Goddbye, Shoppa
Hi all the shoppers around!
after 5 years playing shoppa i had to forced myself to eliminate the maps and schemes related to shoppa of my computer, such enormous is the addiction it creates (at least on me). I love HW, i particularly loved shoppa, but it just consumes too much of my time and i cant afford to lose it anymore. Just needed to make an appropriate goodbye and did not know exactly how, so even if it is weird and maybe a bit egocentric to create a forum topic just for this, i had to. Last tfiveyears i kept playing shoppa under lots of different nicknames and tonight, when realized i had been almost one hour and a half playin it i had to stop.
So for any shoppa player i had the pleasure to meet, these were my nicks: Bufon, Silent, ShOOpa, Apemanto, Thanos, Shakespeare, Chejov, Layton, Stanislavski, G0d, GOSH, Juggernaut, Chess, Deathstroke, Whatever and lots of them more xD goodbye to all of you, have fun and loooong live shoppa!!!
This topic is directed to any of the wonderful shoppa players i had the pleasure to meet in these years, i will miss our infinite hours spent having fun on those beautiful maps. So goodbye Ceko, Falkenauge, Cri.thegrinch, Spacey, Lollkiller, Randy, Rhino, Blue, Solar, Clem, BeHappy, Radissthor, Hayaa, Mushi, Mystery, Sparkles, Mikade, Sh4d0w, Logan, Krammer, Tioti, Samy, Izack, The 24, Meir, Amoedo, Bender, TLD, Mrock and Naboo
Rope Brothers Founder
Balancing work, life, and play can be very difficult at times. Thanks for all the games and the energy you brought to our community. I hope we can see you again one day when you've had a chance to grow and achieve a better balance in your life. But if not, I hope things go well for you out there.
Good luck.

Hedgewars Developer
I know too well what you mean bufon, best wishes for your future, be safe.
And... thank you for your time in the shoppa community!
PS: Yes, I suck at drawing shaggy yetis - among other things :P
sheepluva <- me
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a Hedgewars Developer
click here to message me
thank you very, very much for that sheepy
and thanks mikade you too ,i'll hopefully play hghlander sometimes and hope i can be back in some years, thanks again!
Rope Brothers Founder

Nooooo don't!
We'll miss you all! I wish you the best for the future.
I already did that and deleted all shoppa maps I had. And then stayed like 2 or 3 months without logging in. But I finally came back when I had more free time.
Maybe, you don't need to take such a radical decision. Instead, try to set time limits for fun.

I know procrastination is tempting and respecting a schedule not that easy. But maybe if you try hard ... (I can't tell, I never tried hard enough)
Anyways, let us know if HW was the issue. I want to get more productive too
lols.. bro.. u are soo fool.. xD such a hard decision i think... i hope u'll get more free time to have fun again with us.. We all will miss u, probably u are the greatest shoppa player ever soo we all hope soo see u back ASAP.. =)
I Hate Christmas timeeee..
is dead!
Ps: thanks to have trolled me with GOSH nick last time.. xD told u that u were Bufon but u said me not... xD
I Hate Christmas timeeee..
is dead!
Bufon ! i have not a lot of word, but it is dangerous to go alone, take this :
<3 <3 <3 <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 !!
keep updating your fb, and even if i'm bad at spanish, i watched one of your short movie on youtube bro !
Hey man, I haven't been around for quite some time and just found the HW icon again in my programme list so I thought I could check out what's going on in the beloved Shoppa community
Sad to hear you're leaving, but it sounds like a good decision to me even though I don't know your exact circumstances. Hopefully you can come back maybe in a year or so and limit your shoppa play, although I know hw addictive it can be
So all the best and hope to see you back! Maybe there's also gonna be another tournament to motivate ou for a comeback? :]