[Theme] Dreamland
Sat, 2015-05-23 12:32
Long time ago I said I had idea for 3 (now 4+) cartoon-styled themes (that would sort of fit HW style) and I would make them eventually. The Belly theme was the first one, and now the second one, which is: Dreamland.
The original idea was to make rainbow water. I liked how the effect so I thought I would make a theme. I called it Dreamland and it is some chaotic mix of objects from different themes and original ones associated with dreams or whatever. It probably needs some work, but current state is enough for release. Screenshots:
Sudden death and the custom girder:
New flakes:
Download it here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ie7ggpfuembop4k/Dreamland.hwp
Two+ more themes in progress.
Wow, I am very impressed. Seriously. This is a very unique and creative theme. You did a good job here already. This theme should at least go into hh.unit22.org.
And yay, Nyan Cat is included.

This would fit perfectly into my Nyan Cat theme so it does not suck that much anymore.
I guess it is time to update my theme …
This theme would almost have earned an instant nomination for inclusion by me.
Just fix these minor things:
Oh, and will you continue to work on the Belly theme? It is also pretty good already, but you know, some images break the Hedgewars style.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Strange, music is inside. Did I pack something wrong?
Normally, the water has a single solid color, so you don't notice where it blends with the color defined in config. I can't make an infinite water image, so I had to choose a color that appears below water and it's color used for border.
As I stated before, I don't know what exactly should I do. I tried, but maybe is there someone else who can improve it? I could convert the Sky/Girder (these were bad, right?) into SVGs, but given their complexity, it's just beyond my current skills

I updated this theme according to the feedback. Flakes are less sharp and are animating slower. Also, I added custom mudball and dust. The new dust:
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one word: impressive
what would be cool is transparent water
also, maybe horizont be changed, so that it will look like hills or something, because those random mountains, while they are good, dont really look that good with water together.
oh hi
cool thanks for this files
Thanks for the official release.
I was unhappy about how the water turned out in the water border mode (all white). Also, you forgot to set the water color in Sudden Death, so Hedgewars reverted to purple, which is bad here, because the water should be grayscaled.
I am also unhappy with the music choice, so I chose different tracks. I think they fit better. Nature.ogg for a soft and pleasant dream, and Halloween for some kind of spooky nightmare?
Please test the colors for yourself with the water border mode before including them into the theme.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
agree, but i would like to have custom music. Maybe from OpenGameArt?
Ive looked up 'dream' on OpenGameArt, heres what i got: http://opengameart.org/art-search-advanced?keys=dream&field_art_type_tid%5B%5D=12&field_art_licenses_tid%5B%5D=2&field_art_licenses_tid%5B%5D=3&field_art_licenses_tid%5B%5D=6&field_art_licenses_tid%5B%5D=5&field_art_licenses_tid%5B%5D=10310&field_art_licenses_tid%5B%5D=4&field_art_licenses_tid%5B%5D=8&field_art_licenses_tid%5B%5D=7&field_art_tags_tid_op=and&field_art_tags_tid=&name=&sort_by=created&sort_order=DESC&items_per_page=144&Collection=
Looking up 'nightmare' returned nothing.
oh hi
I'm not sure if it fits well, but from your link:
http://opengameart.org/content/clouds-in-a-dream [EDIT: after testing, this one sounds good]
Sudden Death
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In my opinion, out of those 4 track im gonna pick Clouds in a Dream as Normal, and Dream Ambience for Sudden Death.
Also, credits.
You may paste those in a credits.txt file or something somehow noticable.
Also, dont look at mathew.pablo's content, because he has a very weird custom license.
oh hi
The theme looks good, and I think the music you linked works pretty well (except that I think the high pitched melody which plays after a short time in the "normal" music is a bit annoying, but oh well
). Personally I think it might look nice to make the background even darker during sudden death -- a more nightmare-y feel. But I guess thats personal taste.
A lot of the land objects are really large. That makes playing on the theme a bit of a problem because you can't move very far until a house or a caterpillar blocks your way. Both of these can't be crossed from either side. You could tilt the house a little, for example, so that you can at least walk over it from one side.
The background and the land texture also have very similar colours, which can be a bit hard on the eyes when trying to focus imo, because there are already so many bright colours in the theme.
Ok, updated the "official" release with new music.
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Dark Background for Sudden Death is unfortunately hardcoded.
oh hi
This one got update too. Most important change are flakes falling upwards (well, floating then, right?). That was my original design for this theme and the reason I requested this feature (it's there, yay!). Also, there's new SD music and SD sky color.
Play in Hedgewars 0.9.23 for better experience.
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