[Music] Custom Sudden Death music compilation (version 5)

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Wuzzy's picture
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I have made a small compilation of tracks which changes the Sudden Death music of most themes to a custom one.
You can download all of this in a single add-on.


Old versions


Do NOT use the package for any other than the designated version. Failure to do so might lead to broken themes. To restore the theme music to the default, just delete this package.

Package information

Most themes get a custom music, some of them are “tailored” towards the theme. The default Sudden Death music is kept for a few themes where I thought it fits well.
The following themes use a custom sudden death music with this add-on:

  • Art
  • Cave
  • City
  • CrazyMission
  • Deepspace
  • EarthRise
  • Eyes
  • Freeway
  • Halloween
  • Hell
  • Planes
  • Underwater

All other themes use a custom “generic” Sudden Death track (SDGeneric.mp3) or the default one (sdmusic.ogg), but I think they fit pretty well for the themes in question.

I can not guarantee compability with later Hedgewars versions, because this add-on overwrites theme configuration files. Make sure to delete or update this add-on when a new Hedgewars version got released to be 100% sure.

List of tracks

CC0, yd

Dirt City_0.mp3
CC BY 3.0, Alexandr Zhelanov

CC0, yd

CC0, yd

Ove Melaa - Psycho Behind The Keys.mp3
CC BY-SA 3.0, OveMelaa

CC0, yd

CC BY 3.0, Alexandr Zhelanov

CC BY 3.0, SouljahdeShiva

radakan - volcanic caves.ogg
CC BY-SA 3.0, Janne Hanhisuanto for Radakan


If you found or created a good sudden death track for a theme, or a better sudden death track which could replace one of the existing ones, please post it here, so I can include it into my little compilation.

Good tracks:

  • Are loopable
  • Kinda fit to Hedgewars (matter of taste)
  • Fit to the theme in which they are played
  • Have a mood of emergency, death, urgency, danger (basically what Sudden Death is about).

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h3oCharles's picture
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Generic Sudden Death tune @ MediaFire:

EDIT1: Don't use MP3 files for music, as they dont work in hedgewars. I had to convert it on my own :/

EDIT2: I was looking around on this website, and i found a lot of tunes that you may like for Cave theme.
Crystal Cave (song18): http://opengameart.org/content/crystal-cave-song18
Ends of the Earth: http://opengameart.org/content/ends-of-the-earth
Dripping Water: http://opengameart.org/content/dripping-water
Cave Theme: http://opengameart.org/content/cave-theme
Dripping Water Loop: http://opengameart.org/content/dripping-water-loop
Radakan - Volcanic Caves: http://opengameart.org/content/radakan-volcanic-caves
Radakan - Cave Ambience: http://opengameart.org/content/radakan-cave-ambience

EDIT3: I am going to personally use Crystal Cave (song18) and Ends of the Earth.

oh hi

Wuzzy's picture
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Your generic SD music is basically just hell.ogg slowed and pitched down, isn't it? Wink Smiley
It certainly is scary, it sounds like monster screams sometimes. But the track is too “sharp” (I don't know how else too express it) at some points, maybe this is because of excessive slow-down. I don't know.
And the screams sound like monster screams.
Overall, I don't think this is a good SD music.
But actually, I would like it a lot if someone would try to make a good remix of hell.ogg.

All MP3 files work for me in Hedgewars. I can't explain why you can't play it. I also can't explain why I can play it. Big Grin

I am not sure, but maybe it helps if you install libavcodec. Talk to the developers or ask in the support forums or do both if this problem persists.

From the Cave tracks you have posted, my personal favourite is Radakan - Volcanic Caves. It best fits the Sudden Death atmosphere IMO. I will use it in version 2 of this compilation.

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Wuzzy's picture
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Version 2 released! See 1st post.

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h3oCharles's picture
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Aw man, i may try again either way. At least i inspired you. Better than nothing.

Anyway, i have bunch more tunes to suggest right there. Have an open mind on any theme.

Castlecall: http://opengameart.org/content/castlecall
City of Scrap: http://opengameart.org/content/city-of-scrap
Szymon Matuszewski - Hope: http://opengameart.org/content/szymon-matuszewski-hope
[Profile] Szymon Matuszewski: http://opengameart.org/users/szymon-matuszewski
White Sands Day Night: http://opengameart.org/content/white-sands-day-night
Desert Theme: http://opengameart.org/content/desert-theme
Some searching: http://opengameart.org/art-search-advanced?keys=high+&field_art_type_tid%5B%5D=12&field_art_type_tid%5B%5D=13&field_art_licenses_tid%5B%5D=2&field_art_licenses_tid%5B%5D=3&field_art_licenses_tid%5B%5D=6&field_art_licenses_tid%5B%5D=5&field_art_licenses_tid%5B%5D=10310&field_art_licenses_tid%5B%5D=4&field_art_licenses_tid%5B%5D=8&field_art_licenses_tid%5B%5D=7&field_art_tags_tid_op=and&field_art_tags_tid=&name=&sort_by=created&sort_order=DESC&items_per_page=24&Collection=
Some more searching: http://opengameart.org/art-search-advanced?keys=high+seas&field_art_type_tid%5B%5D=12&field_art_type_tid%5B%5D=13&field_art_licenses_tid%5B%5D=2&field_art_licenses_tid%5B%5D=3&field_art_licenses_tid%5B%5D=6&field_art_licenses_tid%5B%5D=5&field_art_licenses_tid%5B%5D=10310&field_art_licenses_tid%5B%5D=4&field_art_licenses_tid%5B%5D=8&field_art_licenses_tid%5B%5D=7&field_art_tags_tid_op=and&field_art_tags_tid=&name=&sort_by=created&sort_order=DESC&items_per_page=24&Collection=
High Seas: http://opengameart.org/content/high-seas

EDIT1: Metropolis rush: http://opengameart.org/content/metropolis-rush
EDIT2: Royal Strings: http://opengameart.org/content/royal-strings

EDIT3: Wuzzy stated 2015-04-05 that none of those tunes fit his requriments.

oh hi

nemo's picture
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Whether mp3s work for you in HW would depend on what your libsdl was compiled with. libvorbis is common. libmad not necessarily so. One of my machines has libmad, another does not. Both have vorbis.

Some formats that might also work, depending on how your libsdl was compiled:
mod, s3m, it, xm

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

h3oCharles's picture
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nemo allegedly wrote:

Whether mp3s work for you in HW would depend on what your libsdl was compiled with. libvorbis is common. libmad not necessarily so. One of my machines has libmad, another does not. Both have vorbis.

Some formats that might also work, depending on how your libsdl was compiled:
mod, s3m, it, xm

Here are my libraries:

EDIT1: Wuzzy, download link is broken, it gives me version 1 for some reason.

oh hi

nemo's picture
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Yeah, that doesn't tell me what your SDL is. I don't even know what is in our windows build really... If you are on a linux machine and curious, here's an ldd that tries to clean up some probably-not-audio-libs. (no, it doesn't clean up all of them, I got bored)

$ ldd $(ldd `which hedgewars` | grep mixer | awk '{print $3}') | awk '{print $1}' | grep -Ev "pulse|json|curses|gcc|X|linux|slang|pcre|stdc|SDL|libz|resolv|wrap|caca|pthread|dbus|readline|libdl|glib|tinfo|async|jack|libxcb|librt|libnsl|libGL|libglut|libbz2|libpng16|libuuid|libxshmfence|libglapi|libexpat|libaa" | sed 's/\..*//' | xargs
libmikmod libfluidsynth libvorbisfile libFLAC libmad libm libc libasound libsndfile libvorbis libogg libvorbisenc

$ ldd $(ldd `which hedgewars` | grep mixer | awk '{print $3}') | awk '{print $1}' | grep -Ev "pulse|json|curses|gcc|X|linux|slang|pcre|stdc|SDL|libz|resolv|wrap|caca|pthread|dbus|readline|libdl|glib|tinfo|async|jack|libxcb|librt|libnsl|libGL|libglut|libbz2|libpng16|libuuid|libxshmfence|libglapi|libexpat|libaa" | sed 's/\..*//' | xargs
libvorbisfile libvorbis libogg libFLAC libm libc libasound libaudio libftgl libSM libICE libdrm libfreetype

So... one of my machines has SDL with mikmod, vorbis, flac, mad (mp3)...
and the other has SDL with vorbis, flac

Neither of 'em have Opus, but that's still kinda new in SDL.

Sooo, just saying. Stick to ogg if you want everyone to reliably be able to play your track ☺

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

Wuzzy's picture
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I want to ask you all on how much you like these Sudden Death music tracks and for which you think the quality is high enough it would justify an inclusion into Hedgewars.

Remember, I have posted OpenGameArt links to all tracks on the first post; you can directly play the tracks in your browser.

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Wuzzy's picture
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Hedgewars 0.9.22 came along and added 1 themed Sudden Death track and one default one.
Version 3 of the compilation is now available, see download link in the first post.
This is mostly a reorganizaion of existing theme files and a neccessary upgrade for users of version 2 of this compilation (read on for more infos).

Like Hedgewars, this music compilation evolves. One of the tracks included in Hedgewars was part of this compilation (It was “SDOriental_v1.ogg” and became “olympics_sd.ogg” in Hedgewars). To save disk space, this compilation will of course use Hedgewars' track instead of supplying its own.

I changed a few themes to use Hedgewars' new default SD music (sdmusic.ogg) for those themes where I thought it fits best.

Lastly, I had to apply an update to the Art theme file because the Art theme was updated in Hedgewars.

Important: If you still use version 2 or even version 1 of this compilation together with Hedgewars 0.9.22, make sure to delete them, otherwise the Art theme will look bad. Then you may or may not decide to update to version 3 of this compilation.

Note that Hedgewars has since 0.9.22 by default Sudden Death musics for all themes and supplies a default one for those which have none defined. Install this compilation if you want a bit more diversity.

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TheZipBon's picture
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Download doesn't work, displays a 404 error.

Waluigi time!

Wuzzy's picture
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Version 4 released! With all download links restored.

Warning! Version 4 is ONLY for Hedgewars 0.9.24 and Any other version might lead to broken themes!

This new version is only a compability update so it works for the latest Hedgewars release.

Don't forget to delete all other versions of this package you might still have, otherwise it will not work.

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nemo's picture
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FWIW, I *think* if you've been naming the packages with a consistent increment, while cleaning up is still a good idea, since we are loading in order, the newer one will load last and override the others.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

Wuzzy's picture
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Good to know, but the previous version had some additional files which are now gone in version 4.

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Wuzzy's picture
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Version 5 released! For Hedgewars 0.9.25 only!

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