[Mission] Basic Flying Saucer Training (INCLUDED IN HEDGEWARS)

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Wuzzy's picture
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I have created a training mission for using the flying saucer! It teaches many basic (and not-so-basic) moves of the flying saucer.

It is already fully playable.
This is the current lesson plan:

  • Taking off
  • Basic flight
  • Landing safely
  • Managing fuel
  • Changing saucers in mid-flight
  • Diving
  • Dropping weapons from flying saucer
  • Aiming while flying ([Precise] + [Up]/[Down])
  • Firing weapons ([Precise] + [Attack])
  • Underwater attack
  • Free flight with infinite fuel and some weapons at end of training

I have uploaded all of this stuff on my repository and I wish this mission to be included into the next Hedgewars version.

Here's the relevant commit:

Raw Lua code:

Early preview image:

Heart Copying is an act of love. Please copy and share!

EDIT: This mission has been merged. It will be part of the next Hedgewars version (after 0.9.22).

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Wuzzy's picture
User offline. Last seen 8 weeks 2 days ago. Offline
Joined: 2012-06-20
Posts: 1304

Good news, I have created the final lessons for this training, the mission also shows how to aim with flying saucer and how to shoot into the aiming direction. The last lesson is the underwater attack.

(First post was updated.)

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