Ready time should not be stolen for non-gameplay actions

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Wuzzy's picture
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The ready time is set to 0 when the player starts to do anything, such as walking.

However, it is also reset on a few events which do not affect the gameplay.

I wish that the ready timer is a bit more “liberal” when the player does an action which does not affect gameplay. In general, the ready timer should only be set to 0 when an gameplay-affecting event was made (such as walking, shooting or setting the timer).

The following non-gameplay-changing events will start the turn time (but in my opinion, they shouldn't):

  • Toggle pause
  • Moving the camera (with the key bindings, not the mouse)
  • Opening the weapons menu
  • Toggling auto-camera / find hog
  • Changing the zoom level
  • Change the volume
  • Take a screenshot
  • Chat
  • Toggle Chatlog
  • Opening the exit menu
  • Toggle window mode
  • Fast-forward key (yes, even if it does nothing in the game)
  • Toggle hog info
  • Record video

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eldiablo's picture
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i agree about everything except this "Opening the weapons menu" cause when u see your weapons u have an advantage so the time should start thats my opinion..

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Wuzzy's picture
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Well, it wouldn't be an advantage if it applies to all players, right? :P

The idea of including the weapons menu is simply to allow for more “think” time.

When playing online, all players have the possibility to view their weapons while it's not their turn.

Also, with this policy in place, it is nearly impossible to select a weapon with the weapons menu in Frenzy without constantly losing the turn. Not only the ready time becomes useless (in this case), you are forced to use the weird special shortcuts and there is also an “opening” animation for 0.5 seconds (?) in which you can't select any weapon.

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eldiablo's picture
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the point is to think fast :P

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nemo's picture
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I don't have any particular opinion either way on this.
Ready timer works the way it does right now since it was intended as an AFK grace window for hotseat or just switching back to the game. But it could be used as a preparation time too. Admittedly encouraging the use of it slows down the game slightly.

If there's significant agreement on the events that should trigger it, can change the code to reflect.

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Vatten's picture
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I have also thought about this

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KIRA's picture
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I agree 100% with Wuzzy and would like to repropose this change cause me and a friend are making a script that make very large use of the ready timer ( manipulating the Retreat time since there isnt a function to edit the actual ready timer in the game scheme) for think time before a turn. thanks

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