Argh! It seems that almost every room is locked. >:-(

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Wuzzy's picture
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Argh! Why do I have the feeling that 90% of all public rooms are either in-progress, password-protected or access-restricted?
Sad Smiley

I wish Hedgewars would at least allow to filter the password-protected and access-restricted rooms.

But I also wish there would be more open rooms.

I wonder whether people actually know they are preventing other people from access if the tick the “password” checkbox.

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sheepluva's picture
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If you're building from latest 0.9.21 source you can easily re-activate the filters.
(they were backed out because committed into 0.9.21 branch after string-freeze/release)

just apply this diff

diff -r 31c744824dab -r 07ade56c3b4a QTfrontend/ui/page/pageroomslist.cpp
--- a/QTfrontend/ui/page/pageroomslist.cpp      Tue Jan 06 19:26:25 2015 +0100
+++ b/QTfrontend/ui/page/pageroomslist.cpp      Tue Jan 06 17:07:34 2015 +0100
@@ -85,8 +85,8 @@
-    //stateMenu->addAction(showPassword);
-    //stateMenu->addAction(showJoinRestricted);
+    stateMenu->addAction(showPassword);
+    stateMenu->addAction(showJoinRestricted);
     // Help/prompt message at top

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Huh?! I wasn't aware this was already fixed. It seems the issue I pointed to was long forgotten. Big Grin

Thanks, good to know.

Anyways, it is also a social issue. It is still frustrating when most rooms are locked down, no matter if properly filtered or not.

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sheepluva's picture
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Wuzzy allegedly wrote:

Anyways, it is also a social issue. It is still frustrating when most rooms are locked down, no matter if properly filtered or not.

Yeah, many players join the server because they planned to play with some particular friends (some do it e.g. for youtube/twitch/etc) and use the official server to play with them.

Most other players are there to play at random times with random people of the community, be it friends, online-friends or strangers.

So there are two completely different reasons to be on the official server.

Try to not think of it as a social issue though - it's kinda like you can't just join any stranger's wedding, party or (possibly romantic) dinner.
It's not like they aren't social, they just had a specific plan of who would be there.
Possibly only people they know well and want to hang out with in a private atmosphere, rather than a public one.

Bottom line:
IMO it's all about private parties VS public festival - both things that should exist, so don't be frustrated Smile

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I understand. I would not mind the closed rooms if there would be enough open rooms, that's all. :P

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Haha, I feel that. I fully understand and agree with what you are saying sheepluva, but I can't help being frustrated, too. Lately, it seems that the only people online (and playing a gamemode I want to play) are in the locked rooms. I sort of regret that password-protected rooms were ever added. Perhaps if our player-base was larger it wouldn't be so bad. I miss the old days of being able to sign on at any time and find a game, though. Sad Smiley

(Sorry to be a downer).

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I see :/

And guys, please don't forget: if you can't find games -> please please please host a room!

I imagine Wuzzy, mikade and others being in Lobby all depressed because there's no public room to play in.

A situation that wouldn't be there to begin with if any of you guys opened up a room so that the others could join :P

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Haha, of course I open a room if I can't find one. But then I have to wait … Meh.

Maybe Hedgewars just needs more players in general.
Big Grin

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well.. i really hope Hedgewars will get more player.. we really need to promote this game.. =) social network can help us a lot i think, and maybe more tourney too.. default one is going pretty well, and shoppa one too wasn't bad in my though...

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cri.thegrinch allegedly wrote:

default one is going pretty well, and shoppa one too wasn't bad in my though...

I just hope amn and eldiablo finally play the final as scheduled, seesh.

WRT promoting the game, I think the wiki should be on the receiving end of more effort before we can fully carry out stuff like promoting on social media.

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I've uninstalled the game. I waste way too much time WAITING to play.

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naruto9 allegedly wrote:

I've uninstalled the game. I waste way too much time WAITING to play.

Sure, nobody will force you to stay if you can't enjoy the game.

Have fun playing CoD or something ;p

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I wonder if naruto9 wasn't on latest version ☺

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nemo allegedly wrote:
I wonder if naruto9 wasn't on latest version ☺

Don't wonder any further, he was on latest version - but he hated Highlander as far as I could see :P

Also as far as I can see he only opened a room on the same day on which he uninstalled the game.
Two times, both for default mode, with the not so inviting name ",vcgfsgfhfhjgvhkjvkjh" :P and closed it each time within an hour before anybody joined.

Although I can imagine he might have had the room open for many minutes with nobody joining, since default ain't too popular these days.

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Damn, I would have happily played default with him. Some people aren't very patient though, I guess.

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Ah, yeah, I usually make a point of making a non-highlander room, just to give other modes a bit more exposure, and, to change things up a bit.
Usually non-shoppa too, but that's just a matter of relative skill level. ☺

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