Which sounds are original?

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User offline. Last seen 16 years 31 weeks ago. Offline
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Seems like you want some sound effects. But before I can start on this I'd like to know which of the current ones are original and which ones are "borrowed"...

unC0Rr's picture
User offline. Last seen 24 weeks 11 hours ago. Offline
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Borrowed?? None of them. Mostly they are found in internet under PD. Some are made by me.

User offline. Last seen 16 years 31 weeks ago. Offline
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unC0Rr allegedly wrote:
Borrowed?? None of them. Mostly they are found in internet under PD.

Those are the ones I mean. Even if they're PD, they're still not original Wink Smiley (and I don't want to re-make any original content)
Can you make a list which sounds are made by you and which ones are from the internet?

You probably made all the voices. I just wonder why the double jump sounds so much like Butters from South Park *weird*

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All the voices are indeed original (including the double jump Smile ), Uncorr can tell you about the rest, as those were in place before I joined the project

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User offline. Last seen 24 weeks 11 hours ago. Offline
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Scott, why don't you want to replace original content? Original sounds are: throwpowerup, throwrelease, ufo, minetick. I don't like them much, specially first two.

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