Hedgewars Tournament ‘15 SIGN-UP!

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Randy's picture
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Yeah! Febraury 8th is finaly here and the registration for this epic tournament is open!

If you haven't done this before, you should read the main post of the tournament!

Let me remind you about some tournament's information. Smile

Tournament Date

The tournament will take place on Monday 16th of February! The first round will start that day. The second round will run the next week and so on. The estimated date of the end of the tournament is on Sunday 15th of March.


How and when can I sign up?

In order to participate you will have to register HERE .

Simply make a user account (if you already have one , please, do not create another one...) and leave a comment below.

Your comment must include your player name, the name of the team you plan to use in the tournament, and your time zone. The SIGN-UP Period starts with this thread and it will be close on 16th of February, giving you exactly ONE WEEK to sign up.

Whether you consider yourself skilled or not, everyone is free to join and take part in this tournament. There is no restriction. We encourage everyone to take part in this tournament and prove your skills. Remember, the idea of the tournament is to have fun.

There is no maximum number of players, the minimun number of players are 16.


  1. - Each game will use a variable of Default mode, called Default T. (Because there is a small change, the playing order must not be random). The Default weapon set, health and turn time will be the same as the “official Default”.

  2. - Each match will take place on a randomly generated map with the Map Size set as "Large" (The way of the land generation detail is up to players at the time of the game). Refresh the map after each game. You can use any theme except Art, because it is too dark.

  3. - Each team must contain 6 hedgehogs. No more no less.

  4. - In the first two games, the playing order should not be random. One player should go first in the first game, the other in the second game. If a third game is required, it should be played with a random playing order.

  5. - Each match will be played to the best of three games, Final and Semi-Finals will be best of 5.

  6. - You have to upload the demo (hedgewars demo section) and post the links to them when you announce the match results. Only the winner of the match has to do this. The demos prove that your victory was fair, until you don’t give us the demo you are not considered the winner.

  7. - When creating a room, please include the word "tournament" somewhere in the room name, and remember to restrict team additions.

  8. - We are going to assign your opponent randomly with a Tournament Generator made by Vatten.

  9. - A - Every game in a particular round must be played within the week scheduled for that round.

    - B - Matches not played within the week schedule will be subject to review, if one or both parties are found to be responsible for the match not being played, those respective player(s) will be disqualified for the remaining duration of the tournament.

  10. - If a network problem occurs whilst both teams have more than 3 hogs the match will be replayed.If a network problem occurs when one team has less than 3 hogs, the team with the most hogs/health at the time is declared the winner. Since 0.9.21, if one player disconnect he can return to the game. So, this rule just applies if the player who was disconnected doesn’t rejoin the game.


By joining this tournament you are agree with respecting deadlines. Smile

That's all! If you don't have any trouble. What are you waiting for? Sign-up Now!

Heart Good luck and have fun, with love, the hedgewars tournament staff. Heart

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

Flying Amateur Artist for Hedgewars & Tournament Organizator

Do not do unto others what you would not want done to yourself

Wuzzy's picture
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I sign up for this tournament!

Name: Wuzzy
Team name: Orange
Time zone: UTC+1

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

User offline. Last seen 1 year 46 weeks ago. Offline
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Nick: Rom1
Team name: xD
Time Zone: UTC-2

Good Luck!

eugeno's picture
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Nick: eugeno

Team name: Debian

Time Zone: UTC + 1

Randy's picture
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Why nat?!

Nick: Randy

Team name: The Clown Factory

Time Zone: UTC -3

Color preference: Orange/Yellow

Good luck to u all!

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

Flying Amateur Artist for Hedgewars & Tournament Organizator

Do not do unto others what you would not want done to yourself

KompleX's picture
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I am in Big Grin

Nickname: KompleX

Team name: YouTubers

Time zone: UTC + 1

Sleepy Smiley ... Crown! ... Punch!

Romanus furens
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I want to join.

Player Name: Romanus furens
Team Name: Romani doctissimi
Time Zone: CET

User offline. Last seen 22 weeks 41 min ago. Offline
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Nickname: cri.thegrinch
Team Name: Scacacazzi
Time zone: UTC +1
Country: Italy
Preferred team color(s): Red

Hahaha.. Gonna see if ropes help me someway.. xD

I Hate Christmas timeeee.. Santa! is dead!

eldiablo's picture
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Nickname: eldiablo
Team Name: mećava
Time zone: UTC +1
Country: croatia
Preferred team color(s): R B G

nema sreće ako se ne meće Hellish Hand Grenade

Randy's picture
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We are half of the players needed so far. Smile

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

Flying Amateur Artist for Hedgewars & Tournament Organizator

Do not do unto others what you would not want done to yourself

Wohlstand's picture
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Nickname: Wohlstand
Tema Name: Wohlstand's
Time zone: UTC+3
Country: Russian Federation
Preferred team color(s): Cyan, Green, or any but not Red (Red color just for fishes! (c)Den )

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Nickname: Hun73R
Team Name: Hedgehogs
Time zone: UTC + 2
Preferred team color(s): Blue, Green

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Nickname: someone
Team Name: Saints
Time Zone: UTC+1

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Nickname: Nexia
Team Name: unnamed
Time Zone: UTC

COLOLO's picture
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Nombre: COLOLO
Zona Horaria: (UTC-04:00) Santiago
Color Team: Rojo Crown! Crown! Crown!

Randy's picture
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Current entries:

  1. Wuzzy
  2. Rom1
  3. eugeno
  4. Randy
  5. KompleX
  6. Romanus furens
  7. cri.thegrinch
  8. eldiablo
  9. Wohlstand
  10. Hun73R
  11. someone
  12. Nexia
  13. COLOLO

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

Flying Amateur Artist for Hedgewars & Tournament Organizator

Do not do unto others what you would not want done to yourself

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Nickname: pozsy
Team Name: pozsy
Time Zone: UTC+1

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Nickname: S.D.
Team Name: S.D. Team
Time Zone: UTC+2

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Nickname: Fanat
Team Name: egoist
Time Zone: UTC+2

I am king of The Specialists!

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Nick: 1937Barcelona
Team: Catalunya
Time: CET

AntiSexist AntiFascist AntiRacist always!


Rythm and blues

Nishi's picture
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I´ll join.

Nick: Nishi
Team: Nishi team
Time zone: UTC-3 (Argentina)

seek and destroy
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Nick: seek and destroy
Team name: sesesese
Time zone: (UTC-03:00) Buenos Aires

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Gotta try.
Nickname: Mercuricalis
Team name: MC Bomber
Time zone: UTC +5

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Nick: Vergil
Team name: Imperium
Time zone: UTC +1
Prefered Colors: 1. Red 2 Green 3 Blue

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Nickname: AC15
Team name: (╯°□°)╯ ︵ ┻━┻
Time zone: UTC 0

Randy's picture
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Waiting for 2 more players and then the tournament will starts.

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

Flying Amateur Artist for Hedgewars & Tournament Organizator

Do not do unto others what you would not want done to yourself

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Nick : phatkev-amsterdam

Team name : Amsterham

Time : UTC +1

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Nick: bananajones
Team name: Honor

Time: UTC +1


Randy's picture
User offline. Last seen 1 year 51 weeks ago. Offline
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Sign-up period is close! Tournament will start soon.

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

Flying Amateur Artist for Hedgewars & Tournament Organizator

Do not do unto others what you would not want done to yourself

Randy's picture
User offline. Last seen 1 year 51 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 480

List of the registered players:

6-Romanus furens
19-seek and destroy

Good luck!

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

Flying Amateur Artist for Hedgewars & Tournament Organizator

Do not do unto others what you would not want done to yourself

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