Hedgewars Mission Editor - Development Preview Video

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Hi all you, i have been working in Hedgewars Mission Editor for 2 months, but not as fast as i liked, and finally i reached some progress to show you in video what is the tool layout and the main objective to use it..


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Windows only?

Sad Smiley

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Wuzzy allegedly wrote:

Windows only?

Sad Smiley

What you mean, you want editor for linux?? That can be only achieved if you know how to use Mono for linux..

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Well, I guess your answer means “Yes, this software is for Windows only.”. Wink Smiley

Mono is pretty bad, as a GNU/Linux user I hate it with deep passion. It is basically an attempt to imitate .NET but fails badly in a so many points. This may be partly because MS releases only most of .NET-related information, but not everything. So it is hard to imitate, right? Wink Smiley
There is even a .NET “standard” but it is worthless because .NET itself does not abide to its own standard. MS decided to add their own proprietary features, undocumented in the standard.
There are other attempts to clone/imitate .NET but unsurprisingly they all fail to fully clone .NET. The original proprietary Microsoft .NET Framework will always be the “real thing” but this is Windows-only of course.

I don't know if there are even Mono clones or imitations for other operating systems.

Don't trust anyone who wants to tell you that .NET is “portable”.

TL;DR: I could try to get it to run with Mono, but it probably is too much of a hassle for me as I had many bad experience with this piece of shitware.

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I really dont understand your criticism Wuzzy, you want to tell that Mono is bad, i havent had problems with that, but i cant don anything else becuase im using C# only, the only possible solution will be add mission editor in game source, but i have not experience with c++ to achieve it..

Also you can try running this editor using Wine, that ones are the only possible solutions, but if you want to help me, i can try to recreate in native to allow multiplatform support..

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So, I have a certain amount of skepticism towards .NET too, seeing it as a Microsoft attempt to subvert cross-platform coding, and C#.NET being especially targetted at Java which was offering a way forward at the time. C# borrows heavily from Java (Java then went and borrowed right back from C#). The trick, I think, is that Microsoft, while playing lip service to cross-platform support, did not ensure the entire SDK was cross-platform as with Java's.

For example, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), which most any GUI .NET app will use, is Windows-only, unlike the Java AWT and SWT of the time. It's also very easy to import windows libraries, giving the illusion of a generic bytecode, but if you're basically doing "import excel" you won't be ever leaving that platform.

Mono does not support WPF and probably never will.

I see .NET as a kind of trap intended to give the illusion of a cross-platform language, while offering the easy road of a Windows developed app that will never be ported to other platforms due to the effort involved.

Terraria comes to mind on this front. Sheepluva might know a bit about the issues it encountered later trying to move to other platforms like OSX, Linux, iOS and Android.

WRT Wine. That's an option if you don't mind more confusing file navigation, poor integration with the rest of the GUI, bugginess as the WINE team struggles to replicate undocumented Microsoft APIs (tons of apps in the Wine app DB basically work only if you fetch a dozen or so of Microsoft's own DLLs), and of course, ignore Linux on ARM and PPC and the like.

A tool like a Mission Editor seems like the sort of thing that could be done pretty nicely as a web app, and get cross-platform and easy deploy pretty much for free.
But, eh, since I'm not the one building it. So it's your decision and we appreciate your efforts either way Smile

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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It's not really a criticism, more like an assertion that your application is de facto for Windows only, so it's useless for me. Simple as that.
“Runs in Wine” is generally NOT considered proper GNU/Linux support.
And I don't feel like doing the extra work with Wine / Mono / whatever.

By the way, IMHO a good programmer should have knowledge of a couple of programming languages, not just one.

And nemo sums the .NET problems up pretty well.

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I can't look at it myself either (Linux), so thanks for the youtube demo - I'm glad to see you're making progress - looks quite good/useful already Smile

PS: Actually, I'll see if I can get it to run in mono, just for fun.

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Hey guys, I don't get it, why do you discuss .NET? It's cool to have more tools for hedgewars, no matter which technology is behind them. Good job, francot514!

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^ On xubuntu with Mono 4

I had to work-around some path issues (and default window size) and I didn't check if all current features are actually working.

But at least the GUI seems to work fine. Map/Theme previews load etc.

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Yes, like you i agree that Net is not the best solution for multi platform programming,

A tool like a Mission Editor seems like the sort of thing that could be done pretty nicely as a web app, and get cross-platform and easy deploy pretty much for free.

Yes, that could be possible, the only problem i have with doing it like web app is the control of file system (Input, outpout and streams) is kind tricky with javascript, maybe i someone can help me with that, i can port it to work like a web app..

I had to work-around some path issues (and default window size) and I didn't check if all current features are actually working.

Thanks for the test..

Tails TheFox
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No download link?!

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