Easter eggs in Hedgewars

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Wuzzy's picture
User offline. Last seen 2 days 5 hours ago. Offline
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Hedgewars has a couple of easter eggs (hidden features which are not really meant serious), and I will report them here.

All info in this post are according to Hedgewars version 0.9.21.

Special dates
When Hedgewars is started on a certain day (according to system time), some visuals may be changed.

  • April 1: All hogs will look like tomatos (Hat “fr_tomato”) and a tomato juice effect is shown when they are hurt.
  • April 20: All hogs which normally have no hat will wear the “eastertop” hat (broken easter egg).
  • October 31: Main menu is Halloween-themed and hogs which normally have no hat will wear the fr_pumpkin hat.
  • December 24 - December 26: Main menu is Christmas-themed and hogs which have normally no hat will wear the Santa hat.

Background info on the dates
The April 1 easter egg refers to an April Fools joke from 2014.

31th October is not only Halloween, but also Hedgewars' “birthday”. Hedgewars has been started on 31th October 2004.

Unicorn attack
If you hold down the [Precise] and [Switch hog] keys while using kamikaze, the hedgehog will turn into an awesome rainbow unicorn.

Hidden achievements
A couple of so-called achievements are awarded for several special tasks in missions:

  • Prestigious Pilot: Finish the RC Plane Challenge with only 1 RC plane (very difficult but possible)
  • Naughty Ninja: Kill Instructor in Dangerous Ducklings (demo)
  • Energetic Engineer: Finish Bamboo Thicket in less than 6 turns without using any bazookas (demo)
  • Lively Lifeguard: Rescue all 8 hedgehogs in That Sinking Feeling *
  • Rope Master: Finish Basic Rope Training in under 50 seconds

* = This achievement does not work when you use a language other than English; this is a bug in 0.9.21. See here for a bug report including a proposed bugfix: https://code.google.com/p/hedgewars/issues/detail?id=920

Note that Hedgewars does not really have a proper achivements system yet. The achievements are only recognized in the ticker or in the stats screen.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

Wuzzy's picture
User offline. Last seen 2 days 5 hours ago. Offline
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The information in this thread is now in the Unofficial Hedgewars Wiki:

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

User offline. Last seen 1 year 22 weeks ago. Offline
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Interesting. Smile
and I did the Unicorn Attack one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5QvYnoqFfo

UltiMaxKom's picture
User offline. Last seen 5 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
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is joining someone's room then kicked for no reason is an easter egg ???
PS : It is happened hmmm,,, well,,, likely everytime i play online Big Grin

and one more,,,

try say " F*** YOU N**B !!! " to someone while ingame with [Shift]+[Enter] To Send it,,,
Makes he angry,,, this available whitin : 1 Jan - New Year


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