[Map] [BGTheme] Crystal_v4 / CrystalBG_v4

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Wuzzy's picture
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Here's the map “Crystal_v4” and the background theme “CrystalBG_v4”:

The theme consists of a green “radioactive” water, a simple violet sky and some crystal-like shapes.

Links with download and more information
Map: here
Background theme: here

You can play the Crystal_v4 map without the CrystalBG_v4 theme, but then you have to select a different theme manually in the menu before playing.


WarMUX maps conversion project
This background theme and map is part of the WarMUX maps conversion project. The map is taken from WarMUX and has been polished to work well in Hedgewars, too. The original map author is WarMUX user Papa.Coen.

Technical blabla
This map is based on the WarMUX map “Crystal”. The theme was done from scratch.

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nemo's picture
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Both files are named Crystal_v2.hwp on the download links on unit22. That will be problematic when installing in the Data dir.

The file size is, inconveniently, slightly larger than 2048x1024, which means, since HW land allocates memory in powers of 2, that it uses about 3.4x more memory than it needs to.

Taking the inkscape trace here:
Made the following.
http://m8y.org/hw/crystal_2048_1024.png (squashed the crystals a little to fit 2048x1024)
http://m8y.org/hw/crystal_2048_1172.png (exported shrunk slightly constrained by width. Only uses 1.74x more memory than it needs to)
http://m8y.org/hw/crystal_1790_1024.png (scaled down to fit within 2048x1024, no squashing)

Now, this isn't that big a deal ofc... Many many Hedgewars maps are 4096x2048 or even larger. But, eh, why use it if you don't need it right? And helps on some devices.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

Wuzzy's picture
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Oh damn it, not another fuck-up! Well, I have informed bender about this. I have uploaded the files under different names, but the system seemed to renamed them. Sad Smiley

Thanks a lot for the SVG trace!

I intentionally did not scale down the map. Especially 1790×1024 is notably smaller IMO, it seems to be much less fun to play. The width is reduced by 15% and this is damn noticable. Sad Smiley
I haven’t checked out the other sizes yet, but I hope they aren’t too bad.

I hope I can bring soon version 3 of this map out.

Edit: OK, Bender has fixed the links.

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Wuzzy's picture
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Version v3 of the map is released. I have used nemo’s SVG trace this time and reduced the file size. Apart from that, no changes have been made.
The map still (softly) depends on the theme Crystal_v2 (no updates here).

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Randy's picture
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This map could be a nice fort with some changes

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mikade's picture
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Download link is still pointing to v2.

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Wuzzy's picture
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Version 4 of both theme and map released!

- Added flakes
- Added theme icon
- Added simple background objects

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