[Theme] Hoggywood_v3 (NOW INCLUDED IN 0.9.21)

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Wuzzy's picture
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This is a continuation of Hoggywood, a theme originally authored by RoFra, you can find the original thread here:

I have made a couple of updates and call this “Hoggywood_v3” (version 3 of Hoggywood).

Hoggywood_v3.hwp (ca. 446 KiB)

Old download:
Hoggywood_v2.hwp (ca. 438 KiB)

Screenshot of Hoggywood_v2:



  • Background car doesn’t repeat anymore
  • Clapper replaced: It is now 2.5D instead of 2D
  • Thinner palm trunk


  • “HOGGYWOOD” sign now appears only once in the background
  • Replace the old palm tree with a new one (Edit: SVG source here: Click me!)
  • Add Sudden Death music for 0.9.21 (hell.ogg. Hey, it’s better than just silence, right?)
  • Sudden Death clouds
  • Show another spray (2 out of 5 now)

Minor issue: 3 files (star1.png, star2.png and star3.png) are unused at the moment. Those are intended to be sprays. If I actiave all 5 of them (spray count 1 for each line in theme.cfg), the whole terrain becomes just cluttered with stars, which is not so pretty. Does anyone have a clue here?

I hope you like the update. Smile
If you have suggestions, comments (especially about the palms), etc., please let me know.

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Randy's picture
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This is one of the best theme around now. So great to see you working on it. Big Grin

My suggestions:

- The theme will be better if it were placed in the sunset, with the sun behind the mountain. And some lights pointing the "Hoggywood".

- The boulevard poster should be 3D to fit the style of the theme.

- As nemo said, you can give an angle to the clapper-board so it doesn't looks so flat. 3d clapper-board

- Maybe another object can be the universal studio logo, saying HEDGEWARS.

- Aaand the palm are kind of weird, maybe the trunk is very thick. Look at Loonely_Island
there is a good palm.

- The rest is fine in my opinion

Nice work Wuzzy, as always. Keep working on this Smile

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Wuzzy's picture
User offline. Last seen 35 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
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Hoggywood_v3 released!


  • Background car doesn’t repeat anymore
  • Clapper replaced: It is now 2.5D instead of 2D
  • Thinner palm trunk

This was only a small update. This is still not the best version and I still may want to improve the theme.

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Wuzzy's picture
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Okay, people, I think I stop working on Hoggywood for now. The reason is that I don’t think I have the graphical skills to improve it further right now. The remaining suggestions which I haven’t done will probably stay unimplemented.

If anything, I will probably only make small technical changes and minor improvements, but nothing which requires high artistic skill, which I don’t have. My main intention with this theme was basically to do a clean-up anyways.

However, I hope you like the theme already.

Contributions from other people are always welcome.

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Wuzzy's picture
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Nemo wanted to include this theme into Hedgewars but he didn’t actually do it because Nemo does not now wheather RoFra would allow it. Nemo tried to contact RoFra but RoFra did not answer so far. Does anyone here know a reliable way to contact RoFra?

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RoFra's picture
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Hey guys,

I got an E-Mail from Nemo regarding this. I'm glad to see that someone continued my work, thanks for that, Wuzzy! Please feel free to use this in the game. Smile


PS: Wow, I think this is my third theme (other two: Stage and Golf) that has made it in the game, that's awsome, I like that! Big Grin

Wuzzy's picture
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This theme (Hoggywood_v3) is now official part of Hedgewars!

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Wuzzy's picture
User offline. Last seen 35 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
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Hi again!
For those who nare interested in it, here I provide some SVG files, namely for the clapper and the new palm (both as of version 3). Sadly, these are the only SVG files I can provide here.

Clapper: http://holzgolz.heliohost.org/data/games/hedgewars/sources/hoggywood/clapper.svg
Palm: http://holzgolz.heliohost.org/data/games/hedgewars/sources/hoggywood/palm.svg

The clapper image uses the font “Nina” (I guess medium) by Nina Paley, you can find it here: https://archive.org/details/NinaPaleyFonts

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