[FIXED—for now] Video embedding problems: Flash Player bullshit and country-blocking

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Wuzzy's picture
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The Hedgewars website insists on embedding the proprietary Adobe Flash Player on the following (and maybe some other) pages:

Flash Player is an proprietary user-spying bug-ridden insecure ugly browser plugin which must be killed with fire. Hellish Hand Grenade

There is the HTML5 now, where embedding a video is done by simply using the VIDEO element, which should be supported natively by the browser instead of using a proprietary plugin. How would using HTML5 work out?

Also, the release schedule on http://www.hedgewars.org/releaseschedule is blocked in Germany.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

Wuzzy's picture
User offline. Last seen 32 weeks 4 days ago. Offline
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Posts: 1304

I have had given access to editing parts of the website and I have now fixed the video problems.
It should, in theory, now work on browsers even without any Flash. I have tested it with the browsers Iceweasel (rebranding of Firefox), jumanji and Midori, none of them has Flash and it works! Smile
If you have any problems viewing the embedded videos on your browser, please file a complaint here.

The embedding of the YouTube videos was outdated anyways, now it uses iframes, the recommended way to embed YouTube videos.
This iframe includes a special YouTube page which somehow tries to display Flash video for old browsers and HTML5 video for new broswers. But it needs JavaScript to work.
At least it works.

Actually, I hate using iframes but I read that there is no way to grab the video source directly and just drop it into <VIDEO SRC="whatever"> without violating the YouTube terms of service. Seriously, WTF?

In the long run, it might be better if hedgewars.org just hosts the video files itself and they are included with plain simple <VIDEO SRC="whatever">. I wonder if this would cause too much network traffic for hedgewars.org.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

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