[Mission] Speed Shoppa (INCLUDED IN HEDGEWARS)

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Wuzzy's picture
User offline. Last seen 36 weeks 3 days ago. Offline
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I have created 3 simple shoppa challenge missions. The goal is always the same: Use your rope to collect all crates on the map as fast as possible. Compete for the fastest time and maybe share your demo to brag about it.
Big Grin

You can download it here:

(Put this file into the Data subdirectory)

Preview of Shoppa Love:

Here are the mission titles (map name in brackets):

  • Challenge: Shoppa Love (Hedgelove)
  • Challenge: Ropes and Crates (Ropes)
  • Challenge: The Customer is King (ShoppaKing)

The HWP file does not include mission descriptions. If you want them, add this text into Data/Locale/missions_en.txt:
Challenge_-_Speed_Shoppa_-_Hedgelove_v1.name=Challenge: Shoppa Love
Challenge_-_Speed_Shoppa_-_Hedgelove_v1.desc="Show your love to rope and collect a few crates on a small map."

Challenge_-_Speed_Shoppa_-_Ropes_v1.name=Challenge: Ropes and Crates
Challenge_-_Speed_Shoppa_-_Ropes_v1.desc="Take your rope and collect all crates on this medium-sized map."

Challenge_-_Speed_Shoppa_-_ShoppaKing_v1.name=Challenge: The Customer is King
Challenge_-_Speed_Shoppa_-_ShoppaKing_v1.desc="Show you're worthy of a true king and collect all crates as fast as possible on this large map."

German users add this into Data/Locale/missions_de.txt:

Challenge_-_Speed_Shoppa_-_Hedgelove_v1.name=Herausforderung: Seilliebe
Challenge_-_Speed_Shoppa_-_Hedgelove_v1.desc="Zeig deine Liebe zum Seilschwingen, sammle ein paar wenige Kisten auf dieser kleinen Karte ein."

Challenge_-_Speed_Shoppa_-_Ropes_v1.name=Herausforderung: Seile und Kisten
Challenge_-_Speed_Shoppa_-_Ropes_v1.desc="Nimm dein Seil, und sammle alle Kisten auf dieser mittelgroßen Karte ein."

Challenge_-_Speed_Shoppa_-_ShoppaKing_v1.name=Herausforderung: Der Kunde ist König
Challenge_-_Speed_Shoppa_-_ShoppaKing_v1.desc="Zeig, dass du dem Titel eines Königs würdig bist und sammle alle Kisten so schnell wie möglich mit deinem Seil auf dieser großen Karte ein."

To developers: The 3 challenges use a common script which makes creating new speed shoppa challenge missions super-easy. Just read the comment in Scripts/SpeedShoppa_v1.lua. I wish this little mission pack to become part of Hedgewars.
(Realistic) suggestions for new speed shoppa maps are welcome.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

Wuzzy's picture
User offline. Last seen 36 weeks 3 days ago. Offline
Joined: 2012-06-20
Posts: 1304

To make things a bit more interesting, here are some demos of me finishing the 3 challenges:

Real shoppa pros shouldn't have a hard time to beat all 3 times. Wink Smiley

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

mikade's picture
User offline. Last seen 1 year 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2010-10-22
Posts: 355

Seems interesting, I'll take a look.
edit: Looks good. Included in https://code.google.com/p/hedgewars/source/detail?r=a9bafac12634.

I managed to beat your times for Ropes and ShoppaKing in my first trial run, but you were waaaay faster in HedgeLove. Smile

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