[Mission] Big Armory (INCLUDED IN HEDGEWARS)

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Wuzzy's picture
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I present you todway a simple but tricky mission. (It is tricky if you don't know how to win Big Grin).

You have 1 hedgehog, (nearly) a full armory, but only limited time and 1 turn to kill 8 enemy hedgehogs.
Can you do it?

Download here (version 3):

It is not mandatory, but if you want to have a mission description and a proper name in the missions menu, add this text into missions_en.txt:

User_Mission_-_Big_Armory_v3.name=Mission: Big Armory
User_Mission_-_Big_Armory_v3.desc="You are alone, have a full armory and have to defeat 8 hedgehogs before the time runs out."

German version for missions_de.txt:

User_Mission_-_Big_Armory_v3.name=Mission: Großes Arsenal
User_Mission_-_Big_Armory_v3.desc="Du bist alleine, hast ein volles Arsenal und musst 8 Igel besiegen, bevor die Zeit abläuft."

Here is a quick lazy screenshot I made today:


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User offline. Last seen 2 years 18 weeks ago. Offline
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It is not mandatory, but if you want to have a mission description and a proper name in the missions menu, add this text into missions_en.txt:

Seem that is mandatory, i cannot start mission without that, give me engine error..

Wuzzy's picture
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Sorry, I can not reproduce this. It works for me, no matter if I use an altered missions_en.txt or not.

Can you please provide me the exact engine error (esp. error code)?
Which Hedgewars version do you use? (I used 0.9.21.)

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h3oCharles's picture
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this is impossible. just sayin. unless you show us how YOU did. But either way, happy april fools.

oh hi

Wuzzy's picture
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Hehe, it is possible. This is a serious mission.
I won't disclose how I win it for now, I want to give the players time to find out. If nobody posted a winning demo within the next 7 days, I'll do. (Remind me in case I forget it.)

However, the mission seems to be a bit broken by now. It is still playable AFAIK, but the mission does not seem to recognize victory/defeat correctly. This is unrelated to April Fool's Day. I'll post version 2 soon, hopefully.

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Wuzzy's picture
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Okay, I just released version 2. This version hopefully fixes some bugs.

This mission is not perfect yet. If you lose, the other team becomes active very briefly, but the game ends anyways. Its not serious and (hopefully) does not break the mission. But it may be slightly annoying or confusing, but I do not know how I could have done it differntly.

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h3oCharles's picture
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OOHH!!! Extra Time, mudballs, portal gun and girders. I get it. Ummm... spoilers?

oh hi

Wuzzy's picture
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Did nobody win this mission so far?

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KoBeWi's picture
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Wuzzy's picture
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Yes, obviously. The end screen does not say “You win!” for no reason. Wink Smiley
Congratulations, KoBeWi, for being the first one to publicly win this mission. Smile

If someone can somehow work out a different way to kill all enemy hedgehogs in 1 turn, this is acceptable, too. It would be an alternate solution.
Although I doubt there is a solution which is much different.

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Wuzzy's picture
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Hi all! I have just uploaded version 3 of this mission.
The mission is still the same, the changes are only technical and bugfixes.
Version 2 was quite buggy since it did not reliably end the turn for a lot of weapons, the second team was able to start its turn but it was controlled by the player, and so on. It was quite a pain in the ass to get it all right, but I hope I finally achieved it.


  • Turn ends now more or less sanely
  • Mission no longer allows the 2nd team to start turn
  • Brief timeout after end of turn, to give flying projectiles a chance to kill final hedgehogs (instead of ending turn instantly and thus losing the mission)
  • Simplified mission description
  • Map file has been removed from HWP, the map is now created by the random map generator

I hope this mission should be now ready for inclusion into official Hedgewars or DLC at least.
If you still find bugs, please report them.

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Ianthe Fragrant
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Thank you for the mission. I've recently completed it.

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