use the following site to convert your time zone to UTC if necessary.
* Nickname: (Hedgewars forum/official server account)
Team Name:
*Time zone:
*Slots available: (list prefered slots first, e.g. “6, 7, 5, 11, 10”)
Preferred team color(s):
* Indicates required fields
Slot 1 00:00 - 02:00 UTC
Slot 2 02:00 - 04:00
Slot 3 04:00 - 06:00
Slot 4 06:00 - 08:00
Slot 5 08:00 - 10:00
Slot 6 10:00 - 12:00
Slot 7 12:00 - 14:00
Slot 8 14:00 - 16:00
Slot 9 16:00 - 18:00
Slot 10 18:00 - 20:00
Slot 11 20:00 - 22.00
Slot 12 22:00 - 00.00
Here's an example
Nickname: cri.thegrinch
Team Name: Scacacazzi
Time zone: UTC +1
Slots available: 1,2,12,3,4
Country: Italy
Preferred team color(s): Red
The minimum number of players necessary in order to begin the tournament is 16. Due to time constraints, only the first 32 players to sign up will be admitted.
And once again, we hope you a happy and rope-full Christmas.
Not that I am against Shoppa, but when are we going to do a Default tourney again?
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Not another shoppa tournament...
Why not claymore? it's just to have some fun... and Wuzzy.. we are shoppers.. we though at shoppa.. but sure.. a new default tourney could be organize.. =)
I Hate Christmas timeeee..
is dead!
IIRC Randy did tell me something about(him) holding a default tournament along the lines of this tournament. Beyond that however, nothing has shaped up in that direction.
There are (both new and experienced)players, and there is a fairly strong demand for an organized Shoppa tournament as far as I've seen.
I frankly don't see what's the problem.
Multiple-Mode Tournament is upcoming too. I just need to finish some ideas.
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
Default mode*
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
Tourneys always seem to generate more interest / participation / nit-picking.
Good luck to ye.

Hedgewars Developer
it has been so long. Good luck guys!
ty Myst.. if u want u can help us organizing too..
I Hate Christmas timeeee..
is dead!
Sign up time! First post has been updated.
I hope you all have a happy Christmas (warmed up with the newly released 0.9.21!)
And in the meantime, why not check out the current state of the rules?
As always, comments and suggestions are appreciated, especially considering the role of rules in the tournament.
So, i'm gonna be the first to sign up.
Nickname: cri.thegrinch
Team Name: Scacacazzi
Time zone: UTC +1
Slots available: 1,2,12,3,4
Country: Italy
Preferred team color(s): Red
Well guys, use this like an example if you want. Hoping lots of you gonna sign up i'll gonna train hard, see you guys and good luck.
I Hate Christmas timeeee..
is dead!
Nickname: RomỊ
Team Name: xD
Time Zone: UTC -2 (summer time)
Slots Available: 11; 12; 1
Country: Uruguay
Prefered Team Color(s):Blue
Have Fun, Good Luck.
Bobo will play
Hi all this is my post for the tournament
Nickname: me old school
Team Name: The Old School
Time Zone: don't understand oO
Slots Available: 2 ; 3
Country: France
Prefered Team Color(s): Orange
gl for all c u in game
I apply!
Nickname: Wuzzy
Team Name: Orange
Time zone: UTC
Slots available: 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12
Country: Germany
Preferred team color: orange
@me old school: If you used your local time in France for the available slots, use “UTC−1” for your timezone. If not, I am sure someone else will help you.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Time zone, as in what timezone your location or country falls under.
Since you specified France as your country however, we'll take that as UTC+1 unless you decide to specify another.
Glad to have you (and everyone who's signed up until now) on board
Nickname: amn
Team Name: Amnesiac Skies
Time zone: UTC+7
Slots available: 7, 8, 9, 10
Country: Thailand
Preferred team color(s): red / yellow / brown
hi guys, im signing in to, hope that u will have fun an me also..
Nickname: eldiablo
Team Name: mećava
Time zone: UTC +1
Slots available: 1,10,11,12
Country: Croatia
Preferred team color(s): Red, green
Happy holidays to the ones that are celebrating
Seya there
nema sreće ako se ne meće
Nickname: Amoedo
Team Name: P de Pibada
Time zone: UTC Argentina
Slots available: 11,12,1
Country: Argentina
Preferred team color(s): Green
Los viejos vuelven cuando se los necesita.
Los viejos vuelven cuando se los necesita.
Shoppa - ropes
I would try to participate
Nickname: Falkenauge
Team Name: Strawhat Pirates
Time zone: UTC
Slots available: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Country: Germany
Preferred team color: Purple
Well, its long time ago I played Shoppa.. but nevermind, I give it a try
I hope that I wont be disabled at 6th.
Gl to all, see ya then
good luck with it boys, honestly i agree with Claymore, too many shoppa tourneys, so i definetely wont play that one, have fun!
Rope Brothers Founder

well, dunno why other players don't organize other kind of tournament.. I think that shoppa players are less than other mode's players, we organize this tournament for have fun and make other guys know about shoppa. I'm sad cause a great player like you won't play, it should be funny play against you nd the others pro.
I Hate Christmas timeeee..
is dead!
After some careful decision making from us, it has been decided that the tournament sign up date be extended to January 13th instead of the originally decided January 4th.
This decision has been taken with the following in mind:
Randy and some of the other players on vacation should return soon, and we'd like to assure everyone that the tournament should be on schedule despite this minor setback
First post updated.
Yo. I'm back!
Welcome back, come on game and have fun with we all..
I Hate Christmas timeeee..
is dead!
Nickname: rexdex
Team Name: sublimetext4
Time zone: UTC +4
Slots available: 5,4,9,10
Country: Russia
Preferred team color(s): Blue
@bufon: my friend, how can you say "too many shoppa tournaments"? One tournament per year is "too many"?
Wow so many old players and friends came back... Amoedo, me_, Falke, Mrock, etc! Good luck. I won't join this time. But I'll organizate a Default tournament soon.
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
Why won't play???
I Hate Christmas timeeee..
is dead!
Nickname: Nexia
Team name: Sly flox
Time Zone: UTC-5
Slots available: 3,2,6,4,7,5
Country: Yabba-Dabba Do!
Preferred team color(s): Purple, Blue
Good luck y'all ^^
Nickname: KompleX
Team Name: YouTubers
Time zone: UTC + 1
Slots available: 11, 10, 12
Country: Poland
Preferred team color(s): Red, Blue, Cyan
Just because I like shoppa
Go, go, go!
Only 2 days left and still 5 slots to fill.
Hopefully we get 16 players at least.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Nickname: sphrix
Team Name: Karma
Time zone: UTC +1
Slots available: 1,7, 8, 9, 10, 12
Country: France
Preferred team color(s): Yellow
surprise mothashoppa !
Nickname: Hun73R
Team Name: Magic Animals
Time zone: UTC + 2
Slots available: 11, 12, 10, 1
Country: Lithuania
Preferred team color(s): Blue, Green
Nickname: mikade
Time zone: UTC + 9
Slots available: 6, 5, 7
Preferred team color(s): Green

Hedgewars Developer
heavy breathing !
exitement intensify !!
shoppa gonna see some serious shit !!!
Well, fudge. If mikade applies I don't really have a choice.
Shoppa Cup Application
Nickname: glum reaper
Team Name: 100
Time zone: UTC-5
Slots available: 4, 5
Country: United States
Preferred team color(s): Red
Proud member of Death's Angels for 3 billion years.
sorry amn
it just seems like yesterday to me payin the last tourney, maybe coz it was very long. Anyway too many for me bros, good luck everyone!!
Rope Brothers Founder

* Nickname: 1937barcelona
Team Name: Catalunya
*Time zone: UTC-1
*Slots available: "4,10,11,12"
Country: Catalunya
Preferred team color(s): "Red,Green,Brown"
world shoppa union
Rythm and blues
wow guys... at last sec we got the min number of players so here we are.. guys u will get news soon..
I Hate Christmas timeeee..
is dead!
and in order to not flood the other thread for result, i suggest we post the congrat etc here.
Congratulation to Hun73R for beating my ass on the rope land! he show me how to win the hell, how to loose on rope, and finally in a neon land take the victory from me, as my skill to fail raised up.
that was nice games
Congratulations to rexdex ^^
He played a very good game when he defeated me.
I liked how he manged to save himself from crashing by attaching to something nearby in time on multiple occasions, his roping style itself was interesting as an opponent to watch.
Thanks Nexia! You are very good player and strong contender. Good luck in next games!
hey, i got to play against amoedo
so, amoedo if you are reading this, contact me
Amoedo, we need to play tournament match. Send me a message, when you could play.