Hedgewars Mission Editor development
Thu, 2015-07-02 22:10
Hi you im back, and i want to start development of this tool to allow users create easy made mission script, for this i have some ideas but need a lot of work, hope you can help me with suggestions and feedback.
See some images preview:
hmm interesting
Hope you don't stop working on that tool in near future

Creating own funny missions and allow people to play these? YES! I can't wait for more info
good luck
Sounds cool. I wish you luck with this project. Allowing users to generate their own simple missions is a nice goal, I think.
As it stands, Hedgewars scripts can currently be played as:
1) Single Player missions/challenges/trainings in the "Training" Section
2) Single Player Campaign levels in the "Campaign Mode"
3) Single/Multiplayer variant gameplay modes via the "Styles" box
4) Single/Multiplayer missions on a specific map via the "Mission Map" box
Is your editor aiming to facilitate the production of one of these in particular, or all of them in general?
I've been working a bit on a Hedgewars gameplay mode / script that you might be interested in checking out. It acts as an editor of sorts by reading in map/teams/scheme/weps etc. from frontend and then allowing you to place and manipulate additional stuff in real time during the game itself. When you're happy with your level, you output that data to game0.log as data / a template script. I don't know exactly what your plans are, but I imagine your editor might provide a more user-friendly interface of interpreting and manipulating some of the generated data / lua scripts in general.
There's been some nice stuff with potential for improved editing in the current dev version of Hedgewars lately. unC0Rr, for example, provided a hwmap <-> text converter which can be used to embed special points into hand-drawn maps. Other scripts / your editor etc. could probably make use of this.
There are probably some ideas related to editors scattered around the forums, but feel free to hit me up if you'd like more specific feature requests or want someone to help test things.
Good luck.

Hedgewars Developer
Thanks, check for news about it.
I havent noticed about that, maybe ill start doing some easy scripts for "Training" missions and "Mission map", the ones i know and have checked...
Yes, ill need some ideas for doing basic config options for mission events, and some testing of course...
This is the preview of options setup, can you confirm me please that all is correct and im not missing something, also do you like layout and design??
Layout and design look good so far.
You probably need another tab for controlling which hogs have what weapons, or at the very least, controlling starting weapons for everyone. You're also missing quite a few game flags and have a couple of spelling errors (invulnerable, frequency), but other than that it seems okay. What does the "Use at start" box change?
I'm interested to see what you have planned for the "Events" tab, and how it will interface with the script itself.

Hedgewars Developer
Missing Health Decrease
EDIT1: Hey, if you want to, i can help you making graphics for you. If you want to
EDIT2: I have a suggestion. On map, user can place hogs where they want. User just has to point which hog and where, and the program will get X and Y and which hog. Also, when making teams, you should label hogs, something like this
local test_11 = AddHog(test_11_hat, 0, 100, test_11_hat)
and that test_11 will be "Hedgehog Label"
oh hi
Yes all that is done in teams, each team configuration like hogs and weapons, which missing flags?? also about spelling that can be easy solved, "Use at start" means it configure all this stuff at onGameInit()
What kind of graphics??
Icons for tabs for example.
oh hi
wow !!
i think this tool will help a ton of people to make new missions !
i dont know much about coding etc, but like mikade said, an important point will be the event tab
congratulation and keep doing good work, we like this
The events tab will handle all the events for the mission, that does ocurr after start, ill use onNewTurn(), and maybe some other event handlers..
You probably don't need a "use at start" checkbox because there isn't really another time that stuff would be set.
For the kind of basic missions I think you're aiming to simplify onNewTurn() and onGearDelete() are probably going to be the most important handlers. onGearDelete() in particular will be important as presumably that is where you would check for objective completion (specific enemy hog killed, crate collected / blown up, etc).
Of course, for more complicated missions, a variety of other event handlers could come in handy.

Hedgewars Developer
Ok, no problem, deleted. I have updated the graphics layout, with Hedgewars iconset, thanks to @KarBoy2314PL. Next to do is team tab, that should contain all teams confings and weapons setup..
PD: Want to check my test mission script progress, go here:
No problemo my friend!
EDIT1: Once im going to be done with Vatten's request (whoopsie, spoiler alert), i will be giving you more icons.
EDIT2: You spelled 'Case frequency' incorrectly.
EDIT3: It would be good to have on toggle ability to change Round Delay, or rather that should be called Turn Delay, because it can mess up some weapons. If set to 0, if someone will place a mine, it will detonate in middle of other team's turn.
EDIT4: You are missing Health Decrease.
EDIT5: I have 2 icons and i think im done for now.

oh hi
Maybe icons from weapons are needed, thanks for your contribution, about round delay i will not allow to be 0 maybe, becuase there is no way to change turn delay different from that using api gameflag "Delay".
Now i will do the best for layout as possible and start doing the hard part, the coding that enables create mission and save it as lua format..
This looks very nice. I'm wondering, will this allow you to create basic missions without the use of LUA scripting, or does it still require that kind of stuff?
Yes it will allow to do that, thats the main objective of the editor..
Weapon Icons? Go to where you've installed Hedgewars and then...
each 32x32 pixels square is an icon for each unique weapon.
oh hi
Yes, maybe if you can help me get each one individually, or there is way to split image into 32x32
Edit: Here is the teams tab config preview:
Sometimes the answer just awaits on that one little Google Search.
I used an online program called ImageSplitter and i was able to split weapons icons.
Ive already splitted this, so here we go: LINK
EDIT1: Oh, and also, if you want to have images that last a long time, I would recommend Imgur
EDIT2: You've messed up the fort and grave. First of all, no .PNG extensions in the code and in fort no L/R in code as well. Preview of the fort is always the L one.
EDIT3: It would be good to allow the user to set how much teams, their color and how much hogs per team.
oh hi
As always thanks for your help for icons, you deserve a line in the program credits.
No problem, i cant remove the extension, and check only for one side image for the forts.
Yes, but that requiere extra coding, im doing is as basic possible for start codding the sutff, will extend features when have something really usable...
Sorry, for this delay, im back with development, but now i have problems trying to create Events for mission, what should i do
-Create only limited number of predefined events
-Allow user script their own events using a event editor gui??
I will need some time to get progress in editor.
News: Im working on this on slow progress way, check this image:
Mapview preview
Im having problems to complete the editor, need some assistance.
New version that includes add weapons for each team ( 2 team avaliable).
Still if you use linux, can use with Mono or Wine. Give it a try.
Created a new compiled version, that should work for latest Windows, please download, try and comment results.
For the newcomers and old ones, still here can help me to complete this
Check code here: https://github.com/francot514/Hedgewars-Editor
Hedgewars still here,,,
Old or new,,, go through every silence time,,, finish it, i interested see it,,, Hope no spirit breaks upon Hedgewars
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⠀HP: ██████████ 1E9/1E91E9/1E9 ██████████ :MP
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