Official challenges/races
Sat, 2015-04-18 01:28
Soo.. should be possible to change the round on races? maybe with a vote? Sometimes u want to race but u can't do more the 3 rounds.. and also.. is it possible to download the official races to train alone?
I Hate Christmas timeeee.. is dead!
Sorry, currently the number of rounds is hardcoded to 3. It should be relatively easy to add code to make it configurable, but I am currently very lazy.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
ok.. xD so maybe some other can do it. xD and about official races maps?
I Hate Christmas timeeee.. is dead!
I have a couple of 'em sitting around that I could upload. Otherwise I'm sure if you poke unC0Rr in IRC he could be persuaded to send you them.
Hedgewars Developer
ok. i'll write him so.. =) ty
I Hate Christmas timeeee.. is dead!