[Theme] Candy
Sat, 2014-12-13 04:21
Hello you hogstars! I bring you my new theme.
If you like to eat candies, you will love it! Remember it's the first version and anything is forever, so please give me your opinion and suggestions,
Copy it in >Hedgewars/Data

Do not do unto others what you would not want done to yourself
Lickable theme right there
Really nice theme to look at, good job. (I personally like the candy-cane girder/bridges a lot.)
Personal nitpick: The LandTex.png (I think?) would be better off without those oreos/cookies, it spoils the look of the rest of the cake texture in my opinion.
Having them replaced with something that fits in more with the rest of the texture might also fix that.
Ugh, Google Drive. I hate it if I have to activate a shitton of JavaScripts just for a simple download. I prefer simple websites over complex ones. Whatever, I downloaded it anyways.
Okay, about the package:
You shouldn’t put unused files like these into HWP files:
It’s nice that you provide source files, but I would package them in a seperate (non-HWP) archive.
You should definitely consider uploading the cleaned HWP file to hh.unit22.org, it makes many things easier.
About the theme itself, I mostly repeat suggestions I gave you earlier:
But overall, I already like this theme.
Edit for Nexia: It is not LandTex.png exactly, it’s the sprays which are put on the land texture. Documentation of theme files can be found here.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Ah, I see. I knew I was missing something.
And I agree with the suggestion for adding one more small land object, it could indeed use one IMO too.
I'll think about another spray. Thanks for your suggestions.
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
You're right about this.
I will work on something for the SD.
About small object I was thinking on make a smaller cherry. But your idea is good too.
I want to say I won't be able to work on this theme for one month, but I'll keep reading this post and listening more suggestions. Thanks.
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
Wow! It looks awesome
Good job Randy! I especially like the colors. They're nice and excellently selected. I can't wait to see final version.
Thanks man, I'm glad you liked it
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
Congratulations, this theme made it into Hedgewars 0.9.21 as “Cake”. This theme is used for the map “Cake”.
Nemo applied a few changes to it.
The horizont features the cupcakes from the old Cake theme. The water is pink, as in the old Cake theme, but the Sudden Death water is brown, as in your Candy theme.
Maybe I post screenshots later.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.