RE: Recrutment

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harmless911's picture
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Hello, I heard that you are recruiting on the blog. You could find me useful by making trailers for hedgewars. I would put the videos on youtube, spreading the word of hedgewars. I have a good video editing software (Adobe Premier Elements, and I'm getting THE Master Collection CS4 (when it comes out), which includes Adobe Premier Pro CS4!!), and love making videos. (I just need music/sounds). Here is my latest video about my cats. Took about 10 minutes to make: Speaking of Adobe, I am learning to use soundbooth and many more of their products, so as time passes I become even more useful. I am unavailable until the end of July (I'm on vacation), but usually have plenty of time. By the way, it seems like today is the last day I have an internet connection (well there is still tomorrow morning by Estonian time... (it's 11 PM in here right now), so contact me as soon as you can.
I could also give some good ideas about making the game better (like how to organize in game menus). So let me know what you think, and hopefully I would help you save some precious time. Thank you!
PS The smileys should be hedgehogs. :/
PPS I see that a lot of people here are Russian. I can count as +1 more.
PPPS Thank you again! Please reply!

Uriah's picture
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At this point in time we already have someone that makes trailers and any video content we need, but we do appreciate the offer!

And we encourage you to make your own videos and trailers, spreading the word is always a great thing and we'd appreciate anything you can do in that regard!

harmless911's picture
User offline. Last seen 4 years 11 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 195

Tiyuri allegedly wrote:
At this point in time we already have someone that makes trailers and any video content we need, but we do appreciate the offer!

And we encourage you to make your own videos and trailers, spreading the word is always a great thing and we'd appreciate anything you can do in that regard!

I will! But is there any job you have to offer me? I have this hobby of doing all kinds of stuff on the computer, usually something to do with Dreamweaver, Flash, Soundbooth, After Effects, Photoshop, or just making videos. I did make lots of successful maps for another game (Battlefield 1942), so maybe I could be some sort of map designer, if anyone tells me how (I could just make a Photoshop image of the map).

PS I started writing a 'Hedgepedia' (text only, no looks or interactivity), maybe it could be included in 0.9.6 or later, or just on the website. I'll EMail you when I'm done.

Thank you! Smile

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