Crash of game and mouse pointer blocked

17 replies [Last post]
daimadoshi85's picture
User offline. Last seen 14 years 1 week ago. Offline
Joined: 2008-05-04
Posts: 372

I installed hedgewars in the laptop of a friend of mine (ubuntu), and when we try the game for some turns everything works fine, then game crashes, mouse pointer seems blocked, and I must reboot X. What can I do?Do you think I must modify the file xorg.conf?

The graphics card of the laptop is:
Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 03)

Come to the dark side, we have cookies... - V

Hedgewars script for ubuntu is here...but maybe I have to update it first Smile

unC0Rr's picture
User offline. Last seen 27 weeks 2 days ago. Offline
Joined: 2006-11-27
Posts: 576

Hmm... Hard to say what's wrong. Please, post debuglog after crash. It's located in ~/.hedgewars/debug0.txt

daimadoshi85's picture
User offline. Last seen 14 years 1 week ago. Offline
Joined: 2008-05-04
Posts: 372

Here it is

     0: Console write: -= Hedgewars 0.9.4 =-
     0: Console write:    -= by unC0Rr =-   
     0: Prefix: "./"
     0: 0: /usr/local/bin/hwengine
     0: 1: /home/bea/.hedgewars
     0: 2: 1280
     0: 3: 800
     0: 4: 32
     0: 5: 34208
     0: 6: 1
     0: 7: 1
     0: 8: it.txt
     0: 9: 128
     0: 10: 8
     0: 11: /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data
     0: 12: 0
     0: 13: 0
     0: 14: c2VuemEgbm9tZQ==
     0: Console write: Init SDL... 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Init SDL_ttf... 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: ParseCommand "fullscr 1"
     0: Prepare to change video parameters...
     0: Freeing old primary surface...
     0: Setting up OpenGL...
     0: SDL video driver: x11
     0: Console write: Init SDL_Net... 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Establishing IPC connection... 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Getting game config...
     0: IPC send: C
     0: IPC send: ?
     0: ParseCommand "theme nature"
     0: ParseCommand "seed 35a67dd1-0000-4000-a7b8-48a111ab7cd2"
     0: ParseCommand "addteam 65535 Hedgehogs"
     0: ParseCommand "grave Simple"
     0: ParseCommand "fort Island"
     0: ParseCommand "bind up +up"
     0: ParseCommand "bind left +left"
     0: ParseCommand "bind right +right"
     0: ParseCommand "bind down +down"
     0: ParseCommand "bind return ljump"
     0: ParseCommand "bind backspace hjump"
     0: ParseCommand "bind space +attack"
     0: ParseCommand "bind mousel put"
     0: ParseCommand "bind tab switch"
     0: ParseCommand "bind h findhh"
     0: ParseCommand "bind mouser ammomenu"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f1 slot 1"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f2 slot 2"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f3 slot 3"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f4 slot 4"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f5 slot 5"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f6 slot 6"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f7 slot 7"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f8 slot 8"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f9 slot 9"
     0: ParseCommand "bind 1 timer 1"
     0: ParseCommand "bind 2 timer 2"
     0: ParseCommand "bind 3 timer 3"
     0: ParseCommand "bind 4 timer 4"
     0: ParseCommand "bind 5 timer 5"
     0: ParseCommand "bind t chat"
     0: ParseCommand "bind ` history"
     0: ParseCommand "bind p pause"
     0: ParseCommand "bind 9 +voldown"
     0: ParseCommand "bind 0 +volup"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f fullscr"
     0: ParseCommand "bind c capture"
     0: ParseCommand "bind delete rotmask"
     0: ParseCommand "bind escape quit"
     0: ParseCommand "addhh 0 100 hedgehog 1"
     0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
     0: AddGear: type = 1
     0: ParseCommand "addhh 0 100 hedgehog 2"
     0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
     0: AddGear: type = 1
     0: ParseCommand "addhh 0 100 hedgehog 3"
     0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
     0: AddGear: type = 1
     0: ParseCommand "addhh 0 100 hedgehog 4"
     0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
     0: AddGear: type = 1
     0: ParseCommand "addteam 16744319 Frutta"
     0: ParseCommand "grave coffin"
     0: ParseCommand "fort Barrelhouse"
     0: ParseCommand "bind up +up"
     0: ParseCommand "bind left +left"
     0: ParseCommand "bind right +right"
     0: ParseCommand "bind down +down"
     0: ParseCommand "bind return ljump"
     0: ParseCommand "bind backspace hjump"
     0: ParseCommand "bind space +attack"
     0: ParseCommand "bind mousel put"
     0: ParseCommand "bind tab switch"
     0: ParseCommand "bind h findhh"
     0: ParseCommand "bind mouser ammomenu"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f1 slot 1"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f2 slot 2"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f3 slot 3"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f4 slot 4"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f5 slot 5"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f6 slot 6"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f7 slot 7"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f8 slot 8"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f9 slot 9"
     0: ParseCommand "bind 1 timer 1"
     0: ParseCommand "bind 2 timer 2"
     0: ParseCommand "bind 3 timer 3"
     0: ParseCommand "bind 4 timer 4"
     0: ParseCommand "bind 5 timer 5"
     0: ParseCommand "bind t chat"
     0: ParseCommand "bind ` history"
     0: ParseCommand "bind p pause"
     0: ParseCommand "bind 9 +voldown"
     0: ParseCommand "bind 0 +volup"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f fullscr"
     0: ParseCommand "bind c capture"
     0: ParseCommand "bind delete rotmask"
     0: ParseCommand "bind escape quit"
     0: ParseCommand "addhh 4 100 Banana"
     0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
     0: AddGear: type = 1
     0: ParseCommand "addhh 4 100 Mela"
     0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
     0: AddGear: type = 1
     0: ParseCommand "addhh 4 100 Arancia"
     0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
     0: AddGear: type = 1
     0: ParseCommand "addhh 4 100 Limone"
     0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
     0: AddGear: type = 1
     0: ParseCommand "ammstore 93919294221991210332351"
     0: ParseCommand "ammstore 93919294221991210332351"
     0: Ping? Pong!
     0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
     0: AddGear: type = 15
     0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
     0: AddGear: type = 15
     0: Console write: Init sound...
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Generating land...
     0: Console write: Loading progress sprite: 
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Progress... 
     0: Console write: (32,352) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/nature/LandTex... 
     0: Console write: (640,480) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/nature/Border... 
     0: Console write: (128,32) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Girder... 
     0: Console write: (100,16) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Reading objects info...
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/nature/plant1... 
     0: Console write: (240,260) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/nature/plant2... 
     0: Console write: (170,110) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/nature/plant3... 
     0: Console write: (100,100) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/nature/plant4... 
     0: Console write: (100,110) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Adding theme objects...
     0: Console write: Generating collision info... 
     0: Console write: (3) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Generating collision info... 
     0: Console write: (3) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Generating collision info... 
     0: Console write: (3) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Generating collision info... 
     0: Console write: (3) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Generating collision info... 
     0: Console write: (3) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Generating collision info... 
     0: Console write: (3) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Generating collision info... 
     0: Console write: (3) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Generating collision info... 
     0: Console write: (3) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: CheckLandDigest: M-135827176:1142044917:874923053:-1821999460:740175506
     0: Assigned Gear coordinates (1601,690)
     0: Assigned Gear coordinates (1711,805)
     0: Assigned Gear coordinates (725,713)
     0: Assigned Gear coordinates (1498,915)
     0: Assigned Gear coordinates (538,878)
     0: Assigned Gear coordinates (401,739)
     0: Assigned Gear coordinates (982,661)
     0: Assigned Gear coordinates (1196,340)
     0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
     0: AddGear: type = 21
     0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
     0: AddGear: type = 11
     0: Assigned Gear coordinates (1344,476)
     0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
     0: AddGear: type = 11
     0: Assigned Gear coordinates (1327,812)
     0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
     0: AddGear: type = 11
     0: Assigned Gear coordinates (771,821)
     0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
     0: AddGear: type = 11
     0: Assigned Gear coordinates (1374,700)
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf... 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf... 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf... 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/nature/theme.cfg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Crosshair... 
     0: Console write: (32,32) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Graves/Simple... 
     0: Console write: (32,256) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Graves/coffin... 
     0: Console write: (32,256) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/BlueWater... 
     0: Console write: (256,32) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/nature/Clouds... 
     0: Console write: failed
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Clouds... 
     0: Console write: (256,512) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Bomb... 
     0: Console write: (32,32) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/BigDigits... 
     0: Console write: (32,320) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Frame... 
     0: Console write: (4,64) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Lag... 
     0: Console write: (65,780) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Arrow... 
     0: Console write: (16,128) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Grenade... 
     0: Console write: (64,64) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Targetp... 
     0: Console write: (32,32) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/UFO... 
     0: Console write: (32,128) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/SmokeTrace... 
     0: Console write: (32,256) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/RopeHook... 
     0: Console write: (64,64) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Expl50... 
     0: Console write: (64,384) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/MineOff... 
     0: Console write: (32,32) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/MineOn... 
     0: Console write: (32,32) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Case... 
     0: Console write: (32,32) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/FirstAid... 
     0: Console write: (48,672) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/dynamite... 
     0: Console write: (64,512) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Power... 
     0: Console write: (32,800) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/ClBomb... 
     0: Console write: (32,32) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/ClParticle... 
     0: Console write: (16,16) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Flame... 
     0: Console write: (16,128) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/nature/horizont... 
     0: Console write: (2048,512) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/nature/Sky... 
     0: Console write: (64,1024) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/AmmoMenu/BrdrLines... 
     0: Console write: (201,2) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/AmmoMenu/Slot... 
     0: Console write: (201,33) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/AmmoMenu/AmmoName... 
     0: Console write: (201,33) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/AmmoMenu/Ammos... 
     0: Console write: (32,736) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/AmmoMenu/SlotKeys... 
     0: Console write: (32,384) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/AmmoMenu/Selection... 
     0: Console write: (32,32) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Finger... 
     0: Console write: (32,768) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/AirBomb... 
     0: Console write: (64,64) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Airplane... 
     0: Console write: (125,84) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/amAirplane... 
     0: Console write: (64,64) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/amGirder... 
     0: Console write: (160,1280) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/hhMask... 
     0: Console write: (32,32) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Switch... 
     0: Console write: (32,384) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Parachute... 
     0: Console write: (48,48) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Target... 
     0: Console write: (32,32) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/RopeNode... 
     0: Console write: (6,6) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/thinking... 
     0: Console write: (32,32) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/PowerBar... 
     0: Console write: (256,32) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/WindBar... 
     0: Console write: (151,17) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/WindL... 
     0: Console write: (80,13) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/WindR... 
     0: Console write: (80,13) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/nature/Flake... 
     0: Console write: (64,128) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Hedgehog/amRope... 
     0: Console write: (64,64) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Hedgehog/amBazooka... 
     0: Console write: (64,64) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Hedgehog/amShotgun... 
     0: Console write: (128,128) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Hedgehog/amDEagle... 
     0: Console write: (128,128) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Hedgehog/amAirAttack... 
     0: Console write: (64,64) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Hedgehog/amBaseball... 
     0: Console write: (64,64) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Hammer... 
     0: Console write: (34,64) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Hedgehog/amBTorch_i... 
     0: Console write: (64,64) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Hedgehog/amBTorch_w... 
     0: Console write: (64,64) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Teleport... 
     0: Console write: (64,512) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/HHDeath... 
     0: Console write: (32,512) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Hedgehog/amShotgun_w... 
     0: Console write: (128,128) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Hedgehog/amDEagle_w... 
     0: Console write: (128,128) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Hedgehog/Idle... 
     0: Console write: (32,1024) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Mortar... 
     0: Console write: (64,64) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/AmmoMenu/TurnsLeft... 
     0: Console write: (16,128) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Hats/Samurai... 
     0: Console write: (32,1024) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Hedgehog/amKamikaze... 
     0: Console write: (256,64) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Hedgehog/amWhip... 
     0: Console write: (128,64) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Hedgehog... 
     0: Console write: (256,256) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/grenadeimpact.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/explosion.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/throwpowerup.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/throwrelease.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/splash.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/shotgunreload.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/shotgunfire.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/graveimpact.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/minetick.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/pickhammer.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/gun.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/ufo.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Jump1.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Jump2.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Jump3.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Yessir.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Laugh.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Illgetyou.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Incoming.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Missed.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Stupid.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Firstblood.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Boring.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Byebye.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Sameteam.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Nutter.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Reinforcements.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Traitor.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Youllregretthat.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Enemydown.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Coward.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Hurry.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Watchit.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/local/share/hedgewars/Data/Sounds/voices/Kamikaze.ogg 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Freeing progress surface... 
     1: DeleteGear
   640: DeleteGear
  1156: IPC send: +
  1999: Console write: Combattiamo!
  1999: DeleteGear
  3165: IPC send: +
  5030: ParseCommand "/nextturn"
  5030: IPC send: N
  5030: Doing SwitchHedgehog: time 5030
  5030: FreeActionsList called
  5030: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
  5030: AddGear: type = 22
  5030: Wind = 0.000101272482425
  5161: DeleteGear
  5167: IPC send: +
  7169: IPC send: +
  9187: IPC send: +
 10607: ParseCommand "+up"
 10607: IPC send: U
 10691: ParseCommand "-up"
 10691: IPC send: u
 11202: IPC send: +
 11402: ParseCommand "+up"
 11402: IPC send: U
 11504: ParseCommand "-up"
 11504: IPC send: u
 12515: ParseCommand "+down"
 12515: IPC send: D
 12566: ParseCommand "-down"
 12566: IPC send: d
 13206: IPC send: +
 13476: ParseCommand "+up"
 13476: IPC send: U
 13526: ParseCommand "-up"
 13526: IPC send: u
 15210: IPC send: +
 16000: ParseCommand "+attack"
 16000: /+attack: Gear^.State = 2
 16000: IPC send: A
 17217: IPC send: +
 17500: AddGear: (725,713), d(0.960002145729959,-0.279992643045262)
 17500: AddGear: type = 2
 17500: IPC send: a
 17536: AddGear: (759,703), d(0,0)
 17536: AddGear: type = 9
 17576: Explosion: at (797,693)
 17576: AddGear: (797,693), d(0,0)
 17576: AddGear: type = 10
 17576: Damage: 13
 17576: DeleteGear
 17685: ParseCommand "-attack"
 18031: DeleteGear
 18056: DeleteGear
 19222: IPC send: +
 19320: AddGear: (720,691), d(0,0)
 19320: AddGear: type = 3
 19320: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
 19320: AddGear: type = 15
 19961: DeleteGear
 20821: DeleteGear
 21125: ParseCommand "+left"
 21125: IPC send: L
 21226: IPC send: +
 21376: ParseCommand "-left"
 21376: IPC send: l
 21661: ParseCommand "+right"
 21661: IPC send: R
 21862: ParseCommand "-right"
 21862: IPC send: r
 23228: IPC send: +
 23852: ParseCommand "/nextturn"
 23852: IPC send: N
 23852: Doing SwitchHedgehog: time 23852
 23852: FreeActionsList called
 23852: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
 23852: AddGear: type = 22
 23852: Wind = -0.000244995346293
 23903: Enter Think Thread
 24333: DeleteGear
 25228: IPC send: +
 26242: ParseCommand "+left"
 26242: IPC send: L
 26291: ParseCommand "+right"
 26536: ParseCommand "-right"
 27235: IPC send: +
 27532: ParseCommand "-left"
 27532: IPC send: l
 27932: ParseCommand "/setweap  "
 27932: IPC send: w 
 28332: ParseCommand "timer 3"
 28332: IPC send: 3
 28532: ParseCommand "+right"
 28532: IPC send: R
 28533: ParseCommand "-right"
 28533: IPC send: r
 28833: ParseCommand "+up"
 28833: IPC send: U
 29279: IPC send: +
 29766: ParseCommand "-up"
 29766: IPC send: u
 30540: ParseCommand "+attack"
 30540: /+attack: Gear^.State = 2
 30540: IPC send: A
 31287: IPC send: +
 31760: ParseCommand "-attack"
 31760: IPC send: a
 31760: AddGear: (381,771), d(0.113259426085278,-0.806082069175318)
 31760: AddGear: type = 0
 31760: IPC send: a
 31771: Enter Think Thread
 33290: IPC send: +
 34760: Explosion: at (720,603)
 34760: AddGear: (720,603), d(0,0)
 34760: AddGear: type = 10
 34760: DeleteGear
 35216: DeleteGear
 35284: IPC send: +
 37296: IPC send: +
 37791: ParseCommand "/nextturn"
 37791: IPC send: N
 37791: Doing SwitchHedgehog: time 37791
 37791: FreeActionsList called
 37791: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
 37791: AddGear: type = 22
 37791: Wind = -0.000062825856730
 38042: DeleteGear
 39296: IPC send: +
 41324: IPC send: +
 41374: ParseCommand "+left"
 41374: IPC send: L
 41910: ParseCommand "-left"
 41910: IPC send: l
 42461: ParseCommand "+right"
 42461: IPC send: R
 42511: ParseCommand "-right"
 42511: IPC send: r
 43359: IPC send: +
 45365: IPC send: +
 47374: ParseCommand "+left"
 47374: IPC send: L
 47374: IPC send: +
 49097: ParseCommand "-left"
 49097: IPC send: l
 49417: IPC send: +
 49871: ParseCommand "ammomenu"
 51424: IPC send: +
 52623: ParseCommand "put"
 52643: ParseCommand "/setweap "
 52643: IPC send: w
 53440: IPC send: +
 55223: ParseCommand "ammomenu"
 55418: IPC send: +
 57453: IPC send: +
 58016: ParseCommand "put"
 58067: ParseCommand "/setweap "
 58067: IPC send: w
 59480: IPC send: +
 61502: IPC send: +
 63513: IPC send: +
 65519: IPC send: +
 67498: IPC send: +
 69073: ParseCommand "put"
 69541: IPC send: +
 71567: IPC send: +
 73590: IPC send: +
 75605: IPC send: +
 75621: ParseCommand "+left"
 75621: IPC send: L
 75750: ParseCommand "-left"
 75750: IPC send: l
 75864: ParseCommand "+left"
 75864: IPC send: L
 75959: ParseCommand "-left"
 75959: IPC send: l
 77038: ParseCommand "put"
 77451: ParseCommand "put"
 77616: IPC send: +
 77907: ParseCommand "put"
 78322: ParseCommand "put"
 78488: ParseCommand "put"
 78698: ParseCommand "put"
 79622: IPC send: +
 80362: ParseCommand "ljump"
 80362: IPC send: j
 80691: ParseCommand "+attack"
 80691: /+attack: Gear^.State = 262
 80691: IPC send: A
 80691: AddGear: (1485,668), d(-1,-0)
 80691: AddGear: type = 8
 80775: ParseCommand "-attack"
 80775: IPC send: a
 80776: DeleteGear
 81659: IPC send: +
 83663: IPC send: +
 85673: IPC send: +
 85907: ParseCommand "/nextturn"
 85907: IPC send: N
 85907: Doing SwitchHedgehog: time 85907
 85907: FreeActionsList called
 85907: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
 85907: AddGear: type = 22
 85907: Wind = 0.000203968025744
 85958: Enter Think Thread
 86278: DeleteGear
 87675: IPC send: +
 88220: ParseCommand "+left"
 88220: IPC send: L
 88488: ParseCommand "-left"
 88488: IPC send: l
 89029: ParseCommand "/setweap  "
 89029: IPC send: w 
 89429: ParseCommand "timer 2"
 89429: IPC send: 2
 89629: ParseCommand "+right"
 89629: IPC send: R
 89630: ParseCommand "-right"
 89630: IPC send: r
 89684: IPC send: +
 90086: ParseCommand "+up"
 90086: IPC send: U
 90867: ParseCommand "-up"
 90867: IPC send: u
 91686: IPC send: +
 91718: ParseCommand "+attack"
 91718: /+attack: Gear^.State = 2
 91718: IPC send: A
 92257: ParseCommand "-attack"
 92257: IPC send: a
 92257: AddGear: (1188,332), d(0.131106524029747,-0.335277615115047)
 92257: AddGear: type = 0
 92257: IPC send: a
 92268: Enter Think Thread
 93688: IPC send: +
 94257: Explosion: at (1450,661)
 94257: AddGear: (1450,661), d(0,0)
 94257: AddGear: type = 10
 94257: Damage: 7
 94257: Damage: 34
 94257: DeleteGear
 94713: DeleteGear
 95706: IPC send: +
 96783: AddGear: (1404,672), d(0,0)
 96783: AddGear: type = 3
 96783: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
 96783: AddGear: type = 15
 97424: DeleteGear
 97714: IPC send: +
 98284: DeleteGear
 99717: IPC send: +
101339: ParseCommand "/nextturn"
101339: IPC send: N
101339: Doing SwitchHedgehog: time 101339
101339: FreeActionsList called
101339: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
101339: AddGear: type = 22
101339: Wind = -0.000128411920741
-= halt at 101341 ticks =-

Anyway I think I should reconfigure xserver-xorg. I will try it later.

Come to the dark side, we have cookies... - V

Hedgewars script for ubuntu is here...but maybe I have to update it first Smile

unC0Rr's picture
User offline. Last seen 27 weeks 2 days ago. Offline
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Posts: 576

Still no idea... Is that 64-bit OS?

daimadoshi85's picture
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Posts: 372


Come to the dark side, we have cookies... - V

Hedgewars script for ubuntu is here...but maybe I have to update it first Smile

User offline. Last seen 16 years 29 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2008-06-19
Posts: 5

I can confirm this bug. Im running hedgewars 0.9.4 in EEEPC (701)

daimadoshi85's picture
User offline. Last seen 14 years 1 week ago. Offline
Joined: 2008-05-04
Posts: 372

Found the problem for me. I reconfigured xorg as I said, and now it works!

EDIT: No, I was wrong, same behaviour :/

Come to the dark side, we have cookies... - V

Hedgewars script for ubuntu is here...but maybe I have to update it first Smile

User offline. Last seen 13 years 19 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 3

I have the same problem, but my debug0.txt is shorter than the previous one posted (it probably crashes sooner) :

     0: Console write: -= Hedgewars 0.9.5 =-
     0: Console write:    -= by unC0Rr =-   
     0: Prefix: "./"
     0: 0: /usr/lib/hedgewars/bin/hwengine
     0: 1: /home/nico/.hedgewars
     0: 2: 1280
     0: 3: 800
     0: 4: 32
     0: 5: 46951
     0: 6: 1
     0: 7: 1
     0: 8: fr.txt
     0: 9: 128
     0: 10: 8
     0: 11: /usr/share/games/hedgewars/Data
     0: 12: 0
     0: 13: 0
     0: 14: dW5uYW1lZA==
     0: Console write: Init SDL... 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Init SDL_ttf... 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: ParseCommand "fullscr 1"
     0: Prepare to change video parameters...
     0: Freeing old primary surface...
     0: Setting up OpenGL...
     0: SDL video driver: x11
     0: Console write: Init SDL_Net... 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Establishing IPC connection... 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Getting game config...
     0: IPC send: C
     0: IPC send: ?
     0: ParseCommand "theme nature"
     0: ParseCommand "seed 24428980-273e-441f-939e-77448e2a10db"
     0: ParseCommand "addteam 65535 Hérissons"
     0: ParseCommand "grave Simple"
     0: ParseCommand "fort Island"
     0: ParseCommand "bind up +up"
     0: ParseCommand "bind left +left"
     0: ParseCommand "bind right +right"
     0: ParseCommand "bind down +down"
     0: ParseCommand "bind return ljump"
     0: ParseCommand "bind backspace hjump"
     0: ParseCommand "bind space +attack"
     0: ParseCommand "bind mousel put"
     0: ParseCommand "bind tab switch"
     0: ParseCommand "bind h findhh"
     0: ParseCommand "bind mouser ammomenu"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f1 slot 1"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f2 slot 2"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f3 slot 3"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f4 slot 4"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f5 slot 5"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f6 slot 6"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f7 slot 7"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f8 slot 8"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f9 slot 9"
     0: ParseCommand "bind 1 timer 1"
     0: ParseCommand "bind 2 timer 2"
     0: ParseCommand "bind 3 timer 3"
     0: ParseCommand "bind 4 timer 4"
     0: ParseCommand "bind 5 timer 5"
     0: ParseCommand "bind t chat"
     0: ParseCommand "bind ` history"
     0: ParseCommand "bind p pause"
     0: ParseCommand "bind y confirm"
     0: ParseCommand "bind 9 +voldown"
     0: ParseCommand "bind 0 +volup"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f12 fullscr"
     0: ParseCommand "bind c capture"
     0: ParseCommand "bind delete rotmask"
     0: ParseCommand "bind escape quit"
     0: ParseCommand "addhh 0 100 hérisson 1"
     0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
     0: AddGear: type = 1
     0: ParseCommand "addhh 0 100 hérisson 2"
     0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
     0: AddGear: type = 1
     0: ParseCommand "addhh 0 100 hérisson 3"
     0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
     0: AddGear: type = 1
     0: ParseCommand "addhh 0 100 hérisson 4"
     0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
     0: AddGear: type = 1
     0: ParseCommand "addteam 16744319 Fruits"
     0: ParseCommand "grave coffin"
     0: ParseCommand "fort Barrelhouse"
     0: ParseCommand "bind up +up"
     0: ParseCommand "bind left +left"
     0: ParseCommand "bind right +right"
     0: ParseCommand "bind down +down"
     0: ParseCommand "bind return ljump"
     0: ParseCommand "bind backspace hjump"
     0: ParseCommand "bind space +attack"
     0: ParseCommand "bind mousel put"
     0: ParseCommand "bind tab switch"
     0: ParseCommand "bind h findhh"
     0: ParseCommand "bind mouser ammomenu"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f1 slot 1"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f2 slot 2"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f3 slot 3"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f4 slot 4"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f5 slot 5"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f6 slot 6"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f7 slot 7"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f8 slot 8"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f9 slot 9"
     0: ParseCommand "bind 1 timer 1"
     0: ParseCommand "bind 2 timer 2"
     0: ParseCommand "bind 3 timer 3"
     0: ParseCommand "bind 4 timer 4"
     0: ParseCommand "bind 5 timer 5"
     0: ParseCommand "bind t chat"
     0: ParseCommand "bind ` history"
     0: ParseCommand "bind p pause"
     0: ParseCommand "bind y confirm"
     0: ParseCommand "bind 9 +voldown"
     0: ParseCommand "bind 0 +volup"
     0: ParseCommand "bind f12 fullscr"
     0: ParseCommand "bind c capture"
     0: ParseCommand "bind delete rotmask"
     0: ParseCommand "bind escape quit"
     0: ParseCommand "addhh 4 100 Banane"
     0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
     0: AddGear: type = 1
     0: ParseCommand "addhh 4 100 Pomme"
     0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
     0: AddGear: type = 1
     0: ParseCommand "addhh 4 100 Orange"
     0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
     0: AddGear: type = 1
     0: ParseCommand "addhh 4 100 Citron"
     0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
     0: AddGear: type = 1
     0: ParseCommand "ammstore 93919294221991210322351"
     0: ParseCommand "ammstore 93919294221991210322351"
     0: Ping? Pong!
     0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
     0: AddGear: type = 15
     0: AddGear: (0,0), d(0,0)
     0: AddGear: type = 15
     0: Console write: Init sound...
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Generating land...
     0: Console write: Loading progress sprite: 
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/share/games/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Progress... 
     0: Console write: (32,352) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/share/games/hedgewars/Data/Themes/nature/LandTex... 
     0: Console write: (640,480) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/share/games/hedgewars/Data/Themes/nature/Border... 
     0: Console write: (128,32) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/share/games/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Girder... 
     0: Console write: (100,16) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Reading objects info...
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/share/games/hedgewars/Data/Themes/nature/plant1... 
     0: Console write: (240,260) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/share/games/hedgewars/Data/Themes/nature/plant2... 
     0: Console write: (170,110) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/share/games/hedgewars/Data/Themes/nature/plant3... 
     0: Console write: (100,100) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Loading /usr/share/games/hedgewars/Data/Themes/nature/plant4... 
     0: Console write: (100,110) 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Adding theme objects...
-= halt at 0 ticks =-

When it happens, the mouse pointer is blocked (even if I replug the mouse or use the mousepad) but keeps working (for example it is still animated when the system is busy). The key board works well however, you can still use your computer without mouse. It's really odd, I tried to make it crash to get a good debug0 file, so I restarted three times the game and the third time it crashed though I didin't modified the configuration. Another time I had to restart the game about 10 times to make it crash. Nothing in the system logs.

I use Debian Lenny amd64 with the Sid 0.9.5-1 package, and the nvidia drivers.

daimadoshi85's picture
User offline. Last seen 14 years 1 week ago. Offline
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Posts: 372

While playing with my friend there is this problem yet, I don't know if it's only in network games, but it's really odd Sad Smiley
Now I saw this problems only on intel graphic cards,so I suppose the problem is here. Maybe some modification in xorg.conf can fix the problem, I don't know...

Come to the dark side, we have cookies... - V

Hedgewars script for ubuntu is here...but maybe I have to update it first Smile

User offline. Last seen 16 years 21 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 3

I'm on Ubuntu Intrepid 8.10 64bits
I installed the debian packages so I could have the lastest version. Package: hedgewars (0.9.4-1) [universe]

Several (most) times while playing i loose my mouse... its quite annoying. some times (very few) i can use it.
I though this was caused by using the debian packages, but it seems to be a common problem, based on this comments.
The windows version runs fine.

Another bug I've found is playing in network with windows and ubuntu every time the game finishes (ubuntu server) i have to close the game and restart, to allow th windows game to connect back.

Added after 5 minuts 15 seconds:
by the way is there any BTS for this game where bugs are tracked?

is there any interesse by the DEVs to package a version for Ubuntu on a Launchpad PPA?

unC0Rr's picture
User offline. Last seen 27 weeks 2 days ago. Offline
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User offline. Last seen 16 years 21 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 3

thanks for the BTS. I'll look into to it tomorrow to file this.

Is there any interests on you guys to get this into a LP PPA, so ubuntu users can have the most recent version?
since we are past Feature Freeze, the new version will not get in...

unC0Rr's picture
User offline. Last seen 27 weeks 2 days ago. Offline
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Posts: 576

It's good to get in there, but only if someone could do it for us.

User offline. Last seen 16 years 21 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2008-10-14
Posts: 3

unC0Rr allegedly wrote:
It's good to get in there, but only if someone could do it for us.

Thanks for your reply, and sorry for being offtopic.

Here is the Launchpad ticket where we asked to include the lastest version as a Feature Freez Exception:

The developers asked us to provide this info:

# diffstat output showing the magnitude of code changes relative to the current version in Ubuntu
# If the upload is a new upstream microrelease, the relevant part of the upstream changelog and/or release notes
# An explanation of the testing which has been performed on the new version in Ubuntu, including verification that the new package:

* builds,
* installs and upgrades,
* does not break packages which depend on it, or that corresponding updates have been prepared.

FeatureFreeze for new upstream versions

If you want to introduce a new upstream version with new features and/or ABI/API changes, please

* state the reason why you feel it is necessary
o (other bugs it fixes, etc.)
* attach (as files)
o diffstat (recursively) of the directories resulting from untarring the upstream tarballs

diff -ruN -old-version,new-version/ | diffstat > diffstat.txt

o diff of the Upstream ChangeLog (not debian/changelog)

diff -u -old-version,new-version/ChangeLog > changelog.diff

o note that the ChangeLog sometimes is called CHANGES, is missing or the tarball merely has a NEWS file.
o the NEWS file, if you think that this information helps reviewing your request (true for most gnome packages)
o build log (as file)
+ pbuilder has the --logfile option.
o install log
+ for instance a copy and paste of the install messages from console when installing
o mention what testing you've done to see that it works
+ a screenshot showing the main features could also be nice

Since you guys have the code and the experience ( i have zero experience on packaging and debdiff ), could you help us with the required stuff?
Of course it would be great if this mouse bug would get fixed by then too.

Thanks in advance

User offline. Last seen 16 years 14 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 1

Every since I upgraded to Intrepid Ibex my hedgewar's video is messed up: Screenshot ->
It also disabled my Compiz Cube Background any application using graphics is opened.

Any Idea what going on?

User offline. Last seen 15 years 39 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 4

it's known bug in ubuntu
just wiat for fix (or jaunty)

daimadoshi85's picture
User offline. Last seen 14 years 1 week ago. Offline
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Posts: 372

It's really strange!!In my laptop, where I always played the game fine, I encountered this bug now, but only with Bath map.

Come to the dark side, we have cookies... - V

Hedgewars script for ubuntu is here...but maybe I have to update it first Smile

daimadoshi85's picture
User offline. Last seen 14 years 1 week ago. Offline
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Posts: 372

Found the problem!!It's a bug (I think of the map), when I try to use all the hedgehogs of two teams (so, 16 hedgehogs), game crashes with the same behaviours of those in this thread.

Come to the dark side, we have cookies... - V

Hedgewars script for ubuntu is here...but maybe I have to update it first Smile

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