whats wrong with records section, it doesnt remember times
Top 10 TrophyRace records of the official server
date nickname result replay id version
2014-05-28 Nexia 20.078 18962 0.9.20
2014-01-08 LOLLKILLER 20.282 11565 0.9.20
2014-05-28 Nexia 20.345 18930 0.9.20
2015-03-07 eldiablo 20.378 26718 0.9.21
2014-09-16 Fanat 20.389 22985 0.9.20
2015-02-04 eldiablo 20.418 25654 0.9.21
2014-05-28 Nexia 20.433 18952 0.9.20
2014-05-28 Nexia 20.435 18957 0.9.20
2014-05-28 Nexia 20.521 18934 0.9.20
2014-01-01 Fanat 20.531 11104 0.9.20
Top 10 TrophyRace players on the official server
date nickname result replay id version
2014-05-28 Nexia 20.078 18962 0.9.20
2014-01-08 LOLLKILLER 20.282 11565 0.9.20
2015-03-07 eldiablo 20.378 26718 0.9.21
2014-09-16 Fanat 20.389 22985 0.9.20
2014-05-01 Фанат 20.670 17997 0.9.20
2013-12-29 BeHappy 20.826 11036 0.9.20
2014-03-09 KID_A 20.993 15942 0.9.20
2014-01-10 SparklesEnemy 21.000 11625 0.9.20
2014-03-22 samy 21.132 16514 0.9.20
2014-03-17 sparkles 21.206 16244 0.9.20
Top 10 TrophyRace records of the official server in last month
date nickname result replay id version
Top 10 TrophyRace players on the official server in last month
date nickname result replay id version
nema sreće ako se ne meće
My record too wasn't recorded. it's a bit sad.. hope the devs will make that function works again soon... Dunno if my new record on Trophy will be save or not, even if I have the demo.
I Hate Christmas timeeee..
is dead!
now it works again.. but my rec isn't on.. =(
I Hate Christmas timeeee..
is dead!