requesting a lua function to restart the mission before losing it

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sphrix's picture
User offline. Last seen 2 weeks 5 days ago. Offline
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hello everyone,

i'm looking for a function to add in lua script of missions, training and campaign .lua files in order to restart the mission without have to first loose or leave it and then press the start button

for example, there is a shoppa challenge ( the one on ropes, included in the release) ; sometimes you want to beat your time, you make a mistake and you know you wont beat the time, so you have to restart, could we restart the mission by hitting an 'X' key that would call a fonction resetting the game. so you dont have to start again the engine.

if you have this function or just write it, id love to try it Smile

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Wuzzy's picture
User offline. Last seen 35 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
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I partially agree.
Yes, a possibility to quickly restart a mission would be really useful for record-hunters and hardcore gamers alike. Big Grin

But this functionionaliy should be available for all missions automatically, ideally without any extra Lua coding. It would suck if it depends on the mission wheather it is able to be restarted quickly or not.

Edit: This is obviously the wrong forum. Somebody: Please move this to suggestions.

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