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harmless911's picture
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Hey, I think it's time to have a hedgepedia. I all ready started the project, and hopefully I will finish it (it would be a very long time- 1-3 months). If you like it, you could give it a look-and-feel, for I'm going to make the text only. I'll email Tiyuri when I'm done (unless you don't need it).

Tell me if you need it!

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I need it Wink Smiley (at least for translation)

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French translator of Hedgewars

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GeekShadow allegedly wrote:
I need it wink (at least for translation)

Hmm, as a polish translator I think, that if Hedgepedia is be included in the game itself(as It was in WA or WWP, I don't remember, maybe in both) you are right, we should translate it. There is no need to ask harmless911 directly though, as developers will probably include new lines into .ts file Smile.

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DrDickens's picture
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I can translate into russian. Ask me questions, lol.

БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!

harmless911's picture
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I can speak russian, however I would appreciate it if you translate it for me (I can only use the QWERTY layout, but my keyboard has the standard one for russian). Just so you know, the Hedgepedia is going VERY slow, and now that summer break is over, it should go a lot faster.

DrDickens's picture
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Though you can speak russian, even if you do it perfectly, it gonna take twice more time, to release (to write, to translate), so I think the best way is to publish the subresults for translators. I've got some spare time, so you can count on me.

БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!

harmless911's picture
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I am currently working on how to use the menus, but they have been changed by the new frontend, so there is new navigation. Is it possible to put up a navigation tree with images or a pre-release version?


harmless911's picture
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Never mind, I was finally able to compile hedgewars 0.9.7 dev on Fedora, so now bye-bye windows.

DrDickens's picture
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Lucky you. I wasted my programming skillz 5 years ago, so I wouldn't be able even to compile the debbuged source code, lol. So when you are going to to release the "prealpha"?

БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!

Josh's picture
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Sounds interesting, It'd certainly be a good recourse for newbies. Big Grin

harmless911's picture
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Unfortunately I sort of gave up, because with every new release I will need to add to the Hedgepedia...

Josh's picture
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Ah, okay. Never mind.

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